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Why have nations?

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Considering the game mechanics why do we even have nations at this point? I thought the original idea was nations would represent the economic power of a government body supported by a population while the pirate faction would represent the criminal organizations that existed during the 17th century. What we have here is the pirate faction being as powerful as any nation and having access to as much as any nation has. The pirates still maintain one clear advantage over the nations though...they can attack any target at will as they see fit. So, every person in this game could switch to pirate and there would be no change at all in the amount of pvp being available. In fact it would permit someone to dock anywhere they like and the only thing lost would be port battles (which at this point is rather empty anyway). The pirate faction was supposed to be a very difficult faction to play, it isn't any more difficult than any other faction. They are not limited in any way and there is nothing that represents the economic struggle they endured. Pirates did not build ships, they captured them (and at an alarming rate). This permitted them to operate in a nomadic fashion and thus could not be as some players would put it, One ported. So far the main thing this game is lacking (and it is more due to the players then the devs) is unification within a nation. Too many chiefs and not enough indians. The pirates as far as I have seen have found a way around this simpleton stupidity. I have a couple of ideas as to how they manage this but no actual proof but I commend them on either finding a way to work together or at the very least keep it in house instead of making it public. I have seen many posts about restrictions for the pirate factions, limiting them to class 4 ships, Shipyard level 2, etc and even if I was a pirate I would be fine with it because being part of the pirates should mean that you are the elite because you can win with limited resources. So far, that is not the case, pirates reputation for the most part is that they are cowards who will not fight unless they have superior numbers. Personally, I know a few pirates who are not this way but only a few.

Basically to sum this up, the game needs a change to split the difference between playing a nation and playing a pirate. Playing a pirate should instill fear and respect and not looked at as if they were just another nation and it is a matter of he with the most people wins.

This is not intended to be a flame towards anyone at all, just an observation and as such I ask that derogatory remarks be left out of this and for this to be used to highlight and resolve things.

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The pirates have created a clear power struggle with the devs.

They can't do anything to change PB mechanics, pirates being a nation, and whatever else because the pirates have said they would quit the game, and leave negative reviews if they do. That's actually what they said, and Its happened before so there is no reason to think they wouldn't do it again.

Naval action Legends will HOPEFULLY, take away some of that pressure by giving the pirates a place to go before they get turned to proper pirates.

Edited by Slim Jimmerson
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18 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

The pirates have created a clear power struggle with the devs.

They can't do anything to change PB mechanics, pirates being a nation, and whatever else because the pirates have said they would quit the game, and leave negative reviews if they do. That's actually what they said, and Its happened before so there is no reason to think they wouldn't do it again.

Naval action Legends will HOPEFULLY, take away some of that pressure by giving the pirates a place to go before they get turned to proper pirates.

This is total BS for the majority of us want our own mechanics, but if we are going to be treated like a half arse read head step child of a nation we are going to act like a Nation.  Most of us Pirates including myself have made many post about how to make Pirates more pirate like.   Right now it's the least of the devs worries as they are working on game mechanics for all nations. Maybe some day in the future pirates will get there own game mechanics but right now they are a Nation in game.  The only difference is our flag is black.

I also have done some really great write ups about turning us into Privateers instead of being called pirates and than have those that aren't working for a country would be the outlaws/Pirates.  Maybe later when I get up I'll post these two concepts of what we/or myself would like to see for pirates and than the privateer concept.

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55 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

The pirates have created a clear power struggle with the devs.

They can't do anything to change PB mechanics, pirates being a nation, and whatever else because the pirates have said they would quit the game, and leave negative reviews if they do. That's actually what they said, and Its happened before so there is no reason to think they wouldn't do it again.

Are you serious here? Making negative reviews having 2k hours played and blackmailing devs is so funny and same time childish...but they arrr pirates what else to expect? 

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I had not really considered looking at the pirate attack pirate to gain invis and the 40+ knot speed boost in order to rush into a port battle but it is a clear tactic that can be used to shoot past screeners from downwind where the screeners will be unable to engage.

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2 hours ago, Raekur said:

I had not really considered looking at the pirate attack pirate to gain invis and the 40+ knot speed boost in order to rush into a port battle but it is a clear tactic that can be used to shoot past screeners from downwind where the screeners will be unable to engage.

Any nation can do that, they just have to attack a fleet or another nation player to do it.  That isn't some pirate only special hack to use the after battle invisibility thing.

