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Declaration of Victory and the Terms


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8 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

Free yourself from the RvR chains, my friend.  Want revenge?  Sink a few pirates. Don't stress a dot on a map. 

Its hard when that dot is next door to the capital and 2 full fleets packed inside ready to pounce. US is just gonna have to manage I suppose.

Edited by Slim Jimmerson
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As someone who has been one-ported twice...  it's a great motivator to learn how to play more "pirate" than the pirates.   Find yourself a nice raider, get into "their" waters, find a nice quiet spot and take what you need from "their" traders/players, etc...  

Organization will only accomplish so much..  Eventually you will need to be equally as good at fighting if you want to start taking dots back.   

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1 hour ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

When your entire nation shows up to defend the most important port on the map, everyone ready to do what it takes to win the day. Then the enemy fleet out of nowhere pops into port, everyone knowing once it reached that point we were finished.

I call BS on this one cause didn't you have 25 in the port battle against our 16-18 with no Mortar Brig as it was caught out side with some 1st rates.  Than didn't ya'll just leave the battle before the first shot was even fired and surrender the port to us.  If ya'll had come with every thing you had you would of fought and defended that port at all cost.  No ya'll came with half ass fleet and was expecting the Screeners and Brits out side to save your butt.  That was a half ass defense and your one attempt at an attack mid day when you thought our fleet was away shows your not even trying.  Bringing mostly 4/5th rates to a line ship battle.  If any one is to blame for loosing that port it's US it self.   When your read you can try to take it back, but we won't give it to you.  Not with how your acting right now.  Maybe if you take some initiative and take back your Gulf of Mexico ports from an enemy that has taken 4 times more ports than we have from ya'll we might take pity than and return it.  Hell at least the Brtis have came to us and talked about concerns and making some arrangements to give back a port to help with Moral.  We just couldn't do it this week cause we wanted to keep our lead on conquest.   You know part of the game folks call RvR that goes along with the PvP part that makes this game and why it's prob called NAVAL ACTION.

4 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

Its hard when that dot is next door to the capital and 2 full fleets packed inside ready to pounce. US is just gonna have to manage I suppose.

Brits didn't complain and they been dealing with it.  We had have French, Brits, US and even Spain at our door step every day attacking our traders and solo uys all the time, you don't see us bitching.  No we did what we did this morning and others have.  We came out sunk a few of the french and than ran off a certain Spain for now.  We know they will be back and we will loose some more ships, but the only way for those guys to get better is to keep fighting and get back into new ships.  Which they have and aren't bitching.  

When you get knocked down you don't just give up, you get back up even if it means you will just get knocked right back down again.

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5 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

When you get knocked down you don't just give up, you get back up even if it means you will just get knocked right back down again.

I don't agree with a lot of what these guys say, but THIS for sure needs to be emphasized and taken to heart!

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The main focus of the US at this point should be defending what they have and attacking Pirates and their traders and work on building a defense fleet. Right now the Pirates have two places where they can sneak an invasion fleet into the US and no one would know until it is too late. The US is in no position to dictate terms, period. Focus on retaining what you have or be prepared to be left with just Charleston.

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In a situation that is "what you see is what you get" at all levels of gameplay, yes. Once the snowball starts rolling only the fans stay glued. The other 90% simply won't. Too much of too may fingers in everyone's pies, and many can't help it. It is just the way they grew up with games :) and it happens in all mediums, from tabletop to MMOs.

We are only half the equation, the wild variable. We the players. Mechanics are blind and do not judge. They trust us.

Thing is, no matter what is said, no matter how hard it is done and how harsh it may seem, there is no victory.

There will always be one Dave, one Iroquois to keep the nation from giving the last flicker.

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11 minutes ago, Arsilon said:

I don't agree with a lot of what these guys say, but THIS for sure needs to be emphasized and taken to heart!

The other thing is, if you keep doing the same thing over and over and it's not working.   Change what your doing cause it wasn't working.   We change all the time so the best way to over come things is to adapt and change.

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1 minute ago, Peter Goldman said:

But I trust only my own skills. You can't rely on dead items and machines, they simply fail.

I mean the way we use the mechanics :) that lead to the battles. Mechanics expect to be used in a way. We simply subvert their intended use.

Battles instances are on great health and can only improve.

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11 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

You tried to imply that mechanics 'they' trust us.

They do. We humans are good folk and we will play a game as intended :) hence they are blind, don't need to look all the time to see if we are... well... playing it right.

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43 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

I call BS on this one cause didn't you have 25 in the port battle against our 16-18 with no Mortar Brig as it was caught out side with some 1st rates.  Than didn't ya'll just leave the battle before the first shot was even fired and surrender the port to us.  If ya'll had come with every thing you had you would of fought and defended that port at all cost.  No ya'll came with half ass fleet and was expecting the Screeners and Brits out side to save your butt. 

