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Unity 5 - Testbed Feedback topic.


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install and running on my intel and 1080 system went fine,

Graphically, fonts look a bit finer I suppose. 

hit bit maps on enemy hulls appear and disappear based on your angle to the enemy. 

Game seems way more prone to forcing your view up to the top of your crows nest looking down as you maneuver near enemy ships. The view scanning in general seemed more flakey then the normal version.

the new 5th rate goes through irons like they are not there, even at 2 knots, I think you would have to force it to stop. 

Its model is ok I guess, but the textures are too pristine and bright. And all that red on the rails is kind of garrish in such a bright skin.

Lots of firepower, too easy to sail. Probably how you wanted it I guess.

Not sure what testing all these ships with 5 skills open accomplishes. Make us spend 15 hours grinding each skill like the real game, That is so awesome. 

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10 hours ago, admin said:

 what is your feedback on 

  • Prince Neuftshfllshrlll
  • Wasa
  • Le Hermione

combat feeling

Prince is surely my favourite of all new ships. That's beatiful, that's fast, has interesting and non-banal sails profile. By the 6th Rate ships, Mercury was always my single-love (despite of advantages of Niagara), now I have two loves :lol: It has given pretty good combat feelings even in a battle against Wasa (at least against Wasa's sails) but I suppose captain should invest a bit more time to learn to handle sails of this ship. Couple of times I was confused by behaviour of the Prince because of its mixed types of sails. Ship will be surely usefulness but I'm sure it won't be popular - as any ship lower as 5th rate.

Wasa is tank-version of Agamemnon in my opinion. It has really nice forms, mega-beautiful deck and fully ugly painting (sorry guys). I'm sure it'll be very popular all-around vessel in the game - yesterday 90% of testers sailed Wasa and I guess it'll be same in the game. I don't know if it was bug or not but me and my mate had fully different results in the same conditions of the battle against each other (both were with Wasa). Our Wasas were both teak/teak, we have been going broadside-to-broadside fully parallel, same cannons, my mate has made me 31 hulls, I have made him 32 hulls but he lost 3 sectors of the armor and I just two.

Hermione was the last thing to made an impression on me. This is such good middle-boy, some christmas-version of Belle Poule because of really bright painting. I'd say she has no charisma.. but she has really very beautiful rigging. In a combat, it feels as Belle Poule or LGV. It would be not bad to compare Hermione in the battle against another light/middle frigates then it'd help to define her more detailed.

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6 hours ago, Prater said:

A few things.

  1. The damage decals only show up from certain directions instead of always being visible.
  2. When you use up all of double charge, it doesn't switch to ball automatically.  You have to switch it manually before your guns will start reloading
  3. The Prince should at least be a bit faster than the Lynx downwind, look at how many square sails it has.
  4. Battle chat still shows up after battle
  5. You can't cancel redeeming a ship (we should be able to hit cancel when selecting wood type).  The only option is ok.
  6. Someone complained that with the Prince you have to depower to shoot to leeward, this is not true, you can shoot just fine with it.
  7. Some of the Trader's don't have loot.
  8. Something is definitely off with smoke.  It doesn't look right at all when coming from the cannon (see below).
  9. If you board enemy then sink the ship, you don't get rewards.


Can you give us combat marks?  Maybe 1000?

Smoke bug - different angle than z4's


+1 re bugs and marks!

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How is the hostility missions supposed to work? Is it a bug that they are all 7th rate missions or are they based on level of hostility. Picking them for even capitol regions which are lineships and they are still 7th rate

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2 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

Should be different shadows/reflections and lighting. I noticed that the sky looks different, but maybe it's just me.

I didn't notice anything, better fps but not a big graphical change

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5 minutes ago, admin said:


hehe, I know this Replica, but I still believe this color is not historical. Also the yellow is almost fluorescent :wacko:

I always prefer the used look of ships like you did with the Surprise. Her waterline is full of Algae and other dirty stuff :wub: 

But in the end it is your choice :)

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27 minutes ago, Jœrnson said:

hehe, I know this Replica, but I still believe this color is not historical. Also the yellow is almost fluorescent :wacko:

I always prefer the used look of ships like you did with the Surprise. Her waterline is full of Algae and other dirty stuff :wub: 

But in the end it is your choice :)

The replica is historically accurate and the color is the same as the real one, here, the paint is just fresh and new. Also, the photo has been rendered a bit and it looks more "flashy".

"Naturally" it looks like this : 1503049978-f-ship-a-20150607.jpg




Edited by Major General La Fayette
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2 minutes ago, Major General La Fayette said:

Also, the photo has been rendered a bit and it looks more "flashy".

So it seems like the model creator just picked the wrong picture as pattern ;)

But it does not change anything that the ingame L'Hermione is still a wonderful and detailed ship which I like (even a used look would become here much better :) )


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29 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

Sun and shadow yellow and blue shading.



Can someone take a screenshot in the same position and lighting @ ultra ?

almost (w/o direct sunlight):


Be aware that photos on the internet are usually boosted, your screens boosts stuff in "gaming mode", your screens are crap ;) and even your drivers may fiddle with color and brightness. Blue and yellow does things to your brain in any and all cases; when it seems glaring it's working as intended (says your brain).

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Meanwhile, I'm gonna pretend that the fleur-de-lis is actually three crowns (our national emblem), and that it's not L'Hermione, but HMS Jarramas, that one (somewhat smaller) frigate that Sweden sent to the Carribean to reclaim Gustavia.


On that note, it really bothers me that there's a significant colour difference between that emblem and the rest of the ship in-game, as can be seen at Jodgi's post just above.

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Dear Developers

I've completely ran out of rum, my crew is starting to mutiny, the market is also completely dried out.

May i request another redeemable for rum? Would be good to give us 5k-10k so we can also test the big ships correctly.

Another thing i like to request is that you give us a second redeemable for XP and gold - for those poor souls not able to read and joining the wrong nation. ^^

Many thanks,


Edited by sveno
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27 minutes ago, sveno said:

May i request another redeemable for rum? Would be good to give us 5k-10k so we can also test the big ships correctly.

@admin @Ink

I did some math for you. :)

correct me if i wrong

Duration of battle is 90 minutes.

Duaring 24 hours we can take part in 16 battles.

Victory require 23 hull, 28 rig repairs and 255 rum. In one battle we can use 9 repair sets.

So 23*9=207 hull repairs 28*9=252 rig repairs and 255*9=2295 rum

And total for one day

  1.     207*16=3312 hull repairs
  2.     252*16=4032 rig repairs
  3.     2295*16=36720 rums

And don't forget about cannons. :)

Edited by qw569
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