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Forthcoming patch information


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2 minutes ago, Staunberg99 said:

You edited you reply. Guess this will to.


he is called a player in both. 
1st version - we stopped listening to players like Lars
2nd version (where we fixed some typos) - we stopped listening to players like lars

In both versions we stopped listening to whiners and doomsayers like lars


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1 minute ago, admin said:

We did not say he is a fake player? Where did we say it. We said he has no idea what he is talking about. And all who thing that TP to the battle is bad are mistaken. 
They are mistaken in one thing - its bad for them. But they are a minority

Majority of players do not want to be zerged and want a real chance for a port battle. We are removing the screen because the community did not handle themselves and abusers during screening and just passed this responsibility onto us by means of tribunals. I have no desire to sit in tribunals all day, so i am removing screening and give a small group an equal chance. 

The only nation that would welcome such a thing, is Russia. They will be able to defend more easily their overextended nation, with less players and most importantly with the most experienced ones.
That being said, we know you have your reasons, but I would like to tell you Lars and I play in Danmark-Norge, which barely has 25-30 active RvR players, which means we will always suffer from zergs with screening fleets. But that's not the point. Even if you don't make it into the port battle, you get a fight (2/3 of the times at least). 

And everyone will miss those huge screening fights, that are CONTENT. That's it. 
I won't criticise your decisions, mostly because I don't know the details: patch note is not clear, we don't know how hostility will effectively be, we don't know how port investments (and point cap for each port) will work, we don't know how the TP into the port battle will be. There's many things we have no clue of, and that's the problem.
It will be a "surprise" when you release the patch.

Can we please get more details in this? Thank you in advance

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Id love to tp into battle more, since pb's wont have screening, create a new item,

Odin rune, tp your ship into an instance connected to the higest BR, active, ongoing PB, where you get placed on a random side. Make it esier for solo players, so you dont get to many teams of VOIP groups. 

With rewards given if the team you get to fight for wins the PB, if your team loses no rewards.  Lets say, all partisipants share the equivilant of a Raid reward of said port. So you need to win the "screening instance" and have the PB won of the team you get placed on, to get something from it.

Something like this would make my life so much more enjoyable, see the PBs that are gonna run one evening and plan my life accordingly, log on jump in a battle directly, that is not just Loki trolling, but actually pontentialy rewarding. 

And since PB's are announced anyway ingame, could use that as a serverwide "lets fight" signal for people to use this "rune"

Edited by Ponk
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5 minutes ago, Staunberg99 said:

But in you first statement you clearly wrote real players. It is fair enough you regret that remark. Witch I guess you did, since you edited it. 

Oh.. THIS remark was different. I thought it was something else.  Sorry i will put it back so you dont feel offended by my edits and improvements. Everything and the game must stay as it is even if you see the way to improve it. Thanks for this suggestion.

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13 minutes ago, Comrade FrosT said:

And everyone will miss those huge screening fights, that are CONTENT. That's it. 

This waste of other people's time is not content

We are now also reworking EXIT TIMER which will depend on damage per last minute to avoid people from keeping large ships in battle by single shots. I cant believe it took so long to realise this. To keep a person in battle you will have to deliver good amount of damage otherwise this battle is over.

 See. thanks for bad people behaviour the game is getting better.. Slow but steady.

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2 minutes ago, admin said:

This waste of other people's time is not content

Sorry if it's not clear: it rarely happens, it only happened to me once over the dozens of times I got fun battles out of a port battle. Most of the times you get a real fight, with 20 ships per side that fight. And it won't happen anymore. Or am I wrong?



3 minutes ago, admin said:

We are now also reworking EXIT TIMER which will depend on damage per last minute to avoid people from keeping large ships in battle by single shots. I cant believe it took so long to realise this. To keep a person in battle you will have to deliver good amount of damage otherwise this battle is over.

This is good. I hope the amount of damage required is balanced, though...


