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Patch: Timber. Shipbuilding, Conquest flag testing.


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3 minutes ago, Despe said:

In table Locust wood appears like standard wood (it is not described like "new" wood) so what means that? It will be a farmeable wood in a forest like teak, live and the rest, @admin?

Best regards, Despe.

Caguairan has been renamed Locust 

In game just renamed

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4 minutes ago, Despe said:

In table Locust wood appears like standard wood (it is not described like "new" wood) so what means that? It will be a farmeable wood in a forest like teak, live and the rest, @admin?

Best regards, Despe.

Locust is caguarian

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2 minutes ago, Knuddel said:

Why do u need to have an outpost where u want to redeam the chest? its pointless

So people are not stuck with their loot that they cannot transport.... Just think about the exam reward - for example

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What about pvp rewards? the main item you loot from pvp is doubloons. So will there new loot from sunken ships? or new real rewards added to pvp missions? 
Or are you suggesting we should all become traders? haha already elite guns, ships notes, elite books, all drop PvE kills only. 

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So i tryed to do the Mission. And like i reported: Doesnt work. I took a mission travelt to the Port. Klicked on set conquest flag now multiple times, always have a cooldown of like 5 secounds but nothing else is working. 

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13 minutes ago, Knuddel said:



So i tryed to do the Mission. And like i reported: Doesnt work. I took a mission travelt to the Port. Klicked on set conquest flag now multiple times, always have a cooldown of like 5 secounds but nothing else is working. 

Server is having issues:

We crashed it with too much testing already. You can't enter/leave battles or ports at the moment (at least from what I'm reading in global/discord).

Edited by Isaac J Smith
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2 hours ago, admin said:

Patch is being deployed today 18th June

Conquest changes

War server

Several Test chests will be given to all players until Monday to test Conquest flag. 
Conquest flag flow

  • Use the flag
  • Exit port and sail to the destination
  • Place the flag near the enemy port (4000 m) - size of the circle is indicated on the picture
  • V81LMm-nmeh8NdaPf75tCRsc2IqTEq34iv1KIc9h
  • Flag carrier will be sent to the instance
  • Instance entry rules will be the same as port battle (allies only)
  • Reinforcements will be positional
    • Attackers enter near the flag carrier 
    • Defender will enter outside of the 800m radius from the flag carrier
  • Conquest flag will be bind on receive (if you get the flag only you can use it)
  • Flag wont work if player changes nation
  • Testing stage will be different in this way.
    • Port battle wont be organized up after flag placement - feel free to place flags on ports without fear of setting up the port battle
      • this can cause abnormal number of messages for clan owners but its ok.
    • Amount of ports that you can stat hostility has been increased from 2 nearest to 10 nearest  - for testing
  • Flag placement quest was added temporarily to motivate placement of flags.

PVP Hunters are encouraged to sink conquest flag carriers and generally interfere with flag placement. We might give something mildly interesting to those who sink the most.

The test will run till next week. Next week port battles will be switched ON

Port battles on Peace server

Port battles return to Peace server

  • Raiders start attacking ports again.
  • Missions can now only be taken in the port battle time slot


New timber stats have been added

  • In general the changes can be characterized as following. Every timber will have main strength point and secondary strength points. Every timber will have a strong weakness (some stronger or weaker)
    • Oaks - HP and Structure HP (hull), secondary - resistance.
    • Teaks - hardness and resistance, secondary - hp
    • Firs - speed and acceleration, secondary - splinter damage
    • Other - specialized woods, giving strong bonuses in one area.
  • We tried to keep old popular (meta) woods around the same levels they were before.
    Please provide feedback on the philosophy and provide feedback on changes or mistakes you spot.



(for some reason this link does not show in new microsoft browsers)



  • Doubloons have been removed from crafting. "Real" cost to build has been added to crafting. 
  • Blueprints have been rebalanced mainly in the area of distribution of timber between frame and planking (trim).