When you get knocked down you don't just give up, you get back up even if it means you will just get knocked right back down again.

18 Pirate 1st rates vs 10 US first rate and 15 frigates. I remember it like it was yesterday 

Believe it or not those 10 1st rates where all US had at the time. That's why we so heavily relied on the screening forces to weaken/deter you to give the PB guys a shot which never had the chance.

Say what you want, but US put everything they had into defending that port aside from sacrificing their hand full of 1st rates. I agree with mostly everything else you said.

16 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

You tried to imply that mechanics 'they' trust us.

I'm convinced Dukes sole purpose as staff is to say some cryptic shit whenever things get heated to leave us all scratching our heads soothed and confused :wub:  

Edited by Slim Jimmerson
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Texas is right. Savannah wasn't an un-contested port battle, and the defenders (The US) had some advantages that they didn't even attempt to utilize. Not saying there was a guaranteed win for the defenders, but by giving up it was a guaranteed win for the attackers. Without a Mortar Brig to handle forts/towers, those become force multipliers and could have been used to the US's advantage. Buuut, it's a moot point because that's not what happened. They quit the field and since then it's been a pretty constant state of blaming something else entirely on the loss. 

I don't agree with everything that the Pirates do or have done. However, I do completely agree with them on the point that one issue the US has had for a loooonnnng time now is not being willing to really get their hands dirty and fight the hard fight. I don't see the point in having even a small 1st rate fleet if you're not going to use it. It's a waste of resources which could have been used to build ships that might actually be put to sea for more than mission grinding. Oh well. 

Personally, I've never been an uber-leet PvPer but I will fight until the last cannon sinks beneath the waves, or my last crewman is killed in a boarding action. I find more satisfaction in sinking like a fighting captain, than running away in order to run away again. 25v1? Unfurl the sails, load the cannons and hold steady boys it's time for a wild ride. 

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13 minutes ago, Rhodry Heidenrich said:

Texas is right. Savannah wasn't an un-contested port battle, and the defenders (The US) had some advantages that they didn't even attempt to utilize. Not saying there was a guaranteed win for the defenders, but by giving up it was a guaranteed win for the attackers. Without a Mortar Brig to handle forts/towers, those become force multipliers and could have been used to the US's advantage. Buuut, it's a moot point because that's not what happened. They quit the field and since then it's been a pretty constant state of blaming something else entirely on the loss. 


The only advantage US had was the forts and the 75+ screeners which is odd not to acknowledge in its own right, when you say they didn't even attempt to utilize them

In the timeline of things, the forts would've been moot if the overwhelmingly large screening fleet had the chance. Don't forget that, Savannah was a confirmed exploited PB. No matter which way you cut it, the results of the win are as illegitimate as the means to accomplish it are.


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Numbers don't matter when those within the horde lack the ability to work cohesively as a unit. That's why BLACK is able to do what BLACK does. All comes down to one word:


Their core group has been playing together for a long time now. It's hard to beat that with rag-tag rabble who spend more time bickering, infighting, and playing the blame game instead of actually coming up with a viable solution. 




Edited by Rhodry Heidenrich
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26 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

The only advantage US had was the forts and the 75+ screeners which is odd not to acknowledge in its own right, when you say they didn't even attempt to utilize them

In the timeline of things, the forts would've been moot if the overwhelmingly large screening fleet had the chance. Don't forget that, Savannah was a confirmed exploited PB. No matter which way you cut it, the results of the win are as illegitimate as the means to accomplish it are.


Savanah you also had a NAT alt trying to tag Rats into kite fights to exploit the RAT on RAT mechanic it was in the screenies  saying not to attack Socialism...etc etc....but I will not go there as we all know the truth...so basically drop it...grab hold of your nut sack (if u have any) and regroup ..or as we said in Marines. "Pop Smoke and Adjust"

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4 hours ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

The only advantage US had was the forts and the 75+ screeners which is odd not to acknowledge in its own right, when you say they didn't even attempt to utilize them

In the timeline of things, the forts would've been moot if the overwhelmingly large screening fleet had the chance. Don't forget that, Savannah was a confirmed exploited PB. No matter which way you cut it, the results of the win are as illegitimate as the means to accomplish it are.