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32 minutes ago, admin said:

I am not good at being a central midfilder or mezzalla on a football pitch. I am not giving advice to mezallas and do not complain when they do not play as i tell them. We listen to useful feedback (even from critics) thats why Steirmarken flag collection and intrepido(banned) collection will still be a thing. As they proposed something useful and needed. Most features in game are by suggested by players, but we stopped working up by a committee. But the suggestion framework must be fulfilled.

So if you dont like Teleport to port battle - fine - but dont say shit about my opinions if they differ from yours. If you feel the desire to curse when responding to my ideas - get out of here and cool off. 

I haven't actually cursed.

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Regarding "exit" timer,


Look forward to it, only advise is to test it well before implementing. It's very easy to go from "not possible to exit battle" to "not possible to keep in battle". 

Neither way is good. But we'll see, happy this is being worked on😘

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15 minutes ago, Lars Kjaer said:

I haven't actually cursed.

I'm at a loss to explain how any1 can have a game that had so much potential and so royally hello kitty it up.

Of course. You were like Lenin, you said party when you meant people. 

By valve opinion this game is one of the best releases from early access in 2019
By average hours per player its a top 25 game on steam. 
It's in 200 most played game on Steam overall by PCU

If you (your words) think its a royalLY *** ed up game, noone will ever give your advice a real chance, due to significant reality distortion field around you - which makes everything look worse in your mind, which transfers to your typing 

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13 hours ago, Staunberg99 said:

Well you are then just not one of those guys.
But some ppl, I guess just want to look for the bad side, other even on peace will look for the fun things to.

My guess we have plenty of guys on the peace server that have both a Pandora and a Hercules. You think I am wrong on that part. The skill to do the exame to proberbly, so they do the exame in Shroud. So plenty of Rig, hul and Rum.  Massive grind? Nope. Redeem sail out and have a couple of hours of fun. My guess on the cm earned you have no need to grind. But suddenly you will be High ranked. Might even try another PZ, but still have your main life in the game on peace.

Toxic chat. Hear that often, my self see little of that. Rearly open global and Danish chat is basicly dead, but could close it if needed. But look forward to hear from you when a clan on the peace server have lost a developped port in a AI Pb and another clan flip it, before the clan that have developed it can. Ore that will never happen an peace.

Toxic lately we have even seen Peace players making tribunal, so a little toxic I guess you have to🙂

Well wee have 1 or 2 clan very toxic on pve but not much as the pvp for sure 

Edited by Delaf
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1 hour ago, admin said:

For your information wrecker is in game and there was even an public in game event which allowed players to capture it

We do not have informatoin when its going to be part of the event again. 

Wrecker is announced (by you) as a craftable ship which was aimed to be released in February. You posted the information in your development thread.

Also, giving the lack of dutch ships and the dutch community it may be nice to add the ship's blueprint to the game.

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14 minutes ago, kapteinsnabeltann said:

Larskjaer is one of the ones who saved danish nation and kept a lot of players in this game. He has been a good teacher and a good friend. He is not fake and deserve some respect after long time duty. ✌️❤️

There is nothing better than a loyal vassal. You Sir are a great person

He requested kindly to unban his forum account for previous shitposting and now he is claiming we have royally ****ed the game again. It seems he just hates the game or devs of both. If only he was as loyal to admiralty as you to him.

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40 minutes ago, admin said:

This waste of other people's time is not content

We are now also reworking EXIT TIMER which will depend on damage per last minute to avoid people from keeping large ships in battle by single shots. I cant believe it took so long to realise this. To keep a person in battle you will have to deliver good amount of damage otherwise this battle is over.

 See. thanks for bad people behaviour the game is getting better.. Slow but steady.

Will "control" perk will be reworked too then ?


About the screening battles, it was a time they were fun, but as we got bored of the full Ocean pb, and moved toward limited br port battles, we got in a weird stuff where you had to  come in smaller groups&ship but pb fitted, but met 25 1st rate screening you in OW, even if they mostly are trash ships,  and That will not be missed as it only gave content to griefers / toxic clans interfering with the RvR of other nations, and served the zerg nations.