Combat balancing

  • Overall acceleration was slowed by 20% across all vessels. Deceleration has been left untouched.
    • ps The current difference with acceleration (after patch) with old sea trials is 200% (current ships accelerate 200% faster), we dont want to drop it as fast but in general we believe current acceleration is too high which allows easy stern camping without planning. Slower acceleration will force planning and will make sterncamping a maneuver you must plan ahead. We still believe acceleration is too high.
  • Caps have been increased for speed, reloads, thickness, and HP. But not by much.

Sound pretty good to me have to investigate closer to give final feedback though!! 

Thanks you for lissening to the community in the case of the Mets wood tipes!! 

Great job looking forward to test the flag system!! 

Greetings Swedish Berserker 

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1 minute ago, Malcolm3 said:


Malabar Teak is still Trading Good not Resource, so you can't put a contract for buying or selling it.
That should be fixed

Contracts can be camped, creating abnormal price pressure on the good. Goods without contracts can be bought if you are in port when they dropped.
New woods qualify as trading goods currently, until we see the need to change. 

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3 minutes ago, admin said:

New woods qualify as trading goods currently, until we see the need to change. 

But all new woods except Malabar Teak are in Resource tab in Shop and you can put a conract for them. Isn't there some contradiction?

2 minutes ago, qw569😳 said:

Speed - 20.9 knots

WOW!!!! Not 17kn as everyone think?

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6 minutes ago, qw569😳 said:
  • Speed - 20.9 knots
  • Turning Speed - 25%
  • Sail HP - 100%
  • Armor HP - 100%
  • Hull thickness - 100%
  • Gun Reload - 50%
  • Gun dispersion (both horizontal and vertical) - 40%

We could compare these new values with old.


Are we getting those fast steam engines? :D (Mr Fulton???)

Edited by Louis Garneray
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6 minutes ago, qw569😳 said:
  • Speed - 20.9 knots
  • Turning Speed - 25%
  • Sail HP - 100%
  • Armor HP - 100%
  • Hull thickness - 100%
  • Gun Reload - 50%
  • Gun dispersion (both horizontal and vertical) - 40%

We could compare these new values with old.


Poseidon have mercy on us ...

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6 minutes ago, Henry Long Castle said:

What can I do with the 40-50k doubloons I have now ? Ive already made an academy and level 3 shipyard. Am I stuck with them ?

Sell them to my guys for 300 per..

Edited by Audacious
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1 hour ago, qw569😳 said:
  • Speed - 20.9 knots


server speed is not game speed. Client speed is lower.
But because this is causing confusion and upset people ALL cap numbers will be hidden

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41 minutes ago, admin said:

server speed is not game speed. Client speed is lower.
But because this is causing confusion and upset people ALL cap numbers will be hidden

So rather than give us the actual cap values, you're going to remove everything? This impacts being able to plan ship builds on useful tools such as felix's map.

Instead of "You're looking at the wrong values, you need to look at these" it's "We're going to removal all values". Sounds logical...


All we want is to know what these caps are so when we build ships for certain things (ie: HP), we don't end up with a nasty surprise.


EDIT: Looks like Felix has manually coded caps into his tool, but it would be nice if we could get accurate values still using API/Something.

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1 hour ago, admin said:

 Which means other things start to matter (not only speed) For example: fast bellonas (historically) will no longer be able to actively pursue frigates in turning fights (they will lose energy and accelerate slower)

This is a great change that will improve the quality of battles immensely, many German and American captains will be pleased at the return of boom and zoom, and preserving energy through efficient manuever that will extend the range of their tactics in the right direction!

Inb4 turn n burn weenies try to tell you otherwise. 20knts across water is nuts, hope you know what you're doing 🤣

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2 minutes ago, Vitasalato said:

Will the new woods drops from wooden chest?

Also looks like there might be some issue with the stats. Turnrate is the same for LoS/woS and TeakS/woS. Still needs to be tested in battle


turn rate is determined by ship length and rudder size - and is no longer dependent on wood
So yes. turn rates for these ships is identical

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39 minutes ago, admin said:

Contracts can be camped, creating abnormal price pressure on the good. Goods without contracts can be bought if you are in port when they dropped.
New woods qualify as trading goods currently, until we see the need to change. 

Basically to collect rare woods we have to travel around all the map or they will drop in every ports? Or at least in many inside the same region? Ex Bahamas 

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