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Need to advertise more Naval Action!

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I think that as in everything advertisement has its pros and cons. You don't want to have none, you don't want to have too much, lest you attract the wrong attention to your product.


I personally think that the "mouth to mouth" approach the devs took is working very well. Convince people with the product quality, then reap the benefits of the customers talking about an impressive game with great developers and so different from what it's out there nowadays. Because they -will- talk. It's the best advertisement you can get: your own customers. Youtube is great for that ,as is streaming. In that sense I had a first row seat in watching things unfold, as youtubers also have friends, and some of them happen to be youtubers aswell, so knowledge about the game can spread very quickly. I got Bis and SideStrafe interested in this game, they gave it a try, they loved it, they started putting up their own content, and suddenly Naval Action was known for a much wider audience.



In that sense I'm glad that Jingles took a look at Naval Action. I think I was the first one to bring this game to his attention during one of his stays in Circon's stream. Gave him the link to the website, told him to take a look. I'm happy he came aboard, yet I'm slightly worried, as most of his viewers come from a very different gaming "target market", from a very different style of game and they probably will be pretty loud in trying to turn this game into what they are liking right now (WoT and WT). Which imo would be a disaster for Naval Action. Hopefully that doesn't happen.

In any case I think Naval Action will have to go through a period of time when players who like other stiles of games will try to turn it into yet another one like those and change it's very nature to suit their preferences. I'm however confident enough in the devs not to let that happen :).



Finally there are certain other people who I think are just no good at all from the ad perspective and I really am dismayed to see around here. But I guess is not my place to say who should produce content about this game and who shouldn't. I'll just say that, as I mentioned in the beginning, advertisement is like everything else...you want the right advertisement, presented in the adequate manner, and targetting the proper audience for your product...and some people are just wrong for this game. I'll just leave it at that :).

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saw jingles mention game in mingles with jingles.

shat pants.

bought game.


now just waiting to get my steam code on friday,

also playing with Unity3d to see what i can do with it :)


This is pretty much my story as well:


I was watching Mingles with Jingles and saw the Naval Action footage and I was like:




Then I checked out the website and looked up some more videos on youtube where I saw RamJB's videos. Especially the one with a Trafalgar battle with commentary as text on the screen where I could submerge myself into the eargasms. That made me nearly shout "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"

I resisted the urge 1 day. Tuesday I purchased, Wednesday I got the key already :)


Massive customer should see the finished product. What impresses enthusiasts like us, will not convince every player.

Therefore, G-L should be careful with large advertising.


Precicely, PrezesOi. Enthusiastic as I am about this game and its potential, I wanted to convince the guys from MetagamingTV, Twitch streamers, to get their hands wet on this game too, as I'm quite heavily involved with their streaming as their 'graphics guy' and I thought that this game deserves some more exposure. One of them has played PotBS. I linked them the same footage and they agreed that it looks awesome, but they could not be convinced to buy it at the current stage of development. Only an alpha key that doesn't give access to the end game or any bonusses other than testing isn't possible to provide, is it? You have to purchase it? Otherwise I could maybe pass one or maybe two keys and have them play it with me :) Otherwise I'll try to convince them again when there's more in the game :D


So for (probably) most people a sailing ship playground isn't enough, and would like to be able to do more than just some random fight, I guess.

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I advertised this game to my father, and he told me "You are 30 years old, when You are going to grow up?"

Gonna try it with someone else ;s

Haha! That's the general attitude of people who do not understand the general idea and benefit of using a computer for entertainment.

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I think RAMJB hit the nail in the head with his post.


I backed a little game on kickstarter in 2012 called Star Citizen, and look at what it became. Too many people isn't always the solution, since it'll attract at some point a toxic community wanting this or that, that I call the "Loud Minority", whining until they got their way. From what I see with Naval Action while perusing the forum and playing the game is that people here seem mature ( with a few bad apples ;) ). Keep it that way, listen only to suggestions that you know you can deliver ( don't over-promise, don't pull out a key feature when the game goes gold, like Elite Dangerous did for example when they took out the offline mode ), and use common sense :)


PS : sorry for my english, not my native language ^_^

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The amount it has now is wonderful, If you bring someone like Jingles on simply for a recruitment scheme then you are bringing in people that may just want to be apart of his videos and not actually enjoy the game, most that will come from War Thunder and those types of games that don't really house friendly players, personal experience.

Heey, I come from War Thunder! Ramjb was once a War Thunder channel, remember? But I get what you mean. The majority of the player base is idiots with not a single other intention than to get the kill no matter what. But when I was a little kid I played a POTCO, so I do at least have a clue.
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It is just what you say, but without money games are not created,and development would still slow, and therefore need to advertise it, and given that this is a realistic game and historian, will not attract immature people and kids.

P.S. Sorry for my english.

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