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Not looking great even short term, failed to break 2,000 on release and steady decline since.   Hopefully we wont be back to pre-release numbers of a few hundred and their alts by Xmas.

927 playing, only about 600 actually in the war server at that time. 

Any changes on the near horizon that might bring a boost to numbers and most importantly retain new and returning players?



Edited by Dan Morgan
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PvE -as totally neglected by devs as is- isnt going to contribute to player numbers either. 

Not enough AI to fight, British forts fireing at players attacking french ai, crafting broken (no port boni, no immersion, way to much rng) trade broken, to many pvp remnants not making sense (no grouping or buddy list w "enemy" players, disfunctional patrol zones....)....and so on and so forth....

wtb NA early 2017 DLC....

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1 minute ago, Liberalism said:

5,222 all-time peak 4 years ago

so yes, 2k is not even half of that and not reaching 2k mark is 100% failure. No advertisment, outdated websites: 


So you are the one setting up goals now? 

Its actually sad that you come in here and spit all of that crap like you didn't tried to make it worse (even streamed on the release day trying to mock the game and the devs)


2 minutes ago, Borch said:

Sure I am but I care about this one. You?

Im not claiming it to be a success or a failure like you doing.

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27 minutes ago, Borch said:

Show me.


45 minutes ago, Borch said:

Are you here to claim that the game is huge success?

If you scroll up to my original post it says 


59 minutes ago, Beeekonda said:

remind me please who set 2k ppl mark as a goal?

If you put just a little bit of effort into reading you can see that im not claiming the game to be Successful/Failure but asking about who set 2000 people goal for/after release?

2 hours ago, Dan Morgan said:

 failed to break 2,000 on release and steady decline since.   


Before you reply anything to me in this topic please be aware that I added you to my "This guy is retarded, dont bother reading his posts" List.


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46 minutes ago, Liberalism said:

5,222 all-time peak 4 years ago

so yes, 2k is not even half of that and not reaching 2k mark is 100% failure. No advertisment, outdated websites: 




Lack of communication with the community, devs just cut off. No patch notes. Dozens of broken promises. Hundreds of unsolved tribunals. Ignored requests.


Meanwhile This Land is My Land:

1. Official discord server with many Devs/Mods
2. All Patch Notes posted right away, even the slightest changes
3. Contests & events organized by developers
4. Developers communicating with their playerbase daily
5. Writing often on social media about the game, on twitter, facebook, youtube videos, discord
6. Adverstisments about TLISML all over internet, articles, interviews, promo-videos.
7. Devs answering messages after few minutes

It's obvious what's happening. They are letting NA burn out and moving onto the next 3 games in development where they actually care about playerbase.

How sad to see...

I started to agree with what others are saying. They will keep milking us until they shut down the servers, guess what then comes the Naval Action 2 with much improved everthing ready to milk again.

There is no way in earth this project can fail, yet they may have found some ways to ensure it.

Edited by AeRoTR
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This is what happens when you ignore player feedback for 3 years and then rush to release a product in time for the steam sale.  I wonder if the players who enjoyed watching others getting banned the past few months for being critical are finally starting to get that feeling......oh shit maybe they were right.  One would hope. 

In any case we have a long list of promises that weren't kept and even more lists of future patch developments that are slowly being worked on once a week by some temp worker in the back named Tony - that was a joke.  The game was released with a poor system that no one wanted and now that folks have finally hit max rank and got all the books the want, everything is basically over for them.  

I thought it would take about 2 months for things to start fizzling out....seems like I was wrong.  It'll be three


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35 minutes ago, Staunberg said:

You actually think ppl would buy a NA 2? If they can’t make this work, why should it  better at NA 2. 

Think they should keep working on this one and put new content in as  But we will be wiser in a year.

If Naval Action 2 is to be the "Naval Action Legends" you bet i will play. I always wanted a WOWS in this time period and i only joined NA because legends was delayed.

