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A few improvements


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Greetings. I'd like to ask, what is your outlook, on some of my propositions on the imrovement of the game, whether you agree with them, (or maybe not?) and if there are any chances to implement them into the game.

1.  portholes - I'm looking forward since a long time, to addition of this little detail to the hulls' textures. To my mind, at least for now, Ships, especially from the period of drednoughts are really lacking "flavour of this time", because of absence of the portholes in the hulls. Some ships are therefore just ugly, or not as preety, as they could be.

2. simultaneous turn to board - inbattle feature. It is really annoying to my mind, that such order is not present for battleformation. In case of enemy torpedo attack, you have to manually, first dissolve the foramtion, and then individually order every single ship in formation to make a turn, and then again reform formation.


3. creation of ships' designs for the enemy


4. multiple classes of the same ship type in the one battle


5. artillery unification in auto-ship-designer for ships of dreadnoughts and post-dreadnoughts era - it was one of the main distinguishing feature of dreadnoughts and post-dreadnoughts ships. Unification of the artillery. Usually 2, sometimes, very rarerly more calibers. But always only one caliber, for the main battery. Auto-ship-designer still does not understand this principle.


6. aiming penalty for multiple ships shooting to single target


7. Setable weather conditions


8. "Library" with ships designs


9. Posibility to place 7th main battery centre turret - casus of HMS Agincourt 


10. Addition of british early dreadnoughts and super-dreadnoughts hulls, with casemate guns - current british battleships' hulls are example of WW2 configuration of HMS Queen Elisabeth, and other after WW1 battleships . Virtually, for now, it is de facto impossilbe ot create a british dreadnought (on british hull) 


11. All British front towers are too wide. It is impossible to place secondary batteries on the boards


12. Allowance of usage of the currently created ships designs for the AI


13. "jump to ship" by clicking on its name, not only on itself 


14. Prefixes - (HMS, SMS etc.)


15. autodesigner shall not add two centerline barbettes on the stern, one just after another for ships before 1920-1930, and moreover it shall not add the second barbette after the first one, if the one behind the first is lower. Higher barbette should be always closer to the rear tower.  


16. Honestly, I'm a bit dissapointed with the campaign, since I was hoping, that I will be able to control my fleet, create my own squadrons, task forces etc. and moreover, to move them on the map in real time. I was hoping, that it would be sth like combination of totalwar-style campaign, where I can freely move my ships on the map, and if necessary jump into battle, but in real time, since the maps in custom battles are just huge, and 50km is not a problem for the engine, therefore it looks like engine should be able to withstand this. But for now, it is unfortunately just a boring stream of random missions with random number of ships, sometimes just ridiculous, for example where " Early light cruiser" with 2 main guns, and a few secondary and no torps is intercepting Heavy cruiser. 



HMS Valliant.png

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1. I agree, Examples would be many Italian vessels full of portals, such as, you guessed it, Littorio.

2. Yes, formations aren't always very easy to wield when threats are inbound. I think there is some sort of evasion logic when they detect torps as part of a formation, but i will have to see.

3. For Custom Battles and such, yes that would be cool, but I think it is a low priority right now given all the campaign work that must be done.

4. True, that should be possible

5. Also agree

6. Perhaps...as it stands right now idk, but maybe later. I know the Japanese used colored dyes in their shells to help avoid this issue, and later on, radar systems helped as well.

7. Before this can happen I think we need actual weather conditions to finally be visible. This is one of my biggest issues with the current state of the game. We have basically two visual backgrounds...sunny or cloudy, and neither reflect the waves or wind. There is also no real night background. This needs to happen before anything can be toggled for custom battles.

8. That would be nice indeed.

9. No objection

10. Very much agree. This is about dreadnoughts after all, which used casemates...

11. i haven't noticed yet, but I agree in principle

12. Intriguing proposition

13. Could be useful, but UI changes impacting UX to such a degree need to be tested a lot first

14. Absolutely

15. Agreed

16. I don't think you are giving the campaign enough credit. All those goodies will come, but what we have is still very interesting. My issues are not with it per say, but in the components of it: how enemies are detected and thus encounters generated, weather as I explained, etc...

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I'd say more options for smaller gun mounts. octuple and sextuple 2 inch guns, quad 5 inch guns and less weight costs on radio, range finders etc so ships are possible to recreate with their actual tonnage rather than loads over- as well as historical weight savings from better engine technologies they actually had so that refits can actually save weight British had AA guns on turrets- but i can only get them on Italian Guns. More towers- so i can create this H.M.S. Hood Association-Battle Cruiser Hood: History of H.M.S. Hood: H.M.S. Hood's Proposed 1942 Large Repair (hmshood.com)

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Also the bridges for cruisers need to be redon, or just remove snap points for the secondary battery. You cant fit secondary turrets for the correct side on them. In 1920 they were employing twin turreted 4in guns, on british cruisers. and 5 in twin turreted guns on the US ships. This can not be done in the game as it currently is.

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4 hours ago, Danelin Aruna said:

Also the bridges for cruisers need to be redon, or just remove snap points for the secondary battery. You cant fit secondary turrets for the correct side on them. In 1920 they were employing twin turreted 4in guns, on british cruisers. and 5 in twin turreted guns on the US ships. This can not be done in the game as it currently is.

It is very sad you can't do this.

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