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Battle mission problem

Cristo Guerillero

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30 minutes ago, Cristo Guerillero said:

 I had a problem while trying to join a battle mission for 6th rates. We had 6 people in my group , and when i tried to enter, i pressed the "Join as a group" button, and found myself alone in battle vs 6 AI ships. Unfortunately , i did not think to make a bug report.


Greetings, do you, or your friends, have a video of the problem perhaps? Your friends had an option to join the mission even if you started it alone.

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10 minutes ago, Cristo Guerillero said:


   I will ask them, but most likely they have not recorded. And, at that moment, they told me that they could not see the battle/mission in OW.

Unfortunately without a report it is impossible to investigate this particular case, please make sure to report such case in future. In case there is a video available, please send me a private message

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