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Abusive negative Reviews for Alt on Steam

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I'm not surprised.  There are groups of people who are planning to try and "ruin" the experience of all new players just to get back at the developers. it's their choice, but I don't know why you would continue playing a game if you don't like it anymore.

Is the game perfect? No. Naval Action could use with a lot more changes and additions. I just hope to get there. I regularly have taken breaks from the game when I am upset about it, I come back later and enjoy the game more.

Edited by Teutonic
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3 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

Looking at the reviews posted by this person, do they qualify as spam or off-topic? They look really legit, even if we know that he uses alts. They describe the game and mechanics, opinions, no foul language. Based on that, his "imaginary-friend-steam-account-reviews" have no reason to be removed, am I right?

we do not know if this new steam initiative works at all. We just know they could. Nobody knows exact rules (knowing development probably they don't know yet too)

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2 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

Looking at the reviews posted by this person, do they qualify as spam or off-topic? They look really legit, even if we know that he uses alts. They describe the game and mechanics, opinions, no foul language. Based on that, his "imaginary-friend-steam-account-reviews" have no reason to be removed, am I right?

in my Opinion, owing several copies of the game do not give the right to write several Reviews. Taht opens the Gates to Reviewbombing.

I've reported them all to Steam, we will see if they qualifi them as  abusive or not.


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There are reviews from people , telling everybody else how bad the game is, with several hundred to thousands of hours game time played... who are in game at his very second.  probably the same people who got forum banned and instantly created an alt forum account to continue to cause trouble.

Early Access  games create a sense of ownership and foster the idea that players are part of the development process and once they feel alienated by something, they start to feel vindictive and act accordingly.

Alts give advantages but by paying more , you feel more invested and sadly by using a 3rd party to sell the game , you become hostage to somebody elses rules.


I am hopeful that once the game gets nearer to release, more players will come back and leave honest reviews, rather than the sort we see right now. Bitter vets venting their frustration at not getting their way and being reprimanded at last for their poor behaviour


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I try to be optimistic.

Some of his points are very correct and I agree with them, some I do not. (of course I will not state which ones because ... anyway)

My point is if this guy has 4 accounts on the game, it is legit that he has left 4 reviews, isn't it?

11 minutes ago, Cabral said:

Alts are a double edge sword.

Most definitly :) 

I can say what comes around goes around...

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12 minutes ago, Vizzini said:

There are reviews from people , telling everybody else how bad the game is, with several hundred to thousands of hours game time played... who are in game at his very second.  probably the same people who got forum banned and instantly created an alt forum account to continue to cause trouble.

Early Access  games create a sense of ownership and foster the idea that players are part of the development process and once they feel alienated by something, they start to feel vindictive and act accordingly.

Alts give advantages but by paying more , you feel more invested and sadly by using a 3rd party to sell the game , you become hostage to somebody elses rules.


I am hopeful that once the game gets nearer to release, more players will come back and leave honest reviews, rather than the sort we see right now. Bitter vets venting their frustration at not getting their way and being reprimanded at last for their poor behaviour



5 minutes ago, Dibbler said:

 Makes me chuckle seeing people on steam with 500+ hours with reviews that are so negative.

 Sad really.

both make a lot of assumptions ,  just because someone has  x number of hours in game doesnt mean they  cannot  leave a bad review the game has changed considrably since release on steam , therefore a player may  not like the changes and is entitled to vent this in a revue .

having read the forums for sometime ... I ve never seen anyone creating trouble forthe sake of it ,,, but it also seems if you dont give the feedback as positive  you are deemed a troublemaker ..

this is a forum .. a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

not lets ban someone becuse i dont like their opinion ,,  bad language or anti social behaviour  should be banned a differing view point no

if the devs dont want to hear what people think ,, just tell whats happening and dont ask for feedback


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I fail to see how the review is off topic.  The user paid for the alt account and is entitled to his reviews and opinions.  Pay for play baby. I mean it’s not like there aren’t 100 other negative reviews from non alts...let’s just focus on one.  Personally if I had a customer who left a negative review after playing my product for thousands of hours I would want to contact that person and know more and figure out how to fix it.  Not get his review taken down.  But that’s just me.

47 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

I'm not surprised.  There are groups of people who are planning to try and "ruin" the experience of all new players just to get back at the developers. it's their choice, but I don't know why you would continue playing a game if you don't like it anymore.