Numbers don't mean crap when your not even an effective fighting force.  If you do remember that when we came out of our hiding spot you did split some of us.  Let me remind you cause you where in that screening fleet.  That is the effect of only two line ships.  Yes we lost the Mortar Brig and we expected that to happen if we got tagged.  They are pretty much dead before a fight even happens if you get in range of them.   If you recall this battle was way before the port battle even started.  I even had time to get out and Jean was able to join the port battle with the guys that wasn't in other fights.  There was 5 other players in other fights out side the Port Battle when it had begain not including my next fight against 2-3 brits that I was in.   The reason I couldn't join and @Duncan McFail who was pulled into another fight got the join bug that no matter what you clicked on, ship, port anything it would not allow me to get a join optoin.  Even doing F11 canceal and a few other tricks folks know to use when you get this UI bug wouldn't reset it.  I couldn't click no anything, even the ships next to me to tag as I was going to Tag Jean and get us into a Pirate vs Pirate battle if we couldn't get into the port battle.  Though you don't see me complaing about this over and over. I sucked it up and made a run with the Brits chasing me and dragged that fight out until the Port battle as over.  You know if ya'll didn't just surrender without a fight they could of retagged me and prob took my Victory cause I would of been stucked out side with no where to go and tons of enemy ships around me.  Ya'll surrendering the port like that saved my ship.

So your screening fleet wouldn't of stopped all 25 of us.  The only reason these guys that lived lived was cause they where smart and stayed at range and snipped sails.  The guys that died including yourself got to close to one of us after trying to stern rake us.  Jean was a beast in this battle I have to say with getting ya'll when you slipped on him or myself.  



4 hours ago, Mike the Mongel said:

Savanah you also had a NAT alt trying to tag Rats into kite fights to exploit the RAT on RAT mechanic it was in the screenies  saying not to attack Socialism...etc etc....but I will not go there as we all know the truth...so basically drop it...grab hold of your nut sack (if u have any) and regroup ..or as we said in Marines. "Pop Smoke and Adjust"

Socialism never made it up to the battle cause our small clan screening fleet that was trying to make it there to stop or slow the Brits fleet tagged him.  Don't think they where able to sink him, but he was tagged and keep from arriving to cause any problems.  That is the reason he was never able to arrive and try to tag something and drag us into a fight.  This has now been fixed with the Fleet Groups so it can't be exploited.  I still think some one should of done a tribunal on that info we got about that char, but hay we aren't cry babies that have to report every thing in game that is exploited. If we where we would of reported every time a US or BRIT pulled a plug on there game in battle screen to prevent from getting revenged fleet ganked.  And yes this is a broken mechanic we have F11 and reported cause it does not kick you to open world like the game is suppose to if you log out in battle after 15 mins.

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2 hours ago, Christendom said:

Looks like the BLACK clan alt information campaign out in full force today in brit nation chat.



Clearly they have the best interest of the server in mind  :-)

Actually thanks for posting this as far as I know this was never talked about by all officers and is not a view of the BLACK agenda's.  Most of us want them to take Santa Fe cause that means prime hunting grounds for them to attack your Belize area.   Some clan members like to some times throw there clan tag weight around when they shouldn't.   Though he could of been saying it as a means to motivate ya'll to actually show up and fight back or something?

At this time we have no plans to attack Belize or Carta.   As far as I know that if we get one more port battle and take the point lead this week ya'll can have SLM back.  The only reason we couldn't let it go this week is that it means we would of had to take two Brit Ports to take the lead which we had plan, but the US kinda through a wrench in plans this week and we got side tracked and didn't get the ports flipped we wanted to.   Even the best battle plans go out the window when the first shot is fired.  With how toxic these post turn we prob won't be posting any intetions any more of our actions cause folks can't take them for a heads up.  Instead we will just take and do what we want with no notification.  I mean this is a RvR game and it's a PvP server after all. If we crush a nation and every one leaves that is the players fault for not fighting back.  Specially if they are leaving after the lost of one or two ports and still have many more than most of the small nations.   If you can't retain your players that is your nations fault not ours.  Maybe get more active and give them a reason to stay and fight. 

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3 minutes ago, Norfolk nChance said:

@Sir Texas Sir

When you see we, We mean [BLACK] @Duncan McFail have no plans? 

remember 1xMPC 24xALTs


HE IS NOT MY ALT.  Now Cordova and Lioinshaft might be his alts.   Never can tell these days who is who's alt any more.  Hell even I get confused with the three pirates I have in game right now....

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2 hours ago, Christendom said:

Looks like the BLACK clan alt information campaign out in full force today in brit nation chat.



Clearly they have the best interest of the server in mind  :-)

Seriously is your Tin Foil Hat on to tight ??? why the hell would anyone use a ALT to put info out on a NAT chat...here is a clue...there is a such thing as Global Chat

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26 minutes ago, Mike the Mongel said:

Seriously is your Tin Foil Hat on to tight ??? why the hell would anyone use a ALT to put info out on a NAT chat...here is a clue...there is a such thing as Global Chat

On Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 8:05 AM, Skully said:

Maybe a satisfying GB leader will emergence if someone steps up from behind the shadow, but I fear that is unlikely to happen.

Oh come on, he is just on the job and still learning. :lol:



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