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Questions to all those complaining:

  1. If you are not playing NA, what other game/s are you playing?
  2. Is that other game/s designed EXACTLY how you want it?
  3. If it's not designed EXACTLY how you want it, then ytf do you play that other game/s?
  4. If it is designed EXACTLY how you want it, then use that reasoning as for why other people have ceased playing NA and started playing other game/s.

If you still feel the need to bitch about a game not being designed specifically for you, repeat all questions until you bug off.

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22 minutes ago, van der Clam said:

If you still feel the need to bitch about a game not being designed specifically for you, repeat all questions until you bug off.

I do disagree, there are still lots of bugs, expolits which has not been adressed yet.

One basic thing, what about clan message? We used to edit it before, what happened, why is it bugged now? When will it get sorted out ?

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9 hours ago, Beeekonda said:

remind me please who set 2k ppl mark as a goal?

I never stated it was a Goal however for a MMO it's a fail if it can't maintain a healthy server population. It's one more reason and a big one that will put people off from joining. Low player base is a downward spiral for MMO's.   For a game of this type and for dev long term capital gains on development time and cost NA needs to retain at least 3,000 plus players and grow from there. 

Population headed back down under 1,000 is a failure..  Some might enjoy being a big fish in a small pond but that's not going to pay the bills.

Edited by Dan Morgan
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I have ranted so many times here about the game being not noob friendly, AI being stupidly strong and PvP being mostly ganking. 

Game offers zero fun and fast content. 

Its all hardcore pvp and rvr. That's what most of you wanted here on forums. Now you have it. 

Now its niche game that offers only butt clenching hard content or time consuming pvp/rvr that most people don't have time for. 

Moments i have fun in NA have decreased to very low.

I only collect nice ships nowadays. when taking them out for kill missions now and then, im still afraid it might lead to sinking one of them. If im doing 1 wrong decision against npc it can lead to you sinking to the npc magic... So im not really tempted even doing that either as replacements are often hard to get for casual player like me. (ships that need dubs or cert)

Quess i just quit. 

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2 hours ago, James Thomson said:

I have ranted so many times here about the game being not noob friendly, AI being stupidly strong and PvP being mostly ganking. 

Game offers zero fun and fast content. 

Its all hardcore pvp and rvr. That's what most of you wanted here on forums. Now you have it. 

Now its niche game that offers only butt clenching hard content or time consuming pvp/rvr that most people don't have time for. 

Moments i have fun in NA have decreased to very low.

I only collect nice ships nowadays. when taking them out for kill missions now and then, im still afraid it might lead to sinking one of them. If im doing 1 wrong decision against npc it can lead to you sinking to the npc magic... So im not really tempted even doing that either as replacements are often hard to get for casual player like me. (ships that need dubs or cert)

Quess i just quit. 

Litterally no one asked for this exact form of RVR of only 20000-25000 BR port battles.

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7 hours ago, Staunberg said:

I play not less because of missing RvR. I play less because unless I go out to PvP,  the game has nothing to offer worth the time.

- I log on. 

- collect trade missions

- collect ressources 

- Any RvR, no(I only plan to screen)

- Right PZ go there, wrong Well?

- Do I want to hunt, yes, no I log of

I do trade and ressource sailing once a week.

Short answer is the game have to little to offer to keep me on.

This is definitely one of the more glaring issues with NA.  Unless you PVP constantly or RVR, the game has nothing to do.  Kill missions are not consistent.  AI only spawn at the edges of territory.  Trading has turned into an uber simulator.  

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Just few examples how my suggestions have been accepted on forums:

Let enemy ai (at least traders/pirates) spawn on all ports for easy and fun action anywhere, reasons to leave port even for 15-30min fight safely.
- Reaction was NO. This will move too many players away from PvP action! We dont want this.

Have easier AI back, not the stupid one but the easy one 2 years ago before the overhaul, and the big fleet missions that were super fun.
- NO NO NO. Again too many drawn out of PvP. New AI is GREAT its good practice to PvP fight with all its buffs and bonuses! We want to keep it!

Well.. Bring back small battle rooms?
- Nope. No one will leave port! and again we have no PvP!

These are the majority responses i have got. And there is many more. So it does feel alot like most here on forums wanted it to be like this.

