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>>> Beta 1.06 Feedback<<< (FINAL UPDATE 6th Release Candidate)

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42 minutes ago, kjg000 said:

Probably for 1.07, but maybe a 1.06 hotfix if one happens?

Just trying to finish a 1.06.23 campaign before updating so this may have been done. 

I still can't delete all of my old designs, some just hang around cluttering the menu and causing confusion.  Many times I have refitted a design, checking several times to ensure I have selected the correct upgrade, only to find that I have ended up with an old version.

Several old refits apply to ships I can no longer build and no longer exist but still cannot delete the design. 

1. Please allow us to delete any design! Use a trash bin type arrangement if you must. 

2. Please let us build directly from a refit design. 

What are your system specs. Can you urgently reply? Anybody else who experienced this memory leak, can you share your main PC characteristics? CPU, Memory, GPU?

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1 hour ago, Nick Thomadis said:

What are your system specs. Can you urgently reply? Anybody else who experienced this memory leak, can you share your main PC characteristics? CPU, Memory, GPU?

Not at my computer at the moment but:


i7 3GHz

32 Gb 

Game on RAID, access times more or less equivalent to SSD.

raedon 5700 xt

I have submitted bug reports about memory leaks and other problems.

Edit, forgot to mention, I play in a 3k window on a 4k screen.

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I would also really appreciate making it possible to build refits as opposed to just the original design. I don’t understand why I’m not allowed to do that.

And this may be a deliberate choice but I also don’t like that I can’t combine a repair with a refit for an overall time savings—IIRC real navies definitely did that.

Really looking forward to 1.06, this update is amazing! 😄

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1 hour ago, AdmiralKirk said:

I would also really appreciate making it possible to build refits as opposed to just the original design. I don’t understand why I’m not allowed to do that.

And this may be a deliberate choice but I also don’t like that I can’t combine a repair with a refit for an overall time savings—IIRC real navies definitely did that.

Really looking forward to 1.06, this update is amazing! 😄

I'm looking forward to 1.06 as well, this is the best update!

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2 hours ago, AdmiralKirk said:

I would also really appreciate making it possible to build refits as opposed to just the original design. I don’t understand why I’m not allowed to do that.

And this may be a deliberate choice but I also don’t like that I can’t combine a repair with a refit for an overall time savings—IIRC real navies definitely did that.

Really looking forward to 1.06, this update is amazing! 😄

Navies definitely did that. HMS Belfast springs immediately to mind she struck a mine in 1939 and broke her back but when she emerged from drydock she was almost 6ft wider with more armour covering more of her , more advanced equipment and more than 1100t heavier

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I kind of freaked out at first with 1.06 and the fact is I'll always be the one screeching that only one step was taken forward when there clearly could have been a hundred more!  And I wasn't the only one.


1.06 is still a good update, but I think it would go a REALLY long way, Nick, to just see the occasional vague foreshadowing or to  drop back on old threads and say something along the lines of "thank you for your ideas", "we are considering further X of Y", etc.  You've already done better then the vast majority of developers out there, but if it's radio silence on old issues until they are addressed,(rather a IF for us) it will get worse.


I don't care how vague, probably better the more vague in fact, fuels ideas and suggestions  But please Nick, for the sake of the community, just tell us anything for those certain things that are constantly bought up. 

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3 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

What are your system specs. Can you urgently reply? Anybody else who experienced this memory leak, can you share your main PC characteristics? CPU, Memory, GPU?

OS=Windows 10 Home version 10.0. 19044 Build 19044

CPU=AMD FX(tm)-9370 Eight-Core Processor 4400 Mhz 4Core 8 Logical Processors

RAM= 16 GB


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18 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

The starting years we offer now, it is uncertain if they will stay as is. We offer now a way to start at different years, so that people can enjoy and play-test more easily the tech eras, which would otherwise be unplayable, as the campaign now is not having all the necessary features to prolong for many years with guaranteed consistency. Therefore, a new balance will come later.

