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New thread for harmless traders visiting other nations

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Dear DEV´s,

i can´t believe , what you done with the last game change: Aggressive ai fleets attacking now all ships !!!!!!!!!!! of other nations in the central area around capitals.

Sorry that make really no sense to attack all foreign ships. Why:

1. There are alliances between friendly nations

2. There are only traders, who want to trade in foreign ports. Now they will be attacked by a fleet of ai-fighting ships.


You revitalise the trade part weeks ago, now you kill this progress, because no normal trader can reach ports nearby  a foreign capital anymore.

As i bet you weeks ago, to strengthen the defence around capitals, i meant not to kill all ships which entered the area with another flag.

This defense only should prevent attacks from aggresive raiders, which enter the are in battle groups, but not single and peaceful traders.

So pls correct immediatly this totally wrong way and focus the defence to warships.


Thank you


Ferdinand de La Salle

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23 minutes ago, Ferdinand de LaSalle said:

Dear DEV´s,

i can´t believe , what you done with the last game change: Aggressive ai fleets attacking now all ships !!!!!!!!!!! of other nations in the central area around capitals.

Sorry that make really no sense to attack all foreign ships. Why:

1. There are alliances between friendly nations

2. There are only traders, who want to trade in foreign ports. Now they will be attacked by a fleet of ai-fighting ships.


You revitalise the trade part weeks ago, now you kill this progress, because no normal trader can reach ports nearby  a foreign capital anymore.

As i bet you weeks ago, to strengthen the defence around capitals, i meant not to kill all ships which entered the area with another flag.

This defense only should prevent attacks from aggresive raiders, which enter the are in battle groups, but not single and peaceful traders.

So pls correct immediatly this totally wrong way and focus the defence to warships.


Thank you


Ferdinand de La Salle

I like this idea! Let me raid with Indiamen and Lgv :D

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Is this true?  Will a TLynx or TBrig sailing without a warship, and NOT attached to a group with a warship escort, be attacked by Foreign Privateer Fleets?

And is it just in the Capital Zone close to the capital, or the larger proximal area?

I thought 6th and 7th rate traders had diplomatic immunity.  I can understand having risk for Indiamans and LGVs, but it seems reasonable to allow all port access to a Traders Snow.


Edited by Macjimm
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To Macjimm, well my single belle poule was attacked far away from the swedish captial gustavia, but it was nearby the county capital saint John so,

i presume it is a larger area around and not only the inner zone. 

And it is nice, that small ships will not be attacked, but you can earn money in an significant way only with bigger traders (because of the idiotic 100 tons rule)

I will prove that, what happen to a Trader brigg or trader snow.

For smaller and weaker nations it is a general Problem (Always the small ones). The tradeable goods with a good earning rate are limited, special if you have an relative high Player population.


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Privateer fleets will track, chase, tag and wreck you if your BR is above 100.  They will not chase a LeReq (100 BR) but will chase down a Hercules (110 BR).  If delivering to an enemy capital area take a trader brig with 1 trader brig in fleet (90BR total).


Edited by Atreides
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5 hours ago, Atreides said:

Privateer fleets will track, chase, tag and wreck you if your BR is above 100.  They will not chase a LeReq (100 BR) but will chase down a Hercules (110 BR).  If delivering to an enemy capital area take a trader brig with 1 trader brig in fleet (90BR total).


Was that how Priv fleets were implemented, or was the BR change made later on? 

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6 hours ago, Macjimm said:

Is this true?  Will a TLynx or TBrig sailing without a warship, and NOT attached to a group with a warship escort, be attacked by Foreign Privateer Fleets?

And is it just in the Capital Zone close to the capital, or the larger proximal area?

I thought 6th and 7th rate traders had diplomatic immunity.  I can understand having risk for Indiamans and LGVs, but it seems reasonable to allow all port access to a Traders Snow.


No, I don't think that is true, at least they have not attacked me when in 6-7th rates

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7 hours ago, Atreides said:

Privateer fleets will track, chase, tag and wreck you if your BR is above 100.  They will not chase a LeReq (100 BR) but will chase down a Hercules (110 BR).  If delivering to an enemy capital area take a trader brig with 1 trader brig in fleet (90BR total).


Awesome clarification.

So once again the Devs have left choices for players.

Use large traders safely within home territorial waters.  This is mostly what I do, and I make decent profits now.

We can trade with Foreign ports.  Just keep our ventures modest, and limit the manifests to 3700 tons.

For big trading runs, team up with fortified escorts.  It may be possible for a bunch of large traders to slip in and out, while the Privateer Fleets are simultaneously under attack by players in Warships. These are high risk runs, but the reward is richer.

Not sure if the Devs planned such versatility, but it's marvelous to have a wide range of options and still have these deadly guardian squadrons near the trade centers.

Edited by Macjimm
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4 minutes ago, Eyesore said:

I, in a cerberus, was surrounded by 5 privateerfleets south of Mortimer an hour ago ... not one of those fleets even changed direction towards me.

Even when i sailed close to them (within tagging range), nothing happened.

Cause your BR was low enough.  Cerb is 100BR I believe.  Less if you're not fully crewed


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To Macjimm,

pls do not applause to game changes they only make problems and this attitude do not help all the weaker nations, single players and newbees.

This change is, in my opinion, only made to strengthen the strong nations and strong clans, with a high organisation level. For all others (still the majority)  the problems will  be raised.

For example:

In the area of my small french nation ,with a relativly high population, all goods with a fairly good eraning ratio are traded on sunday morning. The Situation do not change till the day. So you have not the volume to trade with indi´s.

Than, pls send me your results, if you entering a capital zone even if you have 3 strong escort ships like heavy frigates or third rate ships and only one  trader. i am really interested about the results.

I am also interested, if you start simultaniously an attack with own fleet to stop the privateer fleets, at my count we have 4 or 5 of these fleets in the capital Zone.

So what happen to the other 3 or 4 of those fleets.

Pls stop arguing in the position of a member of a well organised nation. For this its mayby a minor problem, for all others ist a big problem, thank you

Greetings Ferdinand de LaSalle


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To Ferdinand de LaSalle,

I concede that your perspective from a poorly organized nation may be different from a stronger nation.  You are welcome to join our nation, I'll help you as much as I can. 😀

Good luck.  Fair winds. I'll leave you to your comments here, and I'll stop making suggestions to help.

Macjim M&C Ret [SCTC]

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27 minutes ago, Macjimm said:

To Ferdinand de LaSalle,

I concede that your perspective from a poorly organized nation may be different from a stronger nation.  You are welcome to join our nation, I'll help you as much as I can. 😀

Good luck.  Fair winds. I'll leave you to your comments here, and stop making suggestions to help.

Macjim M&C Ret [SCTC]

Macjimm! Ferdinand might think now, that we are an organized nation :).

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2 hours ago, Genevieve Malfleurs said:

Macjimm! Ferdinand might think now, that we are an organized nation :).

Yes, we are an organized nation. Our nation has core values. Nation core values are Independence & Freedom.

Edited by Aquillas
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I struggle to get some sensible info out of this thread, difficult to read between the salt. Is Privateers aggressive again? We, the pirates, are not attacked when in 9k 1st rate fleets in KPR area. 

Disclaimer; I didn't bother to understand the mechanic in the first place since I make quintillions from trading in county capitals only, so important info might have eluded me. I do apologize in advance




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