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Alpha-9 in Progress

Nick Thomadis

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48 minutes ago, Bluishdoor76 said:


I've been so desperate for a decent naval game that could replace WG's shit that I've started playing Azur Lane ._.

Yeah but azur lane has best waifu! Yorkie! (Yorktown).

38 minutes ago, IronKaputt said:

Forget A-150, we now can fulfill Fujimoto's dream. With french turrets no less (I was extremely worried if we'll have such design). Now I can finally exhale in relief. 

...when inhale and continue whining for 6-inch vertical quad secondaries, double superimposed central placing options for them, all-angle loading (you know, like on actual Richelieu) and fun bags.

No rest for the wicked!


I hope we get japanese and other nation equivalents though, nice too see thier concept and production models in that image. Oh and for funnels that go inside the superstructure and some on the side of the ship for memes, not to mention the designer option tha husarius mentioned were it is just a single line, hopefully we can get the modular system as well at some point.

i want dem quad 9 inch secs, and quads and maybe even quintuple turret for all gun sizes and too be a cheeky barneh 21-22 inch gunz as well!

Also we need that improved armour system, viewer and also maybe better gunnery at lower ends (im pretty sure at ranges below 3km pre-dreads wouldn’t derp shells everywhere but the ship.)

Got a long way to go but if it goes right could easily be the leading market for naval games.

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My wish is that you could select the type of turret housing you want for your guns: larger turret housing would take more space but it would give faster reloading, more ammo and better accuracy. This way you could put 6 inch guns into a larger turret, similar to what we see on the Jean Bart, instead of going for 8 inch guns or something.

I mean, I'm not sure if there are any examples of 8 inch secondaries being used in Battleships. 8 inch shells are absolutely massive for hand loading after all.

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On 9/10/2020 at 4:29 PM, Cptbarney said:

Aww, this is bloody brilliant. I would type moar, but i have work in the morning. But loving those chamges however. Those turrets look like they are made in blender, not sure if those are british and french turrets but eh.

@HusariuS @Marshall99 @IronKaputt @Bluishdoor76 @BobRoss0902 @Koogus @Hangar18 @Aceituna @TotalRampage @1MajorKoenig @madham82 

But yeah wasnt expecting anything like that at all. Time for smeggy work! ‘W’

And thanks for the progress so far cant wait to have dem quads (hope we get secondary quads) and formations.

cheers bois.


Speaking of secondary quads look at this beauty I found. Tech-Tree Proposal: French Battleships – ShipComrade 

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On 9/10/2020 at 4:20 PM, Nick Thomadis said:


We would like to inform you that we are currently working to improve critical aspects of gameplay that are going to be very important in the campaign. Our team is progressing on radical changes regarding formations, armor mechanics, AI and various others you requested many times. Here are some of the improvements which we plan to offer in our upcoming update.

Major rework of the formations
The formation system of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts will receive an overhaul of its mechanics, making the control of large fleets much easier and realistic. First of all, we will fix all bugs that were the cause of division lines to become mixed up and make ineffective evade maneuvers, especially when the fleet included many ships. Except of those bug fixes we will offer the following:

Formation spread really matters: Ships will keep their maximum speed according to their allowed formation spread. By default the following ship types will use the following spreads:
- BB: Tight
- BC, CA: Normal
- CL, DD, TB, Other: Loose

Tight spread will allow a lower top speed, but the ships will operate in closer, stricter formation and, thus, will be easier to keep an effective firing line and maintain a cruising speed. When ships become damaged, they will not break the formation (as before) but the formation will slow down accordingly unless those ships become extremely slow, so they will gradually follow the formation at the back. Normal spread makes this system less strict, while the Loose spread makes the ships move at the highest speed possible, with no attention to formation cohesion, which can be useful if your ships need the maximum speed in order to withdraw or just survive a battle.

Note: Previous artificial bonuses/penalties in accuracy of division spread modes will be removed, because they are no longer needed. Ships already can receive collateral damage due to their concentration in an area. So by using tight formations you receive firing bonuses naturally, due to keeping a steady cruising speed, but you might become hit with more probability from indirect fire.

Make battle lines with ease: You will be able to create a group of any ship type and merge into one single formation, which will be controllable as one unit (selectable from the unit cards). This formation group, ideally a number of large capital ships, can then be used as a main battle formation, which you can control with a single movement order, while your lighter ships follow it in screen or scout formation.

Improved Line Ahead/Line Abreast: The bug fixes on the formations will make Line Ahead and Line Abreast to work seamlessly not only in divisions but also in group formations. When you select a large number of ships you can make them create either a large Line Ahead formation or a wider Line Abreast formation.


The “Line Ahead” command can be expanded to a large group formation of multiple ship types.

The “Line Abreast” command will become improved and expanded to a large group formation of multiple ship types.

Revamped “Screen” command: The functionality of the screen command will receive major changes. Previously, each division was placed in compact formation at a distance around the lead ship of the screened division. In the new screen mode, the ships become distributed and operate independently around the center of a single division or a larger grouped formation, creating a much more realistic and versatile formation, covering all flanks with less amount of ships.


Four divisions of 12 ships screening a battleship division, with the previous system.

In the new system, the ships become distributed around the battleship division and operate independently.

New “Scout” command: The previous functionality of the screen command will resemble the new “Scout” order that you can give to ships classes CL, DD, TB. With this command, the divisions will move around a very large distance around the scouted division or grouped formation, so they will be able to trace enemies sooner.


Two divisions of 5 ships move in scout formation around a battleship division, in larger distance compared to the ships at screen formation.

Ships in Screen or Scout mode will interact with enemy threats more effectively.

