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Premium ships 24 hours

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6 hours ago, Liang Dao Ming said:


I don't know about Eve, but it's been around since 2003, having a record of 65 303 players online. Guess they did something right?.

There are a few ships that have limited runs, the tournament ships. They would be like the santa cecillia we have in game.

In eve, when a player loses a ship, they lose the whole ship yes...but there is insurance you can purchase to get some money back from a loss.

Also there is NO ship in eve that is purchased via dlc. Ships are either created by the players, or given as gifts from the devs. Eve has "ship skins" which are purchased using Plex, Plex is the currency you purchase with real cash. Plex can be sold to other players for in-game currency or traded for ship/player skins (paints/clothes) or some training bonuses (to train skills faster or finish them sooner). Plex can also be traded in for more game-time.

Eve is a harsh world and in that harsh world some players find joy. But the eve community has been extremely critical of any dlc or premium purchase addition to the game. Lets just say it's a miracle that eve has a use for Plex other than adding more game time now, there was a whole "Monocle-gate" event that you'd probably like to read about.

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37 minutes ago, jodgi said:

While you're drooling over EVE; Go look up their PVE to PVP ratio to get a different angle on the discussion on "what they've done right".

Pvp happens everyday in eve, join the right group for what you want to do.

There is nothing wrong with a lot of players PvEing in a risky environment where they have the chance to die. They have a good game, a successful game and they have done an MMO right. If you want pure pvp, there are game dedicated to pure pvp :).

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1 hour ago, jodgi said:

While you're drooling over EVE; Go look up their PVE to PVP ratio to get a different angle on the discussion on "what they've done right".

Who is drooling over Eve?, I haven't even played it, neither do I intend too.:)

Edited by Liang Dao Ming
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I personally think we will start seeing more of these DLC ships in pvp as spy/tagging/harassment ships. Kinda like how basic cutters and princes are now. Players will equip cheap upgrades and sacrifice ship for ganks. Not that I care too much, thats just how I see the outcome. 

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On June 23, 2018 at 2:25 PM, jodgi said:

While you're drooling over EVE; Go look up their PVE to PVP ratio to get a different angle on the discussion on "what they've done right".

Who needs Eve, my space sci fi wagon is hitched to Squadron 42/ Star Citizen

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On 6/23/2018 at 2:25 PM, jodgi said:

While you're drooling over EVE; Go look up their PVE to PVP ratio to get a different angle on the discussion on "what they've done right".

At the latest Eve conference the figures that were released for 2017 showed the following activities taking place during player log-in sessions...

out of a daily concurrent user base of approx 40 - 50k users at any one time...  13.8% of those were engaged in pure PVP whether against other PvP players or against PvE players.  (PvP)

of the rest.. 

52% were traders supplying the various markets including mining, market trading, exploring and salvage..  (PvE)

28% were involved in creating something, ships/goods/stations/artefacts/equipment etc..  (PvE)

1.5% were involved in incursions  (missions in NA)  (PvE)

4.3% were involved in travelling/relocating.  (Neither)

0.4% were actively involved in trying to hack the game.  (PvA  or Player v All)

Just so we are all on the same page with figures here.



Edited by Moria15
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37 minutes ago, Moria15 said:

At the latest Eve conference the figures that were released for 2017 showed the following activities taking place during player log-in sessions...

out of a daily concurrent user base of approx 40 - 50k users at any one time...  13.8% of those were engaged in pure PVP whether against other PvP players or against PvE players.  (PvP)

of the rest.. 

52% were traders supplying the various markets including mining, market trading, exploring and salvage..  (PvE)

28% were involved in creating something, ships/goods/stations/artefacts/equipment etc..  (PvE)

1.5% were involved in incursions  (missions in NA)  (PvE)

4.3% were involved in travelling/relocating.  (Neither)

0.4% were actively involved in trying to hack the game.  (PvA  or Player v All)

Just so we are all on the same page with figures here.



keeps in mind a "pure pvper" in eve also tends to have other characters funding that pvp through PvE.