Edited by James Thomson
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I haven’t been playing much in the last couple weeks and I’ve been canvasing for another game…

Main reason, I want to sail Santisima, it’s my preferred 1st rate, but I can’t because it is a loot drop, I’m never going to get this permit. I feel disillusion with the nature of RGN loot and the fact it’s now a huge part of the game. Even if I was able to get a permit I will never be lucky enough to craft a purple. Bad odds upon bad odds really sucks.

At first I thought deliveries were great way to recourse but now I’m so bored with them I can’t even do them anymore. I think combat should have been the main way to resource, the highest of returns, as it was pre-patch 27 and too which I enjoyed so very much. Pre-patch 27 crafting and resourcing structure via combat missions and OW raiding worked, now it’s resourcing via combat gambling, it shouldn’t be a gamble it should be grindable. Also now it’s the slowest and the most pointless way to grind resources, which for me adds boredom to the mix. Gaming via combat is why I play pc games, not deliveries. Deliveries offered a short-cut, that I took up, then got used too, and then got bored with. Now bored with deliveries, feeling combat is useless and crafting is for only the lucky, my immersion has been affected.

And then there’s the AI, it’s too strong. Before I knew I could take a ship of equal class into battle knowingly of its equal abilities and take the day (or not). But now NPCs of equal class are way too risky, their super abilities greater than that of the class of ship I’m taking into battle (I rather battle straight-up appose to drawn-out hit and run battles of which anyone can win given enough time and repairs). It kinda forces me to be selective with battles, therefore I’ve been choosing battles of lower class to ensure a “principle” fight, this in itself it has become tiresome.

Looking forwards now, hoping Dreadnoughts will drop soon.

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21 hours ago, Koveras said:

You are the reason NA fails. You are the one that is blind to mechanics not working and for some reason choses to ignore stats, tribunal, support and every other thread where problems are being pointed out, solutions suggested and players diligently working in their spare time to conjure some means to salvage what could've been not just a decent game, but a great one. You sir, should bugger off unless you had something of value to add to the conversation because right now - you're the problem. Not the nay-sayers that's pointing out the exploitable mechanics, not the nay-sayers that comes up with solutions to an atm broken RvR mechanic, not the critics that for months said - "this game is NOT in a releasable state". You are the reason NA is failing, HARD. Thank you for your ever so valuable contribution to the broken mechanics.

The hello kitty you say? I'm not blind to mechanics I want changed. But I am not gonna be a little bitch like you (since you called out names) and cry about things not working the way I want them to. I don't go to any other hello kittying game and say it suck because mechanics don't work the way I want them to. I make suggestions for changes. Hell, I seem to be one of the very few making polls asking opinions from everyone. And just because the devs don't see fit to change it how I want, I don't complain, I don't refuse to play, I keep on going for the fun of it. So stop calling shit broken just because you don't like how they work.

Personal attack removed.

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On 8/4/2019 at 7:26 PM, van der Clam said:

Questions to all those complaining:

  1. If you are not playing NA, what other game/s are you playing?
  2. Is that other game/s designed EXACTLY how you want it?
  3. If it's not designed EXACTLY how you want it, then ytf do you play that other game/s?
  4. If it is designed EXACTLY how you want it, then use that reasoning as for why other people have ceased playing NA and started playing other game/s.

If you still feel the need to bitch about a game not being designed specifically for you, repeat all questions until you bug off.


  If someone thinks there is an issue with game then there are constructive ways to try and look at the potential issue or whatever.

 Unfortunately that requires cool and calm debate with all sides willing to look at the whole picture, which tends not to happen in an open forum.

 As for the subject it is also summer, people go out and do things which could be part of pop which have seen in other games.

 Overall i don't know the answer.



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20 hours ago, Koveras said:

You are the one that is blind to mechanics not working and for some reason choses to ignore stats, tribunal, support and every other thread where problems are being pointed out, solutions suggested and players diligently working in their spare time to conjure some means to salvage what could've been not just a decent game, but a great one.

I even multitask on my full time job trying to figure out suggestions that would work for this game to make it better :) 

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