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5 minutes ago, Montagnes said:

Here is the thread where Wreker was advertised as craftable ship.

We like it better as an event ship.
We were just replying to the statement that the ship is not in game. Many captains own it and some sail it. 

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57 minutes ago, admin said:

We are now also reworking EXIT TIMER which will depend on damage per last minute to avoid people from keeping large ships in battle by single shots. I cant believe it took so long to realise this. To keep a person in battle you will have to deliver good amount of damage otherwise this battle is over.

Actually that could be solution to your "screening griefing" instead of removing it.

And yes, I agree with @Tsiang Dao Ming - what will happen during, for example, chase when you are stedily (but slowly) gaining on fleeing enemy and keeping his sails under fire from chasers with roundshot (very low damage on sails)?

P.S. @Lars Kjaer is the second one (after me) who asks you about the usefulness and necessity of OW...

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4 minutes ago, Malcolm3 said:

Actually that could be solution to your "screening griefing" instead of removing it.


Well no

I have 1 programmer who is filled with work on current priorities and cutting the gangrene is the best way. Screening is cut and not coming back ever again. Screening should be done during hostiltiy and port battle day is for port battles, for some reason it turned into a SECOND attempt to stop the port battle.



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1 minute ago, admin said:

Well no

I have 1 programmer who is filled with work on current priorities and cutting the gangrene is the best way. Screening is cut and not coming back ever again. Screening should be done during hostiltiy and port battle day is for port battles, for some reason it turned into a SECOND attempt to stop the port battle.



Have you looked at my thread about suggestions to improve rookies's life?

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21 minutes ago, admin said:

We like it better as an event ship.
We were just replying to the statement that the ship is not in game. Many captains own it and some sail it. 

This great ship and your work creating it is almost wasted as event ship. Without good woods + portboni it's nothing more than a collectors item. 

Why should I sail a sabicu sabicu de ruyter without portboni against full seasoned redoubtables? Or craftable ships with portboni? 

Please think about making it a craftable ship with very rare permit. 

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9 minutes ago, Malcolm3 said:

who asks you about the usefulness and necessity of OW...

I really have to wonder how someone could seriously suggest abolishing the wide ocean, and nothing else is OW, in an age of sail game...

... which gets much of its atmosphere out of... sailing through the wide ocean. ^^

(which I find essential and enjoyable. If you think it is "too wide" - there are the wind boosts for you)

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12 minutes ago, Malcolm3 said:


And yes, I agree with @Tsiang Dao Ming - what will happen during, for example, chase when you are stedily (but slowly) gaining on fleeing enemy and keeping his sails under fire from chasers with roundshot (very low damage on sails)?


Gone. Thanks for screening and holding in battles too. Battle timer will increase but if you cant get to the good damage zone in 10 mins Bye bye.
Tag properly Or sail essex with control perk ;)

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1 hour ago, admin said:

This waste of other people's time is not content

We are now also reworking EXIT TIMER which will depend on damage per last minute to avoid people from keeping large ships in battle by single shots. I cant believe it took so long to realise this. To keep a person in battle you will have to deliver good amount of damage otherwise this battle is over.

 See. thanks for bad people behaviour the game is getting better.. Slow but steady.

You are gonna need to change ship speeds for this. If I'm tagging a Christian which is going 14-15knts downwind (which is fuc'king absurd) and I'm gaining on it at 15.5knts but I can only hit its sails will I do enough damage to keep him in battle?

Right now so much of the PvP meta is focused around kiting people because:

1. Nearly all ships can go over 14 knots

2. Its easy to catch Indiaman which give easy doubloons.

3. There is very little risk involved.


If you change exit timers to be dependent on damage then it only reinforces this kiting/speed meta which makes for some of the most boring PvP I have ever been a part of. I regularly take an Agamemnon or something to the PZ and people just run away from me, why are they kiting in PZ, the aim is to deal damage there is literally a circle that stops them from running so they just sail around the edge of it.

Edited by ashley
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