I'm glad to hear this, or at least the acknowledgement that the current campaign system doesn't allow for long campaigns. Hard to tell at times what's considered temporary/intentional/to be handled in another patch etc.

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29 minutes ago, Danz_Von_Luck said:

Navies definitely did that. HMS Belfast springs immediately to mind she struck a mine in 1939 and broke her back but when she emerged from drydock she was almost 6ft wider with more armour covering more of her , more advanced equipment and more than 1100t heavier

I'd say it was more common than not. If you need to heavily repair a ship you'd be mad not to improve it at the same time. 

I think just about all of the ships damaged or sunk at Pearl Harbour were repaired and upgraded with better fire control, RADAR, etc. Just about every RN ship repaired during WWII was also upgraded at the same time. 

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I tested the latest version and unfortunately my conclusion is very similar to what @Stealth17 say. 

We have working campaign, but we don't have working battles, that means after we build the ships, the gameplay ends, excepting clicking next month button and few other exceptions.


I try address this issue from the beginning of 1.06 patch, but no fix yet. I know you nerfed adjustment of guns 1-2 times, the HE one time and the loss crew one time, but that is not enough. 30 days and still the best ship in Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts is DD, not BB, not Dreadnoughts. I see a lot of improvement from 1.06.1 to the finally 1.06 but 1.06 is literally too boring to play it longer... so we go back to autogenerate ships and in here we have mixed feelings... 


In the example what Stealth show one DD win vs BB (without torps) and he can build 8 DD for the cost of 1 BB. That is not historical accuracy, that is not balanced. If we add submarines, planes I think BB will be much worse than is right now and DD will be stronger... 

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1 hour ago, Plazma said:

I tested the latest version and unfortunately my conclusion is very similar to what @Stealth17 say. 

We have working campaign, but we don't have working battles, that means after we build the ships, the gameplay ends, excepting clicking next month button and few other exceptions.


I try address this issue from the beginning of 1.06 patch, but no fix yet. I know you nerfed adjustment of guns 1-2 times, the HE one time and the loss crew one time, but that is not enough. 30 days and still the best ship in Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts is DD, not BB, not Dreadnoughts. I see a lot of improvement from 1.06.1 to the finally 1.06 but 1.06 is literally too boring to play it longer... so we go back to autogenerate ships and in here we have mixed feelings... 


In the example what Stealth show one DD win vs BB (without torps) and he can build 8 DD for the cost of 1 BB. That is not historical accuracy, that is not balanced. If we add submarines, planes I think BB will be much worse than is right now and DD will be stronger... 

There are some differences.

BB has only Gen-I, RNG-C III. And a few others of low end techs.

It should have had Gen III, RNG-S V, that's what the CLs had. That makes a big difference since the BB could not return fire and destroy/damage the CLs.

@Stealth17 should have designed a ‘control’ scenario to prove his point. Designed BB with equal parameters, including designing with human preferences. Including a battery of sufficient secondaries, to which BBs can and should loadout, etc. Designed the ultimate as he did with the CLs. And then run the scenario from the BB end and see if HE on CLs is still overpowered.

Edited by Skeksis
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59 minutes ago, Plazma said:

I tested the latest version and unfortunately my conclusion is very similar to what @Stealth17 say. 

We have working campaign, but we don't have working battles, that means after we build the ships, the gameplay ends, excepting clicking next month button and few other exceptions.


I try address this issue from the beginning of 1.06 patch, but no fix yet. I know you nerfed adjustment of guns 1-2 times, the HE one time and the loss crew one time, but that is not enough. 30 days and still the best ship in Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts is DD, not BB, not Dreadnoughts. I see a lot of improvement from 1.06.1 to the finally 1.06 but 1.06 is literally too boring to play it longer... so we go back to autogenerate ships and in here we have mixed feelings... 


