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[Caribbean Server] Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Bart Smith

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On 13-10-2017 at 3:52 PM, rediii said:

I'll be there waving my swedish flag and shooting some prussians probably ;)


you can wave what you want but

blood is thicker than water! 

if you are an alcoholic it might seem different  ,but it changes nothing the next day....


ohw and for i forget 

we are still there


Edited by Thonys
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Guys stay on topic please. Futher offtopic will be hide. Thank you.

On topic: 


Sejm Wielki uchwalil po burzliwych obradach ustawe rzadowa o wyslaniu flotylli na wody Karaibow:


Cele nie sa jawne i tylko najwyzsza ranga admiralicja i oficerowie zostali o nich poinformowani:


W stoczniach zaczeto budowac i wodowac okrety potrzebne na ekspedycje oraz gromadzic zapasy:


Nawiazaly za nami kontakt tez grupy piratow operujace na wodach karaibow i wyrazily chec plywania pod nasza bandera.


The Great Parliament after hot disscusion have made decison to send polish flotilla to Caribbean.

The goals are covered in secrecy and only Admirality and high ranks officers have this knowledge.

Shipyards started building ships essential to expedition and gather resources.

Few groups of pirates operating at caribbean waters have agreed to sail under Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth flag to support our matter.  


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32 minutes ago, Bart Smith said:

First outpost established. Port Barahona is under polish crown control.



And you should've have had the decency to declare war on Denmark-Norway rather than making a surprise attack. Dishonourable!

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On 10/18/2017 at 12:37 AM, Bearwall said:

And you should've have had the decency to declare war on Denmark-Norway rather than making a surprise attack. Dishonourable!

After nearly 400 years Danmark blockading Sund not allowing our fleets leave Baltic Sea. Danmark ride few times our homewaters and burn our ships. Now finnaly we arrive to the New World and we have moral right to establish our colony and take ports we need to secure our colonies. 

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1 hour ago, Bart Smith said:

Elaborate please?


I will elaborate. Sorry. As i was reading my post i noticed i forgot half of what I was going to say.

"I await to hear of the victories and exploits of the polish navy on the EU server. On global I know of one individual that has already made a name for themselves."

Basically hoping for your good fortune.

Edited by Teutonic
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On 18/10/2017 at 10:38 AM, Bart Smith said:

After nearly 400 years Danmark blockading Sund not allowing our fleets leave Baltic Sea. Danmark ride few times our homewaters snd burn our ships. Now finnaly we arrive to the New World and we have moral right to establish our colony and take ports we need to secure our colonies. 

Let's see how long you can keep it mate.

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