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Normal damage system


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Greetings to all!

It wouldn't hurt to make a realistic damage system. For example, if a ~ 305mm caliber hits a destroyer or light cruiser, it should actually be torn apart. And besides, battleships can spend hours firing at each other and not break anything to each other. This is very bad.


It would also not hurt to add the system "designer according to drawings", I.e. to allow you to freely draw the ship hulls, and the game would have already adjusted this drawing to a more or less normal structure. As well as designing guns and towers (add a purely free drawing editor).


Add concrete ships.

Add system of damage control. I.e. distribution management crew to resolve the problem (prioritization).

Add a system that prohibits firing at extreme negative angles. in Other words, you will have to flood another part of the ship (make adjustments to this parameter).

If possible, add details of damage, chips, etc.

Add a normal system for launching torpedoes (sometimes they just don't launch, even if the enemy ship is nearby)

Add splash effects from projectiles that fall into the water

Add the min constructor and min reset systems

Add a 3rd-person camera setup that allows you to follow an object without moving the mouse (it would be very useful when the combat speed is x5 or higher).

And most importantly-do not break players with a game without a campaign mode for$49.99



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2 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

For example, if a ~ 305mm caliber hits a destroyer or light cruiser, it should actually be torn apart.

After reading this I tested this in-game multiple times. When 305 mm shell hits destroyer it means sinking or at least severe damage. I think that is fine. And about those light cruisers: I tested that too and I needed about ten hits to sink the light cruiser (the cruiser had armor) and I also think that is fine. Of course this depends on the size and few other parameters of the certain light cruiser but I don't think that ,,regular'' light cruiser shoud just ,,torn apart'' after 305 mm hit (unless you make a lucky shot such as hitting ammo storage)


3 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

It would also not hurt to add the system "designer according to drawings", I.e. to allow you to freely draw the ship hulls, and the game would have already adjusted this drawing to a more or less normal structure. As well as designing guns and towers (add a purely free drawing editor).

This was actually discussed and requested by community. Devs actually said that they are thinking of adding option for adjusting hulls. (It is in the video that Barney sent you in the other topic. Around the 13th minute.)

3 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

Add concrete ships.


I am not sure what that mean. As I understand it you ask for addind certain historical ships with stats and look they actually had, right? If that's what you meant I'd like to say this: A lot of hulls that you can see in-game are actually historical hulls (such as Bismarck or Hood) and also I don't see point in adding trully historical ships that look exactly as originals because 1. you can recreate some of them yourself 2. and also ship designer is important part of the game. What point this designer would have if we would be just using historical pre-made ships?

3 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

Add system of damage control. I.e. distribution management crew to resolve the problem (prioritization).


Crew is promised feature (ane one of the Dev's priorities). We don't know how it will work exactly.


3 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

Add a system that prohibits firing at extreme negative angles.


Devs promised to work at this


3 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

If possible, add details of damage, chips, etc.


These details of damage actually received big improvement during Alpha stage of development. I remember that Devs actually wrote about this at the forum. If I remember it correctly they said that they will add more details but the process of adding this is slow because if we want these details of damage to become nice than they hava to make unique details for each hull.


3 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

Add a normal system for launching torpedoes (sometimes they just don't launch, even if the enemy ship is nearby)

Non-lunching torpedoes were discussed over and over again during the whole alpha stage. Just set torpedoes to aggressive and make sure that target is in the firing sector of torpedo tubes.


3 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

Add splash effects from projectiles that fall into the water


They are already there.


3 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

Add a 3rd-person camera setup that allows you to follow an object without moving the mouse (it would be very useful when the combat speed is x5 or higher).


It's already there. Just double-click at the ship you want to follow.


3 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

And most importantly-do not break players with a game without a campaign mode for$49.99


Sure it's unfortunate that after almost a year in alpha stage we still don't have campaing. But well...it's alpha and when we bought the game we all knew that campaing is not part of the game yet and we all were willing to accept it (altrough the long wait and repeating delays may be sometimes frustrating). From your previous post I know that you didn't know that and I understand that you are dissapointed because of that but you should have just read something about current stage of the game development before you bought it.

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6 hours ago, Sasha_alexop said:

And besides, battleships can spend hours firing at each other and not break anything to each other. This is very bad.

Oh, I forgot to react to this in my provious comment.

Sure this often happens in the earlier period of the game. But this is not historically unaccurate for two reasons: 1. It happened that two ships fighting against each other were unable to cause some serious damage to their opponent (Just look at the engagement of USS Monitor and CSS Virginia). 2. Also in the the earlier stages of the game, ships didn't have modern fire-control systems so their fire was often quite inaccurate.          Example from history: During Battle of Manila bay in 1898 (during which US Navy destroyed Spanish Pacific squadron) Americans fired 5859 shells. Only 142 out of these hit their target.

