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>>> Beta 1.06 Feedback<<< (FINAL UPDATE 6th Release Candidate)

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Well, okay, I'd continue to report bugs with screenshots but the forum will not let me upload further files.

So this will be text only, for now.

4:  Sometimes ships are spawning very far apart.  I've had several battles with a squadron of 4 CLs, where 2 were started in battle line, one was in a solo screen, and the other was in a solo screen.  The problem is that one of the solo screens was started 27 km from the other 3 ships.  The battle was mostly over before the lone wolf finally caught up to the action, and it played little role in what was left.  This doesn't happen frequently, but enough times to be 'more than one, where zero is the acceptable incidence'.

5:  Italian armored cruisers have a twin funnel, it can be placed so one funnel to the rear hangs over empty space.  1920.  1.06 Update 13.  Also, this is not a 'bug' but I deeply dislike being forced to build these 'multifunnel' components rather than taking two singles and smashing them together.  Multifunnels count as one component so if it's destroyed, you lose all the funnel capacity in one hit.  This is not good game design, I never use the multifunnel components since learning this.  But for this class, there's no other option.  Also the space you can place a funnel (multi) on this particular armored cruiser is limited.  There's a raised bit of superstructure, akin to older cruisers and predread battleships, and then you can put one far to the back of the raised gun deck.  You cannot gain maximum efficiency even with the best funnel, best available tech, unless you set max speed well below what is desireable.

Multifunnels as a whole should be reworked, or at least split into separate hit boxes, because currently they're a liability and already not worth it in terms of weight/efficiency.  If a balance pass is yet to come, then I hope to see these values adjusted, and regardless, the hitboxes separated.

That's what I have for now.  Hopefully somebody reads this.  And while i'm here, I'll once again bang the drum to TRY and get attention on this:

This is still ongoing, I observed it multiple times int he same battle, in a large fleet action, 1890's start, at close action.

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35 minutes ago, MyTeitoku said:

Why arent players allowed to compress time at our will? I simply dont get this.

I found it kinda useful to recognize that enemy ships are getting closer, when I don't see them.

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5 hours ago, Lima said:

New French guns looks cool, but...

This is mk3 1930 381mm gun


And this is maxed smol 381mm gun


Thank you, we will fix that shortly.

4 hours ago, o Barão said:

Major bug report:


Longitudinal weight offset in the dockyard. 1.5


Longitudinal weight offset in the battle. 99.7


Longitudinal weight offset in the battle. 88.4


Longitudinal weight offset in the battle. 100.0

ISSUE: Every time I restart the battle, my ship gets an unrealistic, random, high, longitudinal weight offset value in comparison to what is show in the dockyard.

I also noticed this issue in the AI ships.

This surely happens when you use old saves. I wrote that old saves are incompatible. Are you sure you did not back up and used your old saves? 

4 hours ago, Aloeus said:

Shipbuilding bug: 

1902 French dreadnought hull: 



When I move my two forward turrets forward the fore weight offset decreases. 

Seems to be something related to the citadel calculations, moving the front turret forward but the super firing one all the way back results in the smallest fore offset. 

Increasing the citadel, which is very heavy, decreases the weight offset at the cost of much more weight added to the ship. The system is more complex than before, but as I see it is something that can happen, unless the turrets are very heavy, overcoming the weight of the citadel.

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4 minutes ago, SiWi said:

I found it kinda useful to recognize that enemy ships are getting closer, when I don't see them.

I agree, but shouldn't you be the one who decides when that is useful or not? Plodding along at x10 or x5 chasing ships just out of visual range is not entertaining. At least provide a "Fast" button, that is a button which, while pressed, will cause the game to go faster.

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6 minutes ago, kjg000 said:

I agree, but shouldn't you be the one who decides when that is useful or not? Plodding along at x10 or x5 chasing ships just out of visual range is not entertaining. At least provide a "Fast" button, that is a button which, while pressed, will cause the game to go faster.

how about this:

the game still sets the speed automatically back, when close enough, but you can manually set it higher again.

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11 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

This surely happens when you use old saves. I wrote that old saves are incompatible. Are you sure you did not back up and used your old saves?

I created this design today. However, there is the possibility of being the AI is using a design made by me in the same battle. So this could explain the issue?


I will manually delete my save files and I will report if I see again this issue.

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1 minute ago, o Barão said:

I created this design today. However, there is the possibility of being the AI is using a design made by me in the same battle. So this could explain the issue?


I will manually delete my save files and I will report if I see again this issue.

Happened to me as well. No edited saves or anything, had 0 longitudinal offset in the designer and in battle it was 100!

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4 hours ago, AdmiralObvious said:

I can also confirm that this happens.


Yep, i've got a pair of screenshots from a couple of updates ago of this happening with the staring 1890's CL hull, the balance point seems to be under the rear tower. I'll fire the game up and check if it's still there now.

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19 minutes ago, o Barão said:

I created this design today. However, there is the possibility of being the AI is using a design made by me in the same battle. So this could explain the issue?


I will manually delete my save files and I will report if I see again this issue.

Just started a new campaign...


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27 minutes ago, SiWi said:

how about this:

the game still sets the speed automatically back, when close enough, but you can manually set it higher again.

I think I prefer the "Fast" button concept, but I'm not really fussed as to how it is fixed. I think with your idea there may be a difficulty with getting the triggers right and not having it re-trigger or miss triggers after using it.

