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Planning of next updates

Nick Thomadis

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24 minutes ago, Teckelmaster said:

i guess, that after release work on this game will be significantly reduced, much more balancing, much less developing

Or if they do well they could increase staff! expand the project to its full potential. 😊

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46 minutes ago, Skeksis said:

Or if they do well they could increase staff! expand the project to its full potential. 😊


Im curious as too how many got the limited edition too be honest. For me DLC is justified when it provides actual content, quite a bit of it and new features that expand upon the game and also even evolve it abit.

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25 minutes ago, Cptbarney said:

Im curious as too how many got the limited edition too be honest.

There are some indications (steam forum) that alot of peeps are waiting for steam release, they prefer that service.

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9 hours ago, Skeksis said:

There are some indications (steam forum) that alot of peeps are waiting for steam release, they prefer that service.

Yeah, i wanted rule the waves 2 to be on steam as well. Not interested in buying it through their portal, since paying over £30 is very questionable no matter how fun the game might be.

Plus i'm, a cheap sod and i can't justify the price through what i've seen through gameplay on youtube channels so far, £25's is fine doe.

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10 hours ago, Cptbarney said:

Im curious as too how many got the limited edition too be honest. For me DLC is justified when it provides actual content, quite a bit of it and new features that expand upon the game and also even evolve it abit.

DLCs to improve the game is ok as you said if it actually provides content.
But i also see it as way of getting excused of releasing unpolished products... kinda double edge sword.
Trust in companies is a dying currency no mater how much one wants to trust there is always that doubt of getting shafted hard with ship shaft (propeller included).

Q&A would be really good specially for this hot potato.
Basicly a text wall with bullet points would be fine as well and we will take those words as part of Leticia divinata (rapture of divination). If dev says it is canon then it is canon 🌤️ 🛬🎆🎇🛬🚢‼️

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5 minutes ago, Illya von Einzbern said:

DLCs to improve the game is ok as you said if it actually provides content.
But i also see it as way of getting excused of releasing unpolished products... kinda double edge sword.
Trust in companies is a dying currency no mater how much one wants to trust there is always that doubt of getting shafted hard with ship shaft (propeller included).

Q&A would be really good specially for this hot potato.
Basicly a text wall with bullet points would be fine as well and we will take those words as part of Leticia divinata (rapture of divination). If dev says it is canon then it is canon 🌤️ 🛬🎆🎇🛬🚢‼️

Yeah especially after the utter disaster that has been, digital homicide, blizzards WC:Reforged and diablo mobile plus overwatch '2'. Activsion and their funnies, plus bethesda, konami, square enix (i think), epic (game side of things), Rockstar (employee practises) and gamefreak (for some reason they seem to be doing questionable things as well).

Oh and the grand daddy of all EA cant forget dem.

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An idea that just popped into my head was a spectator mode in custom battles. Once you set up the 2 teams and have designed your ships your can enter into a spectator mode where you could watch the teams Duke it out. 

This would probably work best if you could design all the ships in custom battle not just 1 (even design the enemy fleet too)

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28 minutes ago, Koogus said:

An idea that just popped into my head was a spectator mode in custom battles. Once you set up the 2 teams and have designed your ships your can enter into a spectator mode where you could watch the teams Duke it out. 

This would probably work best if you could design all the ships in custom battle not just 1 (even design the enemy fleet too)

omg yes pls, we could recreate really cool scenarios without having to do anything!

now i just need to be the drew durnil of naval stuff but with less cringe lol

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16 hours ago, Koogus said:

An idea that just popped into my head was a spectator mode in custom battles. Once you set up the 2 teams and have designed your ships your can enter into a spectator mode where you could watch the teams Duke it out. 

This would probably work best if you could design all the ships in custom battle not just 1 (even design the enemy fleet too)

Yeah, and couple this with the cinematic camera mode, like the one from Empire at War game😋

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Also would like to see a 0.25x 0.5x and 0.75x speed modifiers as well for easier screenshot captures (also avoid imggmi doesnt seem to work on these forums). Surprised to see x30 on there, hope we get to see terrain like islands, bases, oil rigs, docks, seaside towns etc in alpha 6 or 7.

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19 hours ago, Cptbarney said:

Also would like to see a 0.25x 0.5x and 0.75x speed modifiers as well for easier screenshot captures (also avoid imggmi doesnt seem to work on these forums). Surprised to see x30 on there, hope we get to see terrain like islands, bases, oil rigs, docks, seaside towns etc in alpha 6 or 7.

replay function would be great addition to your idea, this way we could focus on battle and capture great moments later when we can focus on controlling camera instead.


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On 2/7/2020 at 7:45 AM, Latur Husky said:

replay function would be great addition to your idea, this way we could focus on battle and capture great moments later when we can focus on controlling camera instead.


True forgot about such a thing, although that armour needs tuning down first lol.

But yeah excellent idea!

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5 minutes ago, HusariuS said:

I would like to see in the upcoming patch new hulls and structures for CLs and DDs because well... i just feel like they were left behind, while other type of ships (including CA) are progessing more and more.

Belfast and Dido pls. La galissonaire and cleveland too, emerald, omaha, hawkins, dugauy tourin, aoba, konigsberg and condottorei as well too name a few.

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Thanks for the recent patch, yet, there is plenty of room where can be improve the game.

