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Join Circles On Land

van der Clam

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Instead of keeping things easy for ganker squads, please make both join circles very close to the battle swords, very close to each other. Sure, ppl might call it skill to land a tag where the enemy join circle is on land, but this is way too easy just sitting at someones port and way too easy to do against slower ships, thus negating it being any skill at all. This is like the 20th time in 2 weeks that I've seen join circles on land.

  • Either get rid of 2 circles and have just one like PvP Zones, or
  • Make the join circles touching each other and the battle swords.

F11 made. heh

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Solution: don't engage near land. You're not in a flat bottomed scow or junk, you're sailing long-legged ships with a lot of hull under the water. Maybe....avoid land? Put to sea, and you'll have fewer issues with tag circles ;).

Furthermore, if you spend 10 minutes practicing tagging, predicting where the join circle will be isn't too hard. You can put it (almost) anywhere you want it if one of the parties involved doesn't 'fight' your attempts to position during the tag.


My opinion on it is this: if a player is acting like a landlubber, hugging shore or playing the port hopping game, they deserve whatever kind of bad join circle that gets them. 

In fact, unless they recently changed it, if you truly play the port hopping game where neither party leaves the docks at all, you get one large join circle like capital battles get. But if either party is off the docks slightly, normal ROE applies.


Here, see Admin's answer another time this was reported: 


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Like I said, some will call it a skill. Anything ridiculously easy to do obviously requires no skill. The real skill is, as I said, being in a fat slow ship and getting tagged by someone sailing circles around you.  lul

The 20 instances that I make mention of were not tags on me, nor ones, I've made. They were just random battles I came across.

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