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true, but you can kill them and loot their stuff. don't know if it replenishes, though. gotta check.

i have found iron arrows in forts and bivouacs and usually always carry some but never actually use them. 1 normal arrow in the head is all it takes to kill anything except bears, which require 2 (maybe 3?).

i tend to avoid bears anyway. i like the rendering of the animals very much but the attack animations are actually quite bad (i'm guessing those are just palceholders?), both for bears and  wolves. the way they roam and the sudden encounters are very good, but as soon as fighting starts it breaks down. with volves it's particulary bad because of their erratic, unrealistic movement. with bears it's usually a bit better but not much.

earlier today i accidentally lured a bear into a camp. i was laying low (x) just beside a guy on the ground i had just stunned, hoping the bear didn't spot me. that was an intense and fun moment for sure :D with the bear slowly approaching, menacingly scratching the ground and releasing steam (or dust?). seems it killed the guy in one blow (i didn't even notice at the moment, no blood, nothing, just realized afterwards that guy had died),  then it went immediately for the other guy left in the camp and all the magic broke down. they stood both side by side for a good while, not even looking at each other, the bear roaring and the guy just shooting (in some random direction) and repeating "there's a bear!!" non stop. i try to avoid those situations for now.

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The traders are a source of unending iron arrowheads if you trade with them. I try to grab all the flintlock pistols when looting and trade them for iron arrowheads. With good karma, I think I was getting around 12 iron arrowheads per pistol in the same trading session. Good use for flintlock pistols since I wouldn't want my warriors to use them. I'd grab the flintlock rifles for trading too, but I need to put some skill points into my carry weight first to do that.

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