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Campaign "Snatch" Mission = Suicide

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As stated above, this mission is impossible at least on medium difficulty.  I managed to defeat the ships that attacked initially, storm the chapel, with two companies of marines and about 6 boats of crew from three different ships but was quickly surrounded and annihilated.  Securing the escape cost me my remaining survivors.  Not only that, that big ship laid up to the south then attacked my vessels which were already damaged in the previous action.

How can this mission be completed?  Who could pull off such an amazing caper?

I even tried, in another attempt, landing far up north on the shore, carefully wooing a division of their infantry into gun range from my ships and whittling them down for hours and hours by disembarking small teams of men and re-embarking, then landing my marines to mop up but was eventually flanked by a relief force of significant size coming down the coast from the north.




Edited by Connel Angus
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It is recommended to bring at least one troopship to this mission. More will make it easier and only 2 warships are needed to deal with the enemy ships. Grenadiers or other advanced infantry will help if you were able to get the tech for them.

You can bypass most of the defenses by sending rowboats up the center of the river mouth. At most they'll take a shot or two from the defending cannon. From there you can land right outside the first VP.


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9 hours ago, Connel Angus said:

How can this mission be completed?  Who could pull off such an amazing caper?

Spoilers on the mission but needed to explain how to win!

One note on scaling before I begin: The enemy will have one ship that is equivalent to the highest rated type ship you bring. The other 3 will be one rate type below. However, there is a scaling cap to a 6th rates so bringing 5th rates or if you've managed a 3rd rate will make the naval part easier.

When embarking troops onto the shores, the game will spawn in ~2k-4k soldiers that will swarm your landing. While possible to defeat, its is totally unnecessary as the ai has no manpower pool. However, if you do want to fight them, there are 3 "waves" (one on the left, one on the right, and one in the middle). I'd recommend avoiding these troops by sailing your troop transports to the mouth of the river. Then, disembark all your rowboats and sail them parallel to the back of the sunken ship. It is important that you do not stop as the artillery can kill these troops. Finally, sail your men all the way up to the first VP.

Once landed, you will find that the ai has garrisoned the town and you will need to dislodge 5 units. However, there are more than 5 units in the town yet it is pointless to engage them as they will never move and you only need to take the VP. After taking this point, you will be tasked with taking the chapel off to the left. Here, it is easy to surround it and destroy it. On hard, the ai will receive reinforcements and some artillery. You can either let them walk into the chapel or engage them on the ford bank. I'd recommend engaging on the ford as canister in town will bring about unnecessary losses. Though on normal you will never have to worry about such reinforcements. After completing this VP, you will be tasked with retreating with a gold wagon. At this point you just run everyone to the VP (there are no ai troops there) and just hold out until the timer runs out. On normal, the ai's troops spawn in too far and too late to actually do anything. On hard, except to see 2-3 units plus artillery support.

On normal it is doable to win it with only one troop transport if all units are grenadiers. If not, then two of them will be necessary. On hard, I did it with only two troop transports loaded only with fusiliers. My other troop transport was off capturing the Sloop-of-War on the high seas.

That's pretty much all there is to winning the battle and I hope this short guide helps! I'll add a picture of my hard win on Snatch as proof.1418927167_SnatchHard.thumb.PNG.3329f3536ae709e7324e6e0bbed82999.PNG

Edited by WilliamTheIII
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In previous patches, you would almost never see new troop transports in the shop which could make things very annoying. Even though the frequency has increased dramatically, it is still subject to RNG and you can get screwed. If you are truly desperate, there are two troop transports on second wave that can be captured and use. Also, try to capture the troop transports that tries to retreat on Snatch as its an upgraded version over the brig.

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On 12/9/2019 at 3:33 PM, garritos said:

I somehow made it through this mission..    a timer for contested objectives would be helpful.   I also captured on of the enemy ships and it was not in the harbor after the mission 😕

Recently I started that mission with 7 ships deployed and I had 1 in my harbor left behind. In that battle I captured all 4 of the AI ships but prior they sunk 1 of mine then later in the battle while I was fight for the gold two AI cutters sunk two of the ones I captured and 1 of my regular ships before I could retreat them to safety.  The end result is either way I should of still had 7 ships accounted for from that battle,  4 were on the ocean at the end of battle and three  I retreated, that equals 7.  I only got 2 ships back from that battle in my harbor and I did have 1 ship in my harbor that never got into the battle so either way my harbor should of had 7 ships that needed repair along with the only ship that was not in the battle which total is 8 ships in my Navy so the game stole 5 of my ships so after snatch my navy is 3 ships.  I have the video online as proof!