Is the game perfect? No. Naval Action could use with a lot more changes and additions. I just hope to get there. I regularly have taken breaks from the game when I am upset about it, I come back later and enjoy the game more.

As I’m sure you’re aware.... folks can enjoy a game, yet not be a fan of its direction or development.  A view you used to share if I recall.  Astonishingly enough, the world isn’t black and white.  Who knew!  

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2 minutes ago, Routan said:

In the end,  I would Care less abouth steam rewievs. What matters is what ppl get WHEN, they bought the game, they like it, they stay and tell there friends abouth the game. They don’t like it, they stop and tell friends not to buy.

So make a good game. Pop goes up, make  a bad game and pops go Down, and the game end dead.

Is not that easy, in these days, Steam reviews have big impact.

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3 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

But you do know right, that there are MMO games where players don't use alts because there is no point to use them? It's the game itself that creates opportunities and encourages players to buy alts in order to get a greater advantage. There are still things that can't be used as "workaround DLC or game mechanic" as a number of outposts, different officers (eco officer on alts), tows per day limitation and many more! Here, I can buy an alt, set my crafting officer (would be very stupid to do on my main PvP account), get extra tow and "eco-outposts" while my PvP account uses "PvP outposts" etc. If you get the point, Devs don't need to forbid the alts. Just make it so normal players are not bottlenecked, limited and inferior to players with alts. For example, Admiralty Connections DLC was a step in the right direction to ease the problem. 

I am well aware of other MMO's and at no point did I make the conclusion that alts should be banned, far from it. I can see why people bought them, especially as most of them were probably bought at the same time as a Steam sale.

You make some good points, try not to hide them in a wall of text.

If the DLC's had arrived before everybody had paid for extra advantages ( alts ) then things could be different, right now the genie is out of the bottle and hard to get back in.



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See, in my opinion, THIS is why the number of hours in game is so prominent on Steam reviews.

Because, at some point, it becomes not whether the game is "bad" per se, it's more about whether the rules or mechanics suit your "play-style"...

This is why i have always thought its silly for Steam to allow reviews of "Early Access" games...

Development requires testing.  Which requires known negatives.  

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7 minutes ago, Socialism said:

I fail to see how the review is off topic.  The user paid for the alt account and is entitled to his reviews and opinions.  Pay for play baby. I mean it’s not like there aren’t 100 other negative reviews from non alts...let’s just focus on one.  Personally if I had a customer who left a negative review after playing my product for thousands of hours I would want to contact that person and know more and figure out how to fix it.  Not get his review taken down.  But that’s just me.

As I’m sure you’re aware.... folks can enjoy a game, yet not be a fan of its direction or development.  A view you used to share if I recall.  Astonishingly enough, the world isn’t black and white.  Who knew!  

and here I am, saying in the same post that when i didn't like it I took breaks.

who knew. and I still share that same view.

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Just now, Routan said:

In the end,  I would Care less abouth steam rewievs. What matters is what ppl get WHEN, they bought the game, they like it, they stay and tell there friends abouth the game. They don’t like it, they stop and tell friends not to buy.

So make a good game. Pop goes up, make  a bad game and pops go Down, and the game end dead.

Yes you are right, but steam reviews make a point, which is, let me check... 

STEAMDB RATING 61.34% out of 4000 reviews. That is much more accurate for me from game review websites. I do favour metacritic more btw.

I find 61% to be very accurate regarding EA phase of the game. The superb battle instance which is for me a 9/10 helps this game to push 62%.

If before release they try to adress issues correctly and with much faster response, this game may stay above 70% during it's lifespan with some healthy community.  This is very optimistic dream btw.

EVE Online which most players refer to has been released 16 years ago, with rating of 73.46% out of 11000 reviews, that is a huge success. 

Now very interestingly, EVE has 11000 reviews on steam while NA has 4000 reviews which actually tells something. 4000 people bothered to comment on NA which has example 150k copies sold while EVE sold between 1 million to 2 million copies by steam and has only 11000 reviews. This according to me, is showing HOW HUGE POTENTIAL NAVAL ACTION has...

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4 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

This is why i have always thought its silly for Steam to allow reviews of "Early Access" games...

A lot of EA games are borderline scam, sometimes you cant even play them. Reviews are a good and fast indicator of this and thats why they get bought a lot less.

Like this one, it used to be EA and was (and probably is) just a buggy mess with almost no content:


Didnt bought it cuz of reviews.

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