In the example what Stealth show one DD win vs BB (without torps) and he can build 8 DD for the cost of 1 BB. That is not historical accuracy, that is not balanced. If we add submarines, planes I think BB will be much worse than is right now and DD will be stronger... 

But isn't that what you asked for? You wanted to have almost free long sniper guns. You were anxient to pack ships with them. And now it is, ofcourse, unrealistic and not fun. Something similar happened with 20' quad turrets a year ago. 

I don't see the problem with custom long barreled guns, but make them costly. There was a reason these guns were not fielded! Make them require considerable research effort and make them very costly to produce and maintain. If someone wants to invest heavily on them, let it be possible. But some other things must be sacrified then.

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1 hour ago, Skeksis said:

There are some differences.

BB has only Gen-I, RNG-C III. And a few others of low end techs.

That means if you have not newest ship you lose no matter what. DD you can build between 6-10 month, BB 20-24 months. The BB could be obsolete before we finish building... or after few months. I know low tech = behind and in 1900-1950, the technology progress was amazing, but this is little too much. Also what kind of chance we have that the AI will use newest tech? 

I made a 5 custom battles for 1940 year... 1 DD vs 1BB, 1BC, 1CA, 1CL, 1DD. Three times the AI could shoot back, once they sunk my DD after I sunk BC, CA, CL and badly hurt BB. 

On truly I was able to sunk only one time BB (in the rest examples the ammo storage was not enough). Even with the lose of DD, this was like 130 crew lose and 60-90k $ vs 2500 crew and 800$. 


When I will create the BB, we get bad weather, this same technology, yes the BB will win, even vs 8 DD, but the chance is like 50%/50% for BB made by human designed to sunk all DD! 


1 hour ago, Zuikaku said:

But isn't that what you asked for? You wanted to have almost free long sniper guns. You were anxient to pack ships with them. And now it is, ofcourse, unrealistic and not fun. Something similar happened with 20' quad turrets a year ago. 

I don't asked about possibility to make a sniper gun. From time to time the AI could do something similar and what in this situation? You get lose each battle, because the enemy ship is much stronger. Or we can don't use this feature, but what is the point to adding this? If you ask me, yes I will much more prefer the situation when we can't modify the gun. 


1 hour ago, Zuikaku said:

I don't see the problem with custom long barreled guns, but make them costly. There was a reason these guns were not fielded! Make them require considerable research effort and make them very costly to produce and maintain. If someone wants to invest heavily on them, let it be possible. But some other things must be sacrified then.

Ok, that could solve the issue, but right now I think the long barrels guns should cost at least 5 times more than now. We can disable this feature or at least try to balance it. 


The problem is that now this should be final release and if the final release is okay that you can make a not realistic gun what break the gameplay I think we should address this issue, not ask the players to "don't do it, don't touch this feature, autogenerate the ships and don't build it!" 


If you want custom long barreled guns okay, but let's make them playable! Increasing cost, reduce bonus, SOMETHING! Is hard to tell what element of battles are broken, the chance to hit DD or the guns or HE. 


Edit: Ok, with long barrel 13.9" 8.9" 5.9" and newest tech for 1940 you can without trouble win, because BB spotted you faster and 5.9" don't have this range like 8 or 13... but rl, something is not okay from my point of view, even if HUMAN build a ship. 


Edit2: this kind of BB have 100% accuracy vs BB on 40km and 35% at 50km. The AI BB with similar cost (990 vs 770) have 0.0% accuracy... if we will have online battles this shouldn't be a big problem, but we don't have. The AI can't build the ships. 

In other words we can hit from Calasis to Folkestone without big problems any building, what more the building don't move and we don't move either, so is big chance that we hit building by first salvo! 

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yea i get same kind of crashes and general unresponsiveness if i play for longer than a decade

Ryzen 5 3600X

ASROCK B450 Steel Legend

16GB DDR4 3600

EVGA RTX 3060 Ti

512gb WD Black NVME SSD (Where game is installed)

Windows 11 Pro

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