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Dont alowe Ships Which Are in Brace to use X

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Situation and in my Opinion: Bug I was boarding on ship killed it another one which was on fire Pulled me. I killed him as well but a Third ship which Wasnt involted in any Boarding stuff Used X to not let me sink the Burning Ship so it exploded right next to me I was killed. Seriusly???? This Is in my Eyes: Bug upusing/ Exploiting. The Ship i lost was imidiatley sunken by the Guy which used X and was in Brace of caurse. 


Bad Gamemechanik which u should change. 


Edit: And of caurse it wasnt a crafted ship but a DLC ship. U should Make them Less catching fire to not Destroy the Gamefun for those who want to craft there Ships btw.

Edited by Knuddel
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