Various other improvements 
The improvements on formations will consist the biggest part of our next update, but there are more to be included. Here is the planned list:

  • Quad guns: Quadruple turrets of large caliber become available and are separated into two main visual types. Type-1 has its four guns distributed evenly on the turret, while Type-2 has two dual guns (Similar to the French Battleship “Richelieu”).
  • Damage Saturation fix: Previously there was no damage to ships if we hit destroyed sections, making ships indestructible when hit at red areas. With the improved damage system, a small amount of damage will spread out to nearby sections. A damage rebalance will be needed to fine tune the result.
  • Hull fixes: Some remaining issues that were many times reported were addressed, including secondary gun inconsistencies on Iowa hull, overlapping guns with Bismarck towers and some others.
  • Mk5 8-inch guns available in the 1940s: It has been corrected so that the latest technology of 8-inch guns are available in the late tech era of custom battles.
  • Fixed Naval Academy bug that did not allow the nation randomization of player ships hulls in missions that did not have any nation restriction. The result of this bug was that missions were played once with a random nation and in any future playout with new designs it was not possible to change the nation to your liking.

Quad Turrets Work.jpg

Quad turrets and others will arrive on next game update. Showing a work in progress.

As we continue to progress, we will update our changelog accordingly with more planned features, for example the finalization of Naval Academy difficulty mode, revamp of the accuracy system with detailed colliders or… the addition of 19-inch and 20-inch guns. We will also provide information about when to expect the next Alpha-9 Update.

Thank you for reading,

The Game-Labs Team

Also very nice update boys! Can't wait!

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1 hour ago, Cptbarney said:

Oh and for funnels that go inside the superstructure and some on the side of the ship for memes

And triple superimposed side secondaries.

1 hour ago, Cptbarney said:

i want dem quad 9 inch secs, and quads and maybe even quintuple turret for all gun sizes and too be a cheeky barneh 21-22 inch gunz as well!

I was very tempted to give my BBs 8-inch secondaries — for better accordance to 4x4 20-inched main battery, but I think 6 inches are better DP-wise. Also, dat fat cases raining from above 🤔

That's no Mt. Fuji, that's IJN Fuji. Firing Long Lances. Also a french-style Tillman — cause three-gun look is most iconic 😎  Right now I hope for more control over muzzle velocity and rate of fire — thicc shells can be (reasonably) fast too 😭

1 hour ago, Cptbarney said:

hopefully we can get the modular system as well at some point.

Perhaps a line of off-brand, but maximum LEGO-esque hulls. Otherwise it's the same ship syndrome indeed.

1 hour ago, Cptbarney said:

Also we need that improved armour system, viewer and also maybe better gunnery at lower ends (im pretty sure at ranges below 3km pre-dreads wouldn’t derp shells everywhere but the ship.)

Also more control over existing hull specs in general wound be welcome. Belt inclination or hydrodynamics for example — even if it's not backed up with visuals.

Close range could be counted with higher overpen chance, if they doing it "for balance".

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11 hours ago, Cptbarney said:

Yeah, as they add KGV and moar hulls i probs won't even go back to world of dankships. Also blender has been a journey as well. Cant wait for this patch!

Indeed a proper Queen Anne‘s mansion to built a G3 or N3 would be great too!

Plus we need funnels! Moar funnels!

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14 hours ago, Fishyfish said:

Functioning en echelon turrets?

Since some of the 1900-1920 superstructures are clearly designed for them I would hope for some progress in this regard... but we will probably have to wait for a broader adjustment of the restrictive hardpoint system, which I very much hope is coming before beta.

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It occurs to me that since we're welcoming quad turrets to the game (as was foretold in the prophecies...) it makes even more sense to start grouping armament* by calibre, rather than mount. The current system of separate aiming for different mounts in the same calibre is against the all-big-gun philosophy, and is an artificial nerf for historical designs such as King George V and Dreadnought.

I know this raises the question of what to do about the (somewhat artificial) accuracy and reload bonuses for different mounts. My suggestion for the first would be to allow accuracy bonuses for different turrets to coexist within the same overall aiming bonus. For reloading, I suggest restricting salvos to the slowest-firing turret type within the same calibre, while drastically reducing the reload nerf for triple and quad turrets at higher levels of technology. King George V (14" in two quad and one twin turrets, commissioned 1940) could manage a salvo rate of two-per-minute, very comparable to most contemporary ships with uniform twin or triple turret batteries.

* While I'm on the subject, fire control by individual armament group, rather than simply 'main/secondary' would be very helpful. 8" and 2" secondary batteries on the same target is rarely useful.

Edited by SonicB
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Cant wait to try this update out when it is released. Like everyone else, I'm especially excited to try out the 20 inch and quad guns.(25-30 Inch guns when?/s)

Also excited to see what future updates will bring (and still hopeful for a ship designer update)

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I'd still like to see a bit more emphases on historical focus, in the 1890s to 1910s era. But that aside 20 in guns are neat I guess and quad turrets are pretty cool. I do fancy those three quad turret french battleships that got aborted due to WWI. I guess we'll see how the mechanics work out after the patch, I am guarded on the matter. 

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58 minutes ago, WiselessOwl said:

Just acknowledge already that you simply want to build an ocean-going Imperial Star Destroyer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Please... We won't agree on nothing less then Star Battleships with six-gun supahlazor turrets.

With proper flash protection this time, of course

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I'd like to see some older huge guns. The Calio Duilio and Ruggiero di Lauria ironclads had 17 and 17.7 in guns back in the 1890s! They served up through 1910.. so, historical precedent.. Modren what if super battleships are cool and all, but how about some actual historical super battleships? Not that I'd put either of the aforementioned classes in the category of super, or battleship. Or is this just spiraling into tillman specials?

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