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Imo its a great addition to the game, makes life easier for the casuals. Helps a lot to Not worry about a ship, just jump out and fight, once a day, Great!

Only complaint i have is the lack of repairs in some ports. My proposal is a local query that checks for repair in the wh. If noone exist spawn a few like 10 each and 40 rum. Plz!

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On 6/23/2018 at 7:10 AM, Liang Dao Ming said:



Wrong: almost no one.


On 6/23/2018 at 8:25 PM, jodgi said:

While you're drooling over EVE; Go look up their PVE to PVP ratio to get a different angle on the discussion on "what they've done right".

I'd invite you to reconsider your statement on doing wrong or right PVPwise taking a look at the players kill per hour number in EVE and NA.

PS: I still think that the whine about P2W is pure cliché. I mean: a premium ship in NA costs like a couple of beers in a cheap pub!

Edited by victor
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13 minutes ago, Le Raf Boom said:

Someone would think that the hercules as it is in the game was some super ship and yet no one knows what this is based on. You'd also think that 'poods' were some crazy powerful weapon and yet they weren't either. How about enough of this fantasy crap?


I think some Argentinian Trade Ship that was converted in their war of independence. At least that was what i was able to find.

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In that case 18 Spanish libras cannons are in fact 12 pounders (almost 13 pounds), not 18 pound guns.

And the actual armament was this, not some imaginary cannons:

El brigadier español Juan Manuel de Mendiburu5 afirma que portaba entonces 24 cañones: 20 piezas de entre 12 y 18 libras

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On 6/22/2018 at 12:25 PM, Liang Dao Ming said:



I wouldn't mind paying to replace premium ships that I loose, if I can't afford then I wait til I can. Also a reason why would you wouldn't see it dominating, if you have to pay for each ship then people won't risc loosing it that much. So won't dominate patrol zones etc.

Are you out of your fooking mind?

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Even the articles you linked talk about the dubious benefits of using them, in fact, as far as I know, no other nation adopted even when offered by the Russians.

A source of continuing controversy, they were regarded by their opponents as being of limited value, doubtful reliability, and equally dangerous to friend and foe in battle.

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@admin‌‌‌Will us Trader Rats, (which is not a full time role, just something needed to be done in order to keep a clans economy and fleet size in order from time to time), be receiving an "imported" trader ship or will we just have to put up with being tagged by players in their "replaceable don't care about loosing it" ships.

And hey who doesn't like discovering a nice Player in nice heavy trader, with luscious loot. 

Side note:

I had even thought about being able to create our own clan missions and extra content when the Ship DLC was announced, alas with their set-up no longer feasible.

Fair winds & Safe seas 😎


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On 6/22/2018 at 4:18 PM, Liang Dao Ming said:

Yes you are right often expensive parts are the upgrades but not when it comes to hercules and so.:). Maybe they could increase the timer to a week at least?.

i was just thinking the same thing......

(but i am not sure.... perhaps 1 every two weeks is a good thing too )


actualy premium vessels are a problem on their own!

id needs good use !


i see people not playing the game anymore , but just doing the premium vessels only ......(and only pvp in the missions and when sunk they go play something else , so that's a sign on the wall )

hummm... i do not think we have imported naval legends only ....wright...??

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3 hours ago, Thonys said:

hummm... i do not think we have imported naval legends only ....wright...??

Well, when they closed NAL there was an announcement about including everyone in OW, so in that sense you have imported guys like me.

Since patrol missions were released I haven't done anything BUT patrols, long before prem ships.

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On 6/24/2018 at 7:02 AM, Wraith said:


Yeah, this is already being done. DLC ships is an interesting experiment but I think it needs to go away. It’s a massive unbalancing force. It would be a far preferable situation were we to go the EvE route both with regards to sustaining the game monetarily and for the balance of PvE to PvP content and player production/economy.

I don't mind it because it promotes PvP. But it is kinda annoying when you show up in a 3rd rate and 5 Requin/Hercules come to fight. 

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