  1. Much larger freedom of placement of the primary / secondary tower and the barbette's. There is no way to build Nelson, G3, N3 like battleships and battlecruisers, or the Mogami or Tone class heavy cruisers. I understand why they probably need a different hull, yet, we can put three very different kind of engine (steam-piston, steam turbine and diesel) engines into the very same hull still. So if we got that kind of freedom, probably we can get this kind too...
  2. Would be nice a "overall" view in the shipyard, where we can check the fire arc of the main- and secondary turrets, the armor distribution and relative strength against a choosed gun at choosed range (at least the same kind we get at the battle, where we put the cursor on an enemy ship).
  3. The possibility to copy an earlier made design in the shipyard to a new one. I really hate to start again a new design, when I got a good design, but wan't to make some polishing...
  4. Maybe we can get different length of barrels in the same bore diameter? Would be nice if we can choose a longer barrel, which improve the range, but increase the weight of the gun (and turret).
  5. Perhaps we can place the deck torpedo tubes or secondary turrets on the flat places of the tower complexes? There is many such place on the Modern Pri / Sec. towers, which ones actually cannot be use for anything.


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On 2/9/2020 at 10:12 AM, Cifu said:

The possibility to copy an earlier made design in the shipyard to a new one. I really hate to start again a new design, when I got a good design, but wan't to make some polishing...

There's a super-duper discreet button that allows you to do this already. Located top left, underneath the [X] delete button on the tiny portrait of your design.

Kinda looks like a white/gray silhouette of a person... Or a stamp...

Going by memory (or a weird nightmare?). As such some errors in my description might exist. 

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I bought the game a week ago and so far I think it's very good. For me it's the best naval game (for surface vessels) I played since Fighting Steel 20 years ago.

There are a few things I miss (maybe there are in the game and I just didn't notice them yet) and I was wondering if the team was thinking about it.

1. 2D game view. For big battles it's hard to keep up where everyting is and a 2D game view would be great for an option

2. Opponent speed and direction. You get a lot of information about the enemy (more then would be available to a real captain) but you don't get the speed and direction which is the basic information that you would need to calculate a firing solution for guns and torps.

3. Setting a direction of sailing (seting a course). Clicking and the ship going there is great, but sometimes I would prefer to be able to set a course, not only for one ship or group, but for different groups, so I can have them run parallel to each other.

4. Seeing which turrets can fire/are fireing and which are still not engaged. I have found myself many times just watching which turrets are fireing to see if I have my ship at an optimum angle to close and still fire with all the turrets and the changing the course a little, waiting, changing, waiting, etc until I see all turrets firing.

5. Torpedo spread. If possible I would like an option to change the torpedo spread, ad right now I see they are very thight and if I shoot 10 torps and the ship changes course just a little (at long distances) all will miss, but if I can set a larger spread, yeah 8 will miss, but two will still hit and do the damage.

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I think it would be really nice to have some stats (showing total hits/damage taken or given for example) at the end of battles. It may not be very usefull to the game , but would add an nice little "battle end" and may improve player satisfaction after a battle and , most importandly, may help analysing post-battle what worked out well and what failed. So we can improve tactics and designs.

Ps: thanks for your hard work !

Ps 2 : sorry for my hasardous english

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On 2/12/2020 at 1:12 PM, PatriotASR said:

I bought the game a week ago and so far I think it's very good. For me it's the best naval game (for surface vessels) I played since Fighting Steel 20 years ago.

There are a few things I miss (maybe there are in the game and I just didn't notice them yet) and I was wondering if the team was thinking about it.

1. 2D game view. For big battles it's hard to keep up where everyting is and a 2D game view would be great for an option

2. Opponent speed and direction. You get a lot of information about the enemy (more then would be available to a real captain) but you don't get the speed and direction which is the basic information that you would need to calculate a firing solution for guns and torps.

3. Setting a direction of sailing (seting a course). Clicking and the ship going there is great, but sometimes I would prefer to be able to set a course, not only for one ship or group, but for different groups, so I can have them run parallel to each other.

4. Seeing which turrets can fire/are fireing and which are still not engaged. I have found myself many times just watching which turrets are fireing to see if I have my ship at an optimum angle to close and still fire with all the turrets and the changing the course a little, waiting, changing, waiting, etc until I see all turrets firing.

5. Torpedo spread. If possible I would like an option to change the torpedo spread, ad right now I see they are very thight and if I shoot 10 torps and the ship changes course just a little (at long distances) all will miss, but if I can set a larger spread, yeah 8 will miss, but two will still hit and do the damage.

So after finishing the scenarios I thought of two more things.

6. As Looping above me mentioned we need a post battle report.  For those who played Ultimate General, can you imagine not having that post battle report? I would like to see what ship did well, who did poorly, did the DDs and TPs I sent to torpedo the BBs and BCs make the sacrifice worth it, etc. especially in custom battles that would be great as you sometimes have a lot of ships going against numerous other ships and can’t keep track of who did what to whom and when, but in scenarios that would be helpful to, just to see what ship design or tactics works best.

7. You could multiply the number of scenarios by just marking what tech and hull you used in a successful completion. Eg. I went for Main gun tech and BC in a scenario, so that would be marked green, next time I would try it with a CA and Main guns, then extra cash and BC, etc. When campaign will be available this would be less useful, but for right now it would multiply the existing gameplay.

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Some good things to add in my opinion:

-ship behavior : it would be nice to set an "erratic" pattern for DD's to do some zigs-zags route in the way to the target  or some other predetermined pattern for heavier units.

-launching torp without aiming (like in Wow) , in order to force the enemy units to manoeuver.

-torpedo aiming cone : to know how to put our unit in the correct position to have a descent firing solution

-as said before : more information about bearing and heading of our ship and of the enemy ships as well

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