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When are the steamkeys sent out? I can't wait to start playing! :D


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As I understand it if you didnt order before 5pm on the day they opened up again then you will have to wait as they sold out of all their available keys and have to get another batch from Steam setup they said that will take 2-5 days so everyone who orders should have their key by the 30th of Jan at the latest.

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What about people like me who ordered this Friday just gone (yesterday)?

To get a key on Friday you have to order before 5pm Kiev time. Also, they might be out of keys. Last I heard they were waiting on Steam to approve more keys. Once the paypal thing got sorted out, they got swamped by purchases and all the keys went really fast.

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Hi guys, 


I just found a few videos online of this game and immediately purchased it. I am not ashamed to beg as there is no way I can wait 6 days to play this game. Please send out my steam code today I will love you long time for it :D 


Sending you much game love from Australia! 


Jak Morris

Van Diemen's Demise (VDD) 

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In the mean time, watch some of the videos on the Tube... there are some good tutorials such as Ranjb's Manual Sails video of how to turn in your first Brig which you could unlock fairly quickly and which benefits from sharp tacks across the wind if you know how.

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In the mean time, watch some of the videos on the Tube... there are some good tutorials such as Ranjb's Manual Sails video of how to turn in your first Brig which you could unlock fairly quickly and which benefits from sharp tacks across the wind if you know how.

I Also Stream the game regularly, Your welcome to come by and chat with the others and watch the fun :)  (got mini games too :P)

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To get a key on Friday you have to order before 5pm Kiev time. Also, they might be out of keys. Last I heard they were waiting on Steam to approve more keys. Once the paypal thing got sorted out, they got swamped by purchases and all the keys went really fast.


Ordered Friday got my key sunday. Pretty pleased that I only had to wait 3 days.

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Hi lads! I might be in the totally wrong part of the forum here, if thats the case, sorry!  :P 

Anyways, just bought this game, and so i understand that i will not be able to play right away, no problem! However what worries me is that i have not gotten any "confirmation" From the game itself, only from paypal. saying they recived my order etc... 
So now i wonder, did any of you guys have to wait abit, to recive any mails from "the team" ? I thought you might be able to clarify this for me! Salute - Sunde

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