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Suggestion: Show Wind Direction In Port UI

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@admin Will we ever get OW wind direction in port? If showing the (bottom right) compass and wind is too hard, can you show flags in the port UI? Currently I cannot zoom out far enough to see flags on top of the capital buildings. And even if we could see those flag, the second image will show they do not seem to wave in the direction of wind. Maybe if we cannot zoom out far enough in port UI, perhaps flags could be placed on the docks with working flags that we can see. This way we won't have to keep poking out waiting for wind.

Port UI cannot zoom out far enough to see flag


Harbor we can see flag, but doesn't seem to be blowing in wind direction.


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It would be kinda nice to know which way the wind is blowing, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing the wind direction in port.

But I would still use the "Predict wind" of NA-Map to get an idea of when the wind will be favorable; for me to leave port, and to arrive at my destination.  Until the Devs put it into the Port UI we will have to 'poke out" to check the wind direction ... once.


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44 minutes ago, greybuscat said:

Until/unless we get more dynamic wind, it should just be shown somewhere on the main map, which should also be accessible in battle with an additional button press while in the battle map.

Yes, the protractor compass with wind direction would be a good addition to map.

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19 minutes ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Yes, the protractor compass with wind direction would be a good addition to map.

Add distance on the protractor and an alert when an enemy is nearby and with the current Sextant perk, some will spent their time in OW watching only the map. 😁

Edited by LeBoiteux
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11 minutes ago, LeBoiteux said:

Add distance on the protractor and an alert when an enemy is nearby and with the current Sextant perk, some will spent their time in OW watching only the map. 😁

Hmmm .... you just described an introvert captain who spends most time in his cabin, over the charts.

What's wrong with that, if it makes sailing interesting.

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4 minutes ago, Macjimm said:

Hmmm .... you just described an introvert captain who spends most time in his cabin, over the charts.

What's wrong with that, if it makes sailing interesting.

Nothing wrong.

On the contrary, it creates new opportunities for RP.

Since I used Sextant perk, I've spent more time on the map.

Edited by LeBoiteux
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We've been asking for the wind direction while in port for some time now. I was hoping it would have be included with the new port UI.


58 minutes ago, LeBoiteux said:

Since I used Sextant perk, I've spent more time on the map.

I still believe the Sextant should be available to all, not a perk,  just as the Protractor is available to all. They are both navigation tools. 

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2 hours ago, Captiva said:

I still believe the Sextant should be available to all, not a perk,  just as the Protractor is available to all. They are both navigation tools. 

It would be nice to be able to turn it off the GPS dot , even if the sextant remains as a perk.   If we are forced to have a GPS dot, it is important that we have an option to turn it off. 

Would be unfortunate if the players who like to navigate are required to use a 3rd party map, because when they look at the in-game map they will be forced to see their position as a GPS dot.


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37 minutes ago, Macjimm said:

Would be unfortunate if the players who like to navigate are required to use a 3rd party map, because when they look at the in-game map they will be forced to see their position as a GPS dot.

Hey there, Macjimm. What is your view on the Protractor? Because to my way of thinking, using the protractor to draw a line from point A to point B and then displaying the direction marker on the compass - so that you do not stray from that heading - is way more helpful than the Sextant. The Sextant simply shows your location along the way. 

I like having them both. However, I think a lot of players might be more receptive of them if the compass were a small, free moving icon (similar to those on some 3rd party maps) that you moved around the map in order to estimate your general heading; without having the ability to draw a straight line from point A to point B, and without displaying the red direction marker on the compass. This, I believe, would add just a wee bit of uncertainty to your voyage.

I support your idea of having the ability to turn off the Sextant if a player wishes, but then you should have the option of turning off the protractor as well.


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2 hours ago, Captiva said:

Hey there, Macjimm. What is your view on the Protractor?

The protractor on the map is very well done. 

  • It is simple and flexible.  It's design is clear and easy to read.  I prefer a functional design to an elaborate-ornate-old-fashioned looking style  just because it looks prettier.
  • It matches the compass (Vitruvius's 24 Point rose) on the UI when sailing.
  • It doesn't allow for multiple way-points and therefore is easy and fast to use.
  • The red direction marker allows for choice and is well implemented.  Although the marker makes the protractor and compass process too simple,  no one is forced to keep the marker up.  It is very simple to make it disappear, simply hit "show protractor" on the map.  So thumbs up cause those that like it can use it and those who prefer to do more manual navigating can do that too.  I chose to not use the red marker but others enjoy it.
  • Like most things that the Devs create it is NOT buggy and works seamlessly.  It's very easy to access, remove and move about.

I've not tried the Perk sextant because I  prefer to use F11.   I really love plotting my progress en-route with Grid Reference numbers. 

I wish we had the option to take a bearing in game.  Currently there is only the compass locked in the lower right corner of the UI.  I'm very glad we do not have a digital direction, on the spy glass, but would love to have a pop-up compass, or the ability to sight along the ship's compass to measure a direction.  This would increase sailing enjoyment by allowing us more accurate triangulation (off of landmarks)  and calculating the speed of ships that we sight.

But it's all wishful thinking.  NA is a great game the way it is.  The trick is not to dwell on it's potential but look for work-arounds to enjoy the game as it is.


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