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Actually it is as the pirate are the only ones that can bring their own "enemy fleet' with them and thus do not have to spend time looking for one as well as being able to use this tactic to evade pursuit. No Nation has the ability to perform this maneuver at will. For instance, say you have 2 pirates running around looking for traders. They spot a group of 6 US warships who have just turned towards them and are now closing. The pirates can immediately 'attack' each other while running from the US fleet. Once in the pirates can exit after 2 min and use the new invisability / "Going Plaid" speed boost to outdistance the US fleet. Any other faction would have to first locate a hostile target to perform this tactic. So tell me again how the pirates do not have an advantage over the nation. You may consider this a small thing, but in terms of balance and hunter / prey it is not a small thing. So far in the last week I have lost over 500,000 gold and 4 traders with the pirate being able to escape without a scratch due to this invis/speed. The last time I watched as 7 people hunted after 1 pirate and were unable to engage because of that speed boost putting the pirate well out of range of the fleet. If this was in pirate controlled waters I could understand not being able to chase him but this was well over 300,000 km form the nearest pirate port. So keep asking yourself why people continue to switch to pirate, it is not because they want to be feared or respected, it is because they are tired of being undercut.


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6 hours ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

The pirates have created a clear power struggle with the devs.

They can't do anything to change PB mechanics, pirates being a nation, and whatever else because the pirates have said they would quit the game, and leave negative reviews if they do. That's actually what they said, and Its happened before so there is no reason to think they wouldn't do it again.

Naval action Legends will HOPEFULLY, take away some of that pressure by giving the pirates a place to go before they get turned to proper pirates.

  NO SOME Pirates have said that..many are all for no more Territory control... 

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The problem from a balance perspective is that in any game of this type, pirates are going to be wildly popular for new players (if I'm not mistaken they are currently the second largest faction). And under the current mechanic as you stated, they have all the benefits of a standard nation faction in addition to the ability to attack each other, which can be used easily to exploit the game mechanics and gain a key advantage over standard nations. I somewhat agree that it is sort of pointless to play another faction and we should just all pile into the pirates and start attacking each other in a free for all, which is how pirates should be played.

I would simply make it where pirates cannot control ports, but rather allow them to teleport between freeports and sign a letter of marque to sail for a particular nation on a temporary basis if they choose and use that nation's ports but not base there. This would make pirates much more balanced fun and historical. Oh and I'd also allow them capture NPC ships, but not build their own.

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Come to think of it, you know what would be cool? Having a national clan go pirates and basically declare for a nation and disrupt any pirate activity concerning that nation. I think that would be very fun and historical. It would make pirates actually be pirates rather than an OP nation. It would be way more effective than fighting them conventionally and in keeping with the current mechanics.

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31 minutes ago, Souvlaki said:

Come to think of it, you know what would be cool? Having a national clan go pirates and basically declare for a nation and disrupt any pirate activity concerning that nation. I think that would be very fun and historical. It would make pirates actually be pirates rather than an OP nation. It would be way more effective than fighting them conventionally and in keeping with the current mechanics.

That is kinda what my Privateer concept is about where it's a means to change nations in game and help other nations.  Pirates/Privateers can't be picked at start of a new char.  You have to go pirate in game and than Privateer can be used to swtich nations.  Would need a very good reputation system to support it too.

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3 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

That is kinda what my Privateer concept is about where it's a means to change nations in game and help other nations.  Pirates/Privateers can't be picked at start of a new char.  You have to go pirate in game and than Privateer can be used to swtich nations.  Would need a very good reputation system to support it too.

Yeah, I like that idea. It could also help balance the game a bit. Maybe the game rewards privateers fighting for nations with less population much more than if you fought for the Brits for example. Although, I would like to see a system where you could switch allegiances at will, but within reason. Like maybe limit a change to once per month at a minimum.

Edited by Souvlaki
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30 minutes ago, Souvlaki said:

Yeah, I like that idea. It could also help balance the game a bit. Maybe the game rewards privateers fighting for nations with less population much more than if you fought for the Brits for example. Although, I would like to see a system where you could switch allegiances at will, but within reason. Like maybe limit a change to once per month at a minimum.

I play MWO (mechwarrior online) and play a Mech unit and that is what they do.  We can pick a faction/house we want to fight for at like a set time contract.  Than according to the population of that House/Faction we get either a bonus for helping them or penalty towards our earned xp and credits.

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13 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

Any nation can do that, they just have to attack a fleet or another nation player to do it.  That isn't some pirate only special hack to use the after battle invisibility thing.

@Sir Texas Sir In essence you are correct the issue with the outlaw battle is you can create this battle at a whim were ever you like to suit you, using another nation player leads down the alt abuse path which it self another issue so for eg the PB thing say GB vs US PB GB would have to estimate wind (which im sure everyone has to do) then get there fleet to the entrance then hope they get an enemy fleet in the right place, were the outlaw mechanic allow you to rock up and tag were you like. this is the issue people have with it i know you can enter the fight during its entirety so you guys say but ive passed you guys and it was you in particular didn't see any cutlasses next thing a couple of your clan come out of know were so maybe only a pirate can see the entrance the entire time and other nations only get half an hour before they disappear. hope you can see were the other nations are coming from a little more 

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