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Change to PVE Server Raider Attacks

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On behalf of all of players who chose the PVE server because we just cannot invest more than a few hours a week in the game, please revert back to having all RAIDER attacks on clan owned ports populate on Friday for the following 7 days as it used to be. Furthermore make it so that there will be a minimum of 48 hours between the time the RAIDER attacks are populated and the first attack happens. Perhaps even make it so all RAIDER attacks occur on weekends. Due to real life demands and obligations there are a great many PVE players that just cannot log onto the game each and every day to see if one of our clan owned ports is threatened and try to defend it. Lately so many time we log on the one day a week or so that we have the opportunity to play only to find that a port we worked very hard to capture and developed is now owned by a clan from another nation. No doubt the couple hundred full time players with nothing else to do probably love the current way and will resist this suggestion. But there are literally hundreds of other "part time" players that are playing less and less because of changes that are making it very difficult to enjoy the game. PVE server has begun to feel a lot like PVP without the PVP. 

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4 hours ago, Saint George said:

On behalf of all of players who chose the PVE server because we just cannot invest more than a few hours a week in the game, please revert back to having all RAIDER attacks on clan owned ports populate on Friday for the following 7 days as it used to be. Furthermore make it so that there will be a minimum of 48 hours between the time the RAIDER attacks are populated and the first attack happens. Perhaps even make it so all RAIDER attacks occur on weekends. Due to real life demands and obligations there are a great many PVE players that just cannot log onto the game each and every day to see if one of our clan owned ports is threatened and try to defend it. Lately so many time we log on the one day a week or so that we have the opportunity to play only to find that a port we worked very hard to capture and developed is now owned by a clan from another nation. No doubt the couple hundred full time players with nothing else to do probably love the current way and will resist this suggestion. But there are literally hundreds of other "part time" players that are playing less and less because of changes that are making it very difficult to enjoy the game. PVE server has begun to feel a lot like PVP without the PVP. 

Raiders attack ports every 30 days (we have actually changed it last week)
This requirement is more than reasonable for even a busy man. 
The goal to the feature is to provide a natural incentive to only own the number of ports the clan wishes to defend once every 30 days. If clan has too many undeveloped ports for its number it will have to constantly fight. But per port - is once every month


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@admin, a few of us PVE players speculate on the port raid selection and, while I find it entertaining trying to figure out how it works and enjoy the surprises they bring, would it be possible to clarify a few questions?

1. My theory is that the map is divided into regions and, when the time comes, the least developed port in that region is attacked (which would explain a few ports being targeted repeatedly). Another theory is that one port, from all the least developed ports, is selected to be raided excluding, of course, the ports that have already had a recent raid. Is either theory correct or does it follow another system?

2. In theory, if all the ports in a region or on the map are developed to their limit, with no port points available in any of them, would the least developed port out of the group, despite it being fully developed to the port points limit, be attacked?

3. According to your explanation and what we've seen, no well developed ports have ever been attacked. Is there plan to have for a fully developed port to be raided?

Thank you very much for your time

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PVE server is for playing with no conflict between players - Or is it?

Many of the players on pve doesn't play in a cooperative way - take a look at the Clan HMSH or the 7EC. And I mean the cooperation between the nation and the booked ports. Many of the PVE players are aware of the global cooperation the the United Nations. It was made so the PVE server doesn't turn into chaos and every nation gets a part of the cake so Every nation gets to have a taste of the full potential of the game - (yes I am talking about the port bonuses, the labour hours reduced, more resources produced ect). But the conquest has created alot of conflicts between the relationship of some clans and nation. But that's kind of another topic.

PVE server isn't what it was in my opinion. In the old days you wouldn't have to connect at all. You could play at your own rhythm. you could play alot, or you play a little bit. The good old days where you could play the way you want. And yes I'm talking that before every permit was at the admiralty's and you didn't have to be a fighter to fully play the game with all its features and its content. But anyways that's also another topic. my bad.

My point is that that PVE players aren't hardcore players and that's why we came into that server. But now the Game OBLIGATES you to connect EVERY SINGLE DAY after the maintenance to see if one of your port isn't attacked by the Raiders. WHY? PVE players have jobs, university work, other things in their lifes. There are Casual Players not Hardcore gamers like the pvp players. So it'll be great if during the weekdays we wouldn't have to connect to the game every single day.

And this is why I like Saint George's post - I Support it because Casual players have weekends and that when we are mostly free.

So here is the thing, We're not saying to take out raiders to attack the ports completely but just the reduce it because we PVE players have others things to do that playing this game. Put the raiders attacks in the weekend only so that more players can be present during a port defence. Don't you find it unfair you've lost a port because not enough players could show up because of IRL stuff?

Thanks in advance,

kind regards

Paulo de Antigua

Edited by Paulo de Antigua
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16 hours ago, admin said:

Raiders attack ports every 30 days (we have actually changed it last week)
This requirement is more than reasonable for even a busy man. 
The goal to the feature is to provide a natural incentive to only own the number of ports the clan wishes to defend once every 30 days. If clan has too many undeveloped ports for its number it will have to constantly fight. But per port - is once every month


That means if a clan doesnt want to do that S***** B*** S*** PVE Portbattles they just need to invest 1 point in that Port?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/3/2020 at 10:51 AM, admin said:

The goal to the feature is to provide a natural incentive to only own the number of ports the clan wishes to defend once every 30 days. If clan has too many undeveloped ports for its number it will have to constantly fight. But per port - is once every month

I fully support the change, very reasonable. Sounds like, if you don’t want to get attacked, don’t overextend or don’t own ports haha. And don’t whine about it as you shouldn’t take ports if you can’t defend or develop them  

@admin Will a port get attacked if it has a single development put into it? Is there a minimum amount of development before the port isn’t targeted? Is there a minimum amount of ports per clan or county that will get raided?

For what it’s worth, I and most players I interact with love port battles. When else do you get to fight a huge fleet action against 25 enemies? Port defenses renewed my love for the game. 

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