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Enemies certainly more resilient now


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This only based on the first battle in the British campaign after the latest patch, so subject to change deeper in.

It does, however, seem that I won't really need the "kill prisoners" command anymore since they rarely surrender now. They still fight as you would expect untrained militia to fight, which is to say not very well, but their courage seems to have gone up quite a bit. They're almost all French Foreign Legionnaires now (minus the skill), fighting until the last man, then shattering.

Not much of an issue in the British campaign where you can buy all your stuff with the piles of cash that His Majesty throws at you, but it might make the American campaign quite a bit more challenging. We'll see :)

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Actually I would rather see more surrenders and shattering. Having units fight almost to the death like in a Total War game feels kinda weird and very unauthentic. In a real battle units that lost about half their men were often considered "shattered" or "virtually wiped out". Pickett lost around 50% of his men during the charge in killed and wounded and after that, his division was considered "wiped out" and the charge is called one the biggest military failures of the whole civil war. 

Also "deaths" in the game should clearly be called casualties, but that is something the Ultimate series is dragging along with it for years now. 😉

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Have to amend my initial assessment too. Next major battle, enemies seemed to surrender at the same rate as previous. Must have been something about the way I fought the first that made it different. Just putting this out there so nobody gets any wrong assumptions. :)

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4 hours ago, sterner said:

We did not make any changes in surrender mechanics except a fix related to surrendering of player units. 

Is there a place where alpha players can see what was changed every patch? I was looking around for notes and have not seen anything.

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1 hour ago, Gsam said:

Is there a place where alpha players can see what was changed every patch? I was looking around for notes and have not seen anything.

Another place would be under the tab "News" in the launcher the first entry about "Backer Build 4 patch notes". It seems to be from the 12/14/19 but it actually contains notes from the recent patches as well.

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