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REDS + VCO Change Nation


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2 hours ago, admin said:

It's a sandbox they can all join Sweden :)
Tutorial/UI/Localization will bring more British and Pirates.  


  • National gameplay was not mentioned anywhere in the sales pitch and not a single nation was named. You are all playing an early access game and everything might change. 

I just reread it - I stand corrected sir!

EDIT: But I'd still like to maintain that dropping nations basically drops all reasons for the current map - I'm not adverse to the idea of redoing the map, as it is 33% is basically empty sea dislodged from the rest of the server.

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2 hours ago, Katastrophic said:

oh yes please more brits

Yeah - more noobs to hide in KPR and kill when they shows their little turtlenecks.. And ofc I do mean the sweater :)


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2 hours ago, Intrepido said:

Blondel Cay: 1250. 17 players

Green Cay: 1250. 17 players

Rio Seco: 2400. 4 players.

Lorimers: 4800. 8 players.

Rincon: 2400. 4 players.


17+17+4+8+4= 50 players. Will you have them online at the same time?



Why would they defend all of them? - You only need one port and that can be a freetown.. nobody cares about the ports, it's the battles that excites and everybody got more than enough gold since the econ is still broken, everyone got access to all mats ingame either through alts or agreements, and all there really is to do in this game is to do battles.. Everything else is moot..

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1 hour ago, victor said:

(XP and craft XP as far as I remember) and TBH I'd suggest to the devs to keep also crafting BP and/or books and/or ship knowledge slots.

Here we actually agree.. It won't be any different than it is now unless they radically change the knowledges and I really like them as they are at the moment..

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1 hour ago, North said:

i don't understand all the salt??? we are not allowed to choose what nation we wanna play?

Ofc you are.. just like all the other girls can go and play with whatever barbiedoll they prefer.. But please North.. We're mostly annoyed that you're such a little bitch.. What did you promise the former ACN players when they were persuaded/coerced into droping Aguadilla, Arecibo, Guanica so that we couldn't defend the ports? What does it say about REDS that they are such a bunch of cowards that they don't even have the balls to attempt an offensive PB against the noobiest nation in the server? er.. Well noobiest except from the russian that is.. but in a short while it will be the swedish? - I'm getting confused here...

But the point is: How are you going to honour the bargain struck with ACN and the rest of the french daytime team? And in a longer perspective - who in this server would ever want to do a deal with someone as dishonest as you? I care for two things in this game - the battles.. And the name I make for myself.. People may feel toward me however they want but I've never lied to them and everyone knows I pay premium prices for books and before the great wipe, blueprints.. Oh.. And I honor my bargains.. Same couldn't be said about you before this move and now it won't be said about any REDS/VCO player.. They might not care what name you give them.. But in a sandbox game the name is all that has value besides the experiences.. Grow a couple of potatoes and get back on the horse rather than hiding from HRE..

I got this one for you:


Edited by Guest
Had to insert the word little
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5 hours ago, Christendom said:

We are joining Sweden to force @admin to change this game to a clan based/alliance system and get rid of nations.  

We are not joining Sweden to stop the wheel.  We are joining Sweden to break the wheel.  

Praise Us

I think it will be hilarious when Admin tells you to take ur shitty antics elsewhere and tells you all to deal with it....

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4 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

I think it will be hilarious when Admin tells you to take ur shitty antics elsewhere and tells you all to deal with it....


4 hours ago, admin said:

It's a sandbox they can all join Sweden :)
Tutorial/UI/Localization will bring more British and Pirates.  


  • National gameplay was not mentioned anywhere in the sales pitch and not a single nation was named. You are all playing an early access game and everything might change. 


Seems like admin has signed off on our move.  Checkmate 

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17 minutes ago, Christendom said:



Seems like admin has signed off on our move.  Checkmate 

That’s not how I read it...  I see nothing about a change to clan-based anything.  I see him telling you guys to enjoy your tantrum.  

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12 minutes ago, Christendom said:

what he's saying is don't count on NATIONAL game play in the final version

National vs. Clan-based difficulty will make no difference in your struggles Christendom. You blame everyone else for killing nations/servers by saying that they team up to kill the nations VCO has been a part of. Even if this were true in it's purest sense, which it's not, you haven't stopped to ask why it happens.

I can't help but wonder if it has ever occurred to you to think about why within a few months of being a powerful faction within a nation, VCO finds itself targeted by multiple other nations. I warned you just before the merge, I asked how long it would take for what happened on global to happen here. You did not heed my warning but instead VCO went on doing the same things they always did. And here we are. Clan-based gameplay will only make your life worse as even your own nation's clans can turn on VCO for their toxic behavior.

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23 minutes ago, Christendom said:

what he's saying is don't count on NATIONAL game play in the final version

 The devs might implement your idea at the launch of the game, but until then will take many months and you get yourself a broken game until then.

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10 minutes ago, RedNeckMilkMan said:

I thought the swedes were your true enemies :huh:

 We all thought they would join one of their Allies (they would be welcomed with open arms), but no, they joined their Enemy. That shows alot about them and what they think about their allies.

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20 minutes ago, Cabral said:

 We all thought they would join one of their Allies (they would be welcomed with open arms), but no, they joined their Enemy. That shows alot about them and what they think about their allies.

we are not gonna attack any of our allies:rolleyes:

Danes are top priorty when we join, as they are a short sail away:ph34r:

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1 minute ago, North said:

we are not gonna attack any of our allies:rolleyes:

Danes are top priorty when we join, as they are a short sail away:ph34r:

 If you don't know, DNP and BF already annouced they will join Sweden also. I hope you like PB's against bots

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