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Testbed Feedback - Battle UI, Localization, Patrols, Delivery quests

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4 minutes ago, Wilhelm von Seydlitz said:

that looks interesting, too bad that I am only a cadet on Testbed 🙂

you should be able to redeem xp to max rank aswell as reals, doubloons and ships

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2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

You're such a fan boy. Think about the larger game and its ecosystem around players of different ability and across the spectrum of casual to hardcore.  

Under this system there is literally no reason to sail lighter ships once you've graduated to heavier gunned varieties. 

there never really was a reason to change. 1st rate was always the bigger better ship to be fair. That was kind of the point of the patch I thought. To make smaller guns/ships do actual penning damage.

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27 minutes ago, DeRuyter said:


HMS Agamemnon while sailing alone took on 4 French frigates including a heavy 40 gunner (think Endymion). They got away because the Aggies rigging was too shot up to continue the fight. Captain skill and maneuvering did play a part - Nelson vs. 4 uncoordinated French ships but still.  

Off work today Vernon? How about 3rd vs. 3rd and frigate vs. frigate testing?

sounds like ram dinark

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1st rates and SoLs should be really expensive on this patch. The frigates v frigates are finally something worth trying, but 1st rates, 2nd rates and 3rd rates are DEVASTATING against frigates. I got sunk on a trinco in less than 2~3 minutes of battle. Joined against a lonely SantĂ­ssima, SantĂ­ssima gave me 2 broadsides (that's because I was actually going for her stern, so she missed a few shots), on the second, my HP was already halfway through, it just finshed me off, my masts fell down, I was a sitting duck, dead on the water.



It looks like upgrades are just broken, it doesn't matter if you have a few upgrades to buff your HP points and thickness.

Edited by Portuguese Privateer
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4 minutes ago, Wraith said:

The point of the patch as I understand it, and as it appears from all the footage so far, is that snowflakes in their line ships wanted to feel invincible against frigates and smaller. So all game balance, which was admittedly unrealistic but which provided utility to frigates and 6th rates (even for the vets that liked to sail them) has now been thrown out the window. This favors speed fit line ships, which can easily push 13-14 knots, and with their broad side weight will one shot any frigate or smaller that they run across.

Therefore, new or casual players that can't afford to sail line ships all day are basically excluded from PvP under this model unless they want to sail the one or two carronade platforms in the 5th to 6th rate categories.

Do I have that about right?

TBF the testing has been with a 1st rate. Needs more testing and tuning ofc. Are you saying that a Vic can be speed fit to go that fast? 

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24 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

if they lower the damage of larger guns we have a dps problem again. I guess its best to simply just HP that needs to be tweaked then? 

Yeah, I would like to know how exactly HP correlates to weight respectively how the calculation is.

8 minutes ago, Wraith said:

This favors speed fit line ships, which can easily push 13-14 knots, and with their broad side weight will one shot any frigate or smaller that they run across.

Next step, getting rid of every speed mod :D

But yes, I have a slight fear this could be the case

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8 minutes ago, Wraith said:

The point of the patch as I understand it, and as it appears from all the footage so far, is that snowflakes in their line ships wanted to feel invincible against frigates and smaller. So all game balance, which was admittedly unrealistic but which provided utility to frigates and 6th rates (even for the vets that liked to sail them) has now been thrown out the window. This favors speed fit line ships, which can easily push 13-14 knots, and with their broad side weight will one shot any frigate or smaller that they run across.

Therefore, new or casual players that can't afford to sail line ships all day are basically excluded from PvP under this model unless they want to sail the one or two carronade platforms in the 5th to 6th rate categories.

Do I have that about right?

We don’t know what will happend. All we can do is test the combat. How it affect player is hard to tell.  A first rate might cost 250 k dbl, a second 200 land a 3 150 k. So for now we can only give feedback on how fights among egual and different ships works.

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2 minutes ago, Cecil Selous said:

Next step, getting rid of every speed mod :D

But yes, I have a slight fear this could be the case

If speed mods go all mods should. Speed mods on their own are not an issue. We can go into that some other time though :)  

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I mean, don't get me wrong, the idea of this patch is awesome and true to real life battle. People that are saying negative things are just over their heads. From this point on, the best thing to do is test it out, give feedback and fix what's broken.

This patch brings a whole new level of tactical and weight over the battles. We just need to find that balance between SOLs and Frigates, because it was possible to take down an SOL w/ a frigate, it just need patience and work on this system to get the best out of it.

Don't just throw the idea out of the window just because it messes with your whole comfortable zone.

Edited by Portuguese Privateer
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1 minute ago, rediii said:

From what you write we will actually see that the line of battle is a valid strategy (no it was no valid strategy most of the time now)


line warfare will never work with ts. Blobs, focus fire and protecting sides would be the way they would do it back then if they could communicate and turn like we could. With the current system the 1st ship on both sides will die in first pass


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Devastating damage coming out of a Vic with 42lb mediums, 24lb longs, 12lb longs, 68lb carros with 68lb carros in front and back. This was against AI when I could choose the tag and I was using Prepared and had a Swing Bed/Elevating screw. The AI was not able to last long enough to cause me any significant damage or to start their turning game. I guess the biggest surprise was how often masts fell when just shooting into the AI's sides.

Renommee - sunk in one broadside to his port side plus demasted one mast using double charge. (No mast hits registered, damage I guess was through the structure.)

Belle Poule - sunk in two broadsides, took down a mast.

Renommee - sunk in 3 broadsides, bad tag

Hermione - sunk in 3 broadsides, one of which was a bunch of misses. Also demasted on mast hitting through the side.

Merc, Navy Brig, Niagra - total of 4 broadsides, one of which was bunch of misses. Each effective broadside took down a mast and killed the AI.

Trader Brig that I was pursuing. Took down a mast from about 200 yards using the front carros and I am not a good demaster. Took down the other mast just by shooting an unaimed broadside when I was alongside.

This new damage model is an AI hunters dream but unless line ships are REALLY REALLY expensive, it might spell the end of player frigates, especially solo players on the ow.

Obviously things would look different fighting another lineship or even smaller player controlled ships. If I have time to keep at the testbed, I will see if I can find some players to test with.


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1 minute ago, rediii said:

if you pull out fast enough and the 2nd hides him :P 


From the point of fleetbattles more damage without stern/bowtanking means battles will be fought on a bigger range 

thats not how lines work. The enemy is trying to do the same thing. Ingame lines dont really work. 

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2 minutes ago, rediii said:

Lines will be the way to go if a blob cant sail straight for the enemy anymore. The range this fight starts at will be high though. Longs will dominate

Blobs are always better because you have a tighter formation and cannot be split as fast. 

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3 hours ago, staun said:

Was it not also so before. The first thing in Line of what you fire will be hit. They clearly state there have been a change.

In my experience, a stern or bow raking through the hull (not directly at masts) it would dismast always the main mast and not the closest mast. Firing at masts directly would dismast whichever was closest...but not if firing through the hull. There is no magnet now. The mast closest to you from bow or stern will be the first to take damage. If you are firing from broadside or a broad angle, you will still be able to focus your fire at whichever mast you desire.

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Just now, rediii said:

dont discuss with a inactive mostly solo (but very good) player in a feedback thread now.



Back to topic, if you increase damage decrease accuracy by 300%

The countless hours of rvr expirence I have dont matter right? Explain to me how a line of 20 ships can focus fire a single ship in a tight formation? 

Accuracy decreace will break game completly because carros are totally op. trincos can sink other 5ths with 2 broadsides. 

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