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1 hour ago, Hr FrosT said:

No, that's not true. We've showed up in every single daily port battle we've had. Regarding the night ones, you don't even deserve an answer on your complaints to be fair.

That is true, perhaps you should talk to Lars about what he has openly said regarding port battles, I myself have messages from him stating that the danes will keep no showing ports and only enter if they are uncontested.

And you talk about these 'night timers' Sweden has a large player base for NA timezone, its their evening time that the ports are set for. It isn't exactly timer dodging given that they were mostly just lost to the russians anyway, it goes to show there is no issue, other nations just need to get their NA timezone clans to organise and attack like they did.

Edited by xKenver
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47 minutes ago, Hr FrosT said:

The difference is time wasted... rest doesn't matter, if you grief someone in hostility. 

I say it should also depends on the remaining time till window closes. If there's more than 1.5 hrs left, and the enemy jumps in with ships not capable of fighting, it's just griefing. They'll kill the NPC and get out anyway after the end of the battle, hence 1.5 hours of pure and useless griefing. If there's only (for example) 20 minutes left, I don't see any problem in having little ships trying to force them to get out only after window closed. Especially because the amount of time wasted is much less, and for an actual purpose. 

For the rest, I don't agree. People say hostility is hard to counter. Then recruit spies that tell you when they start, have people patrolling your immense empire, use log books (very useful for the task!). Overextension has a price, after all.

Cannot do that, cause that would be time wasted..

Edited by Cornelis Evertsen de Oude
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So just a thought, would it be an idea to make hostility missions be ship class based? like 1st rates for 20k 3rd rates for 10600 4th rates for 5700 etc? I feel it would make it far better for all nations as it would stop the so called 'griefing' of smaller class ships entering and running from the large ships keeping them tagged? similar to the epic events that are ship class based?

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44 minutes ago, xKenver said:

And you talk about these 'night timers' Sweden has a large player base for NA timezone, its their evening time that the ports are set for. It isn't exactly timer dodging given that they were mostly just lost to the russians anyway, it goes to show there is no issue, other nations just need to get their NA timezone clans to organise and attack like they did.

Bollocks. Liq/Liam/Gooser usually show up and defend those. Definitely not US players. You don't have enough players to cover so many night flips.
Dodge by definition.

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28 minutes ago, Hr FrosT said:

Bollocks. Liq/Liam/Gooser usually show up and defend those. Definitely not US players. You don't have enough players to cover so many night flips.
Dodge by definition.

So by that definition everyone is dodging with day timers as no one can defend all day time timers. We have had more than 2/3 of our timers in day time at all times. We just keep a special few for the danes and 2/3 for the russians otherwise you all get to carried away with PvE.

We also defended the majority of our night timers the other day. The fact we didnt win is immiterial. We filled most and left 1. The same as we would do in a daytime multiflip.


Edited by Liam790
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Игра уже несколько лет страдает от маринада, в POTBS было так же, но разработчики сделали возможность выйти из боя если враг не нанес 500 дамага, почему бы не сделать также? Хорошо, что у меня есть твинки и я могу крафтить и возить грузы, но если представить, что игрок тратит по несколько часов в неделю на маринад, то конечно игра в такие моменты начинает раздражать. 


P.S. Нельзя наказать игроков, за то что можно делать в игре, нужно решать проблему в механике. Мне дали предупреждение в игре, за то что я прожал сурендер) это уже пипец) 

Edited by Ленин
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4 hours ago, Ленин said:

нужно решать проблему в механике. 

Механику надо делать, а правила четкие можно написать уже сейчас. Чтобы вот прям предельно ясно, что можно и что нельзя, за что какое наказание.

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Every time the same.

Remember George Orwell: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

If Russia does it, it will never be the same...

Buy yourself a broom and sweep at your own door!

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Also ich würde es begrüssen wenn man die Allgemeinen Foren (also nicht die dafür speziell gekennzeichneten) in English schreiben kann einer wellt sprache den so leid es mir tut ich bin mit dem google translate nicht begabt


so and the thing is here thats its ok if russans (i mean the na nation) grief but if russian get griefed in a rvr part of the game ... what we all know is open for everything .... and maybe they wanted put it out of the timer or what no one thinked maybe the sweds wanted set the pb later so isnt griefing its a tactic to delay the pb

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12 hours ago, Liam790 said:

So by that definition everyone is dodging with day timers as no one can defend all day time timers. We have had more than 2/3 of our timers in day time at all times. We just keep a special few for the danes and 2/3 for the russians otherwise you all get to carried away with PvE.

We also defended the majority of our night timers the other day. The fact we didnt win is immiterial. We filled most and left 1. The same as we would do in a daytime multiflip.


Let's move this discussion elsewhere.

Edited by Hr FrosT
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