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that tutorial, and how to use it to grow the game

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"not another post about that tutorial!"

Hear me out on this one

A tutorial is, what? something to acquaint new players to the game, its mechanics, and basic functions. It is not a means to seal club new players into oblivion, separate the men from the boys, or utilize mechanics that have nothing to do with the tutorial. If you are not familiar with how it works, go play ANY other game that is out of development. They use a tutorial for this very purpose, or have directions as to what level it should be attempted at. 

Also, a tutorial such as this one only deters players from even trying the game out, thus hurting potential membership, which will level out over time as players attempt this abomination of a tutorial, see the game is not worth their time, and ask for their money back from Steam.

"but there are youtube videos on how to get it done"

If this is your only argument, um, I don't recommend starting a business. Youtube should not be an  option for a tutorial, which as stated above, is utilized as a means to acquaint players to the game. Turn that garbage down, or allow someone else to come in and help. It is not a badge of honor (honour) to have done it, but it should be a means to say "I am ready to sail" not "I watched youtube and copied their movements while getting lucky on the AI movements."

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The tutorial part is really just the first 4 missions right? These teach you the basics (sailing, gunnery, boarding, survival) and, as you put it acquaints new players to the game and gives them the tools to get cracking. Objective completed. No youtube is required.. just the ability to read and implement the various tasks. (easy peasy)

You can then optionally proceed further to the exams and get some rewards

You can then optionally do the final exam and get some really nice rewards

The difficulty scales accordingly...

To sum up my experience before the reset:

Ran the tutorial - easy

Tried the exams and got stuck on de-masting for a while. Sailed out, played the game, revisited it much later and it was easy. completed the exams

Never did the final exam.

Since the reset:

I ran the tutorial, exams and final exams as my first action to get the 280 crew without issue. (though i did fail the final one once)

I think its fine. If folks want to optionally watch a youtube vid on how to pass the final exam so be it

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2 hours ago, Angus MacDuff said:

So what is your point, murrikan?  Is there a suggestion for improvement?  We all agree that the tutorial is poor.  Its been discussed ad nauseum.

it does not need to be as difficult, and incorporating the tutorial skills into it would make it more effective. 

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2 hours ago, Miaowi said:

The tutorial part is really just the first 4 missions right? These teach you the basics (sailing, gunnery, boarding, survival) and, as you put it acquaints new players to the game and gives them the tools to get cracking. Objective completed. No youtube is required.. just the ability to read and implement the various tasks. (easy peasy)

You can then optionally proceed further to the exams and get some rewards

You can then optionally do the final exam and get some really nice rewards

The difficulty scales accordingly...

To sum up my experience before the reset:

Ran the tutorial - easy

Tried the exams and got stuck on de-masting for a while. Sailed out, played the game, revisited it much later and it was easy. completed the exams

Never did the final exam.

Since the reset:

I ran the tutorial, exams and final exams as my first action to get the 280 crew without issue. (though i did fail the final one once)

I think its fine. If folks want to optionally watch a youtube vid on how to pass the final exam so be it

there are 2 sets of 4, and a final exam. final exam is you in a surprise against 2x cerbs, and the best way to do it is to rageboard, run and repair, repeat. it does not even give you a chance to use any other skills that the tutorial teaches.

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1 minute ago, Callaghan92 said:

People need to realise though, and i believe admin even said it when it was added.   

The first 4 missions are the tutorial,   the challenges are harder and are meant for those players who have completed the tutorial and got a little gametime experience in.

The final exam is then meant for players who have completed both the tutorial, challenges and got in a fair bit more gametime. 

then there needs to be more guidance on that. Regardless, this sums up the entire thing. Bo-ring, waste of time, no real skill shown.






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6 hours ago, Anceitus said:

it does not even give you a chance to use any other skills that the tutorial teaches.

I respectfully disagree my dude. I did not use the broadside whilst boarding mechanic shown in the vid. The Cerb ended up exploding when i tried this :)

You also allude yourself that this tactic requires a little luck sometimes with regards to AI movement. When I tried I ended up T-boning the cerb which makes shooting it during combat useless.

I didn't find it boring at all and was really chuffed when I completed it using exactly those skills taught to us in the tutorial. I used the sailing stuff to maneuver. i used the gunnery elements to snipe the mast of one of the Cerbs, leaving that one behind and allowing a 1v1 on the other and finally had to rely on the survival tutorial skills to stay alive during the fight.

I'm curious.. what would you do to make the tutorial better then?


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