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On 12/8/2019 at 8:37 AM, WilliamTheIII said:

In previous patches, you would almost never see new troop transports in the shop which could make things very annoying. Even though the frequency has increased dramatically, it is still subject to RNG and you can get screwed. If you are truly desperate, there are two troop transports on second wave that can be captured and use. Also, try to capture the troop transports that tries to retreat on Snatch as its an upgraded version over the brig.

I'm really none too happy about that, and dont understand why we cant convert ships from our own pool for a price. Make that price the same as buying a new ship, I dont care, but remove the unneccessary RNG.

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This mission seems to have gotten harder in the new patch, I came in with a Hermione and sloop of war (plus phase 2 transports) and I'm facing 4 Frigates and the large troopship (that doesn't sink) joins the pursuit as well (with over 500 crew).  


Guess I'll just have to lead the frigate squadron away and then move the transports through.

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Hi everyone,

I believe there might be something wrong with enemy scaling in the current build version. 
During The Hunter and his Prey i faced a 3rd rate. I managed to capture it and put it into service (not that a could use that 300 point monster yet). 

However when I went into Snatch I was greeted with...well, this:1765391551_SnatchFleet.thumb.jpg.e58019fe83a7ea55c3c81c65aabcb5eb.jpg

Is it possible the game is currently only looking at the highest rated ship in your port?

Playing on medium btw. 




Yup, seems to be the case. I just went and sold the 3rd rate. New enemy fleet:


Is this working as intented?

Edited by SpixTalon
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On 12/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, PinkyDK said:

I played it the other day and it seems completely fine and without any real trouble... Fleet/troop composition has to be done properly though I think.

For a while it was on like SpixTalon's first picture, for me too. Didn't matter, if I took two fifth rates, or four 60 pts ships, whatever... a similar composition greeted me. Until some days ago around the weekend I got one like on the second pic.

I don't know, if it was fixed, or just got lucky :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/9/2019 at 3:33 PM, garritos said:

I somehow made it through this mission..    a timer for contested objectives would be helpful.   I also captured on of the enemy ships and it was not in the harbor after the mission 😕

I just played it last night and I can assure you I captured all four those AI ships and at the end of battle they did NOT show up in the harbor either so the DEV still didn't do much work in this battle to correct that issue go figure?

Edited by doublebuck
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16 hours ago, sterner said:

We've reviewed battles for non capturable ships basing on reports. Fixes will be a part of the next patch.

There was a minor patch today so I am not thinking this might be it however just pointing out I played it and captured again all four of the war ships plus the one transport that didn't sink and in the statistics report it showed I captured 4 and it only showed 1 of their transports did sink so when I looked at the goods report it only showed Senora the transport ship that I captured and it did not show any of the 4 war ships I captured though.

In my harbor senora was there and all of my 7 ships which were the ones in the battle came back so for me the only bug is why can't I get those 4 war ships in the goods report so they will show up in my harbor?

When I look back to when I first played this mission the game only gave me back 2 of my 7 ships so at least now I get back my 7 plus this time senora but still not the 4.

Just a note, by capturing senora and about 5 infantry units my prisoner pool jumped up from 100 to over 1100 in the harbor.

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12 hours ago, Robert Le Mal said:

played this battle about 7 times, not balanced. Tried more troops but can't hold the final point. Am giving up on the British. Will wait until the US campaign gets its next instalment.

I feel for you.  I happen to have a pretty good Navy by this point so that is probably why I can win it.

My only main problem with this battle for almost two months now is that they still have not fixed the issue of when I capture those 4 ships instead of sinking them they never show up in the goods report though they did show up in the statistics report which is weird but they don't show up in my harbor and I am amazed that in nearly all other sea battles when I capture a ship they always appear in the statistics and goods report and appear in my harbor as a trophy but not in this battle.

If you look at the Britain and American Campaign how many sea battles are in it so what I am trying to relate to may not be the best but I would think whatever programming code or formula is going on in most battles works but not is this one when it comes to capturing ships.

I mean I am not slamming them they said they will fix it I was just wondering why so long and when I sent a report about the Margaret ship of when you captured it the ship still behaved as though it was an enemy AI ship and made that mission hard to win they fixed it pretty quick.


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On 12/17/2019 at 7:23 AM, SweatyPenguin said:

I'm really none too happy about that, and dont understand why we cant convert ships from our own pool for a price. Make that price the same as buying a new ship, I dont care, but remove the unneccessary RNG.

I'd like to second that. A bit of RNG is OK, but when it creates a situation like the one I'm in right now where I should optimally use two troop ships but can't because one has never shown up in the pool, it makes me grumble at least a bit.

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The battle is still doable with only one troop transport but just annoying. Most games you will see a troop transport but for those you don't, it is crucial that you try to capture the two on Second Wave as I'm pretty sure its the only opportunity to capture troopships before Snatch (excluding the Treasure Fleet bonus mission).

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