Edited by Aceituna
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14 hours ago, Aceituna said:

Прочитав это, я проверил это в игре несколько раз. Когда 305 мм снаряд попадает в эсминец, это означает потопление или, по крайней мере, серьезные повреждения. Я думаю, что это прекрасно. И о тех легких крейсерах: я тоже проверил это, и мне нужно было около десяти попаданий, чтобы потопить легкий крейсер (у крейсера была броня), и я также думаю, что это нормально. Конечно, это зависит от размера и нескольких других параметров определенного легкого крейсера, но я не думаю, что обычный "легкий крейсер просто разорвется на части" после 305-мм попадания (если только вы не сделаете удачный выстрел, такой как попадание в хранилище боеприпасов)


Это было фактически обсуждено и запрошено сообществом. Разработчики на самом деле сказали, что они думают о добавлении опции для регулировки корпусов. (Это в видео, которое Барни прислал вам в другой теме. Примерно на 13-й минуте.)

Я не совсем понимаю, что это значит. Как я понимаю, вы просите добавить некоторые исторические корабли со статистикой и посмотреть, что они на самом деле имели, не так ли? Если это то, что вы имели в виду, я хотел бы сказать следующее: Многие корпуса, которые вы можете увидеть в игре, на самом деле являются историческими корпусами (такими как Бисмарк или худ), а также я не вижу смысла добавлять действительно исторические корабли, которые выглядят точно так же, как оригиналы, потому что 1. вы можете воссоздать некоторые из них самостоятельно 2. а также конструктор кораблей-важная часть игры. Какой смысл был бы в этом конструкторе, если бы мы просто использовали исторические готовые корабли?

Экипажу обещана функция (ane один из приоритетов разработчика). Мы не знаем, как именно это будет работать.


Разработчики пообещали поработать над этим


Эти детали повреждения на самом деле получили большое улучшение во время альфа-стадии развития. Я помню, что разработчики действительно писали об этом на форуме. Если я правильно помню, они сказали, что добавят больше деталей, но процесс добавления этого происходит медленно, потому что если мы хотим, чтобы эти детали повреждений стали приятными, то они должны сделать уникальные детали для каждого корпуса.


На протяжении всей альфа-стадии снова и снова обсуждались торпеды, не приносящие обедов. Просто установите торпеды в агрессивное положение и убедитесь, что цель находится в секторе обстрела торпедных аппаратов.


Они уже там.


Он уже там. Просто дважды щелкните на корабле, за которым вы хотите следовать.


Конечно, очень жаль, что после почти года в альфа-стадии у нас все еще нет кампании. Но ... well...it и когда мы купили игру, мы все знали, что кампания еще не является частью игры, и все мы были готовы принять ее (альтроу долгое ожидание и повторяющиеся задержки могут иногда расстраивать). Из вашего предыдущего поста я знаю, что вы этого не знали, и я понимаю, что вы разочарованы из-за этого, но вы должны были просто прочитать что-то о текущем этапе разработки игры, прежде чем покупать ее.

I'm happy with the answer. It looks like the game will be really cool after the full release. In any case, it's nice when game developers listen to the opinions of players and improve the game. It would be cool if you added the "rank" of the alpha test participant. 😃

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14 hours ago, Aceituna said:

Oh, I forgot to react to this in my provious comment.

Sure this often happens in the earlier period of the game. But this is not historically unaccurate for two reasons: 1. It happened that two ships fighting against each other were unable to cause some serious damage to their opponent (Just look at the engagement of USS Monitor and CSS Virginia). 2. Also in the the earlier stages of the game, ships didn't have modern fire-control systems so their fire was often quite inaccurate. Example from history: During Battle of Manila bay in 1898 (during which US Navy destroyed Spanish Pacific squadron) Americans fired 5859 shells. Only 142 out of these hit their target.

and the concrete ships. I meant ships made of solid cement hulls. Reinforced concrete shipbuilding (I apologize for the incomprehensible English), I was referring to the ships by the type of Fort Drum.

The concrete hull of the ship (see)

2 кораьл

3 ship

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Concrete ships might be interesting, but there weren't very many of them. There were, I think, a fair number of concrete barges. I reckon both were vastly outnumbered by wood ships and boats.

Either way, these concrete ships usually weren't warships, with the possible exceptions of special repair patches and AA barges and the like. Concrete ships were generally cheap merchant carriers. We can't build merchant ships right now.

Fort Drum was not a ship, despite its appearance. It was a highly fortified island.

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15 hours ago, disc said:

Бетонные корабли могут быть интересны, но их не так уж много. Там было, я думаю, довольно много бетонных барж. Я думаю, что и те и другие значительно превосходили численностью деревянные корабли и лодки.

В любом случае, эти бетонные корабли обычно не были военными кораблями, за исключением, возможно, специальных ремонтных участков, барж типа АА и тому подобного. Бетонные корабли, как правило, были дешевыми торговыми перевозчиками. Мы не можем строить торговые суда прямо сейчас.

Форт Драм, несмотря на свою внешность, не был кораблем. Это был сильно укрепленный остров.

I'd like to ask you something else. After the full version of the game is released, will the alpha test version automatically update or will you have to buy the game again?

Edited by Sasha_alexop
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58 minutes ago, Sasha_alexop said:

I'd like to ask you something else. After the full version of the game is released, will the alpha test version automatically update or will you have to buy the game again?

When the game is released on Steam, Devs will send you Steam key.

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