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So it seems that the assigned area between the Eastern Med and Western Med is a little janky. I had a task force assigned just below the "Easter Mediterranean" text, but its destination was set as Western Med.


It seems to be in the general area outlined in red.

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18 minutes ago, Carl_Bar said:

4 screenshots showing the weirdness, fresh campaign, 1890's start Uk design your own fleet normal difficulty.





I replied above. Please look at the elongation of the citadel. You move a tiny gun and your citadel becomes extended.

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Please, if it is not too much to ask at this moment, could you answer the questions regarding later war inactivity by the enemy and how battles are generated?
In the first phases of a war, the enemy tries to knock you out with vast fleets. Once you can defeat them and get your fleet to levels to bring the fight to the enemy, the AI refuses to battle. Your fleets are all over the places, but they cannot intercept roaming enemy task forces, yet these are able to pounce on your own small forces at will.
Also, later in a war, despite having lots and lots of ships in harbours, the enemy just refuses to go to war with you. They sink your transports and despite vast power projection advantages, they are not blockaded.

Answers would be nice, as some people have these problems and they were asked repeatedly.
Thanks in advance.

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10 minutes ago, Darth Khyron said:

Please, if it is not too much to ask at this moment, could you answer the questions regarding later war inactivity by the enemy and how battles are generated?
In the first phases of a war, the enemy tries to knock you out with vast fleets. Once you can defeat them and get your fleet to levels to bring the fight to the enemy, the AI refuses to battle. Your fleets are all over the places, but they cannot intercept roaming enemy task forces, yet these are able to pounce on your own small forces at will.
Also, later in a war, despite having lots and lots of ships in harbours, the enemy just refuses to go to war with you. They sink your transports and despite vast power projection advantages, they are not blockaded.

Answers would be nice, as some people have these problems and they were asked repeatedly.
Thanks in advance.

There are bugs with the crew pool. One of them is that the population does not affect, as it should, the growth of the crew pool, creating large shortages in the next years. We will hotfix today.

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Once again I want to say about the absolutely insane power of the improved 51mm and 203 mm in the current version.

Well, this is my submarine CA, armed with maxed 203mm and 51mm (she usually has normal pitch and offset, but when she goes into battle, they become 100).


And this is an enemy cruiser, she has normal balance. However, despite this, my wunderwaffen destroys this cruiser without the slightest problem. I think I don't need to show what maxed 203mm is doing if the pitch/offset is in order.


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3 minutes ago, Lima said:

Once again I want to say about the absolutely insane power of the improved 51mm and 203 mm in the current version.

Well, this is my submarine CA, armed with maxed 203mm and 51mm (she usually has normal pitch and offset, but when she goes into battle, they become 100).


And this is an enemy cruiser, she has normal balance. However, despite this, my wunderwaffen destroys this cruiser without the slightest problem. I think I don't need to show what maxed 203mm is doing if the pitch/offset is in order.


When you immobilize a target, due to the high ROF the accuracy will be much increased.
You destroyed 12xTR.... it is ok.

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3 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

When you immobilize a target, due to the high ROF the accuracy will be much increased.
You destroyed 12xTR.... it is ok.

No, it's just that the maxed 51/203mm guns are too strong. Here, a comparison table. The increase in accuracy is incredible.


A ship armed with them can do thisCAEXMM2f.png


Edited by Lima
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1 hour ago, o Barão said:

I created this design today. However, there is the possibility of being the AI is using a design made by me in the same battle. So this could explain the issue?


I will manually delete my save files and I will report if I see again this issue.

Confirmed that there is a problem of this kind in the campaign. Thank you. We will find the problem and fix it.

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I am enjoying the random events very much. I understand this is under development and is not yet totally complete. I also understand the spirit of these random events but not all events make sense in all situations. This one made to laugh hard. I shrugged it off as government officials not in touch with reality but really I hope you make some kind of filter so as some events never happen to some countries. Of course I had to answer the 3rd bottom choice.




Edited by Grandpa Canuck
Incomplete idea in original post.
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3 hours ago, MyTeitoku said:

Why arent players allowed to compress time at our will? I simply dont get this.

Back when the time compressions were unlocked at all times, there were some rather severe performance issues and even crashes when the highest two options were used while ships were slugging it out at close range with lots of guns firing.

That was very soon after the first early access release, long before it went to steam.

That being said, I do hope there is a solution that allows us to get more time compression than the current system somehow, especially when the two fleets can't see each other due to bad weather, but the game still forces you into 5x due to "being too close" to the enemy.

Something I suggested once, but which has not gotten any anwer is scaling the distance at which certain compression speeds are available to the in-game year, since the distance at which ships can see each other, the firing ranges and what can be considered point-blank range are vastly different between 1890 and 1940.

Edited by Norbert Sattler
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24 minutes ago, Grandpa Canuck said:

I am enjoying the random events very much. I understand this is under development and is not yet totally complete. I also understand the spirit of these random events but not all events make sense in all situations. This one made to laugh hard. I shrugged it off as government officials not in touch with reality but really I hope you make some kind of filter so as some events never happen to some countries. Of course I had to answer the 3rd bottom choice.




The landships shall rise again!

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I do not  consider a bug, but  something that I hope will get some attention in the future. Yesterday I had a battle were 7 of my battleships were attacked by 1  british battleships (no other ship involved).  My ships had more armor,  bigger guns, their single ship was slightly faster.. Yet  the british ship Leeroyed  directly into  my fleet. That does not make much sense.

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