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HMS Endymion

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"Throughout her career, Endymion was praised for her remarkable sailing qualities. She therefore was a highly desirable command for frigate captains. Even in the 1830s, long after her war service, she was regarded as the benchmark for Royal Navy frigates. She was still capable of outsailing much newer ships with which she sailed in company" ... MFW i see her actual in-game sailing profile...

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I believe I read somewhere that HMS Endymion was recorded doing around 11 knots upwind :ph34r:. I believe that the Endymion falls into the class of ships we have in game that have to be nerfed from their real-life counterparts in order to not be OP.

In game, her sailing profile can be "improved" by using the speed cap to your advantage (although I really don't like the speed cap). What you do is basically push your speed way above the cap, and then add in some upwind speed upgrades (like staysails) that will make your ship behave better on upwind points of sail.

She really does deserve a slight boost in her upwind abilities, as well as a small boost to turn rate. Nothing too major, but enough to make a decent and noticeable difference: right now, she is very much a speed rocket and not much more. Her compteting frigates have higher turn rates and tougher hulls, or heavier broadsides, or better profiles, etc.  So, IMO, a slight buff to her two weakest qualities (turn rate and upwind profile) would make her more popular but not OP. 

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2 hours ago, Lonar said:

The sailing profile was created when she was fast and not crippeled with 15kn limits to balance her against all the other frigs. I guess there are also some other ships with a samewhat similar problem.

Still wouldn't it be more reasonable to make her like surprise? Average/Decent speed but a godlike profile?

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1 hour ago, Borch said:

Yes, but you can feel the speed cap the most with the ships like Endy. Its only good feature (beside armament ofc) is downwind 15kn speed. Problem is, almost every ship can sail nowdays 15 kn downwind and faster than Endy in any other direction. That leaves us amament and good looking but even those 2 are debatable.


You forget one thing i think you need 9% more speed on the endy to get it to 15kn, wich is incredible low. The result of this is that you can equip mods for other things for example improve turning or boarding and you can use heavyer wood wich results in more armor/hp.

But yes with that sailing profil i wouldnt even touch it with a stick ... but for some strange reason you see a lot of them in ow and gank squads.


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Game being multiplayer goes beyond 1 ship.

It is the combination of ships that tells half the tale.

Why is a Snow and Pickle and good double ? Exactly the same reason a Endymion and Surprise make a good combo.

There no ship to rule them all.


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9 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

Game being multiplayer goes beyond 1 ship.

It is the combination of ships that tells half the tale.

Why is a Snow and Pickle and good double ? Exactly the same reason a Endymion and Surprise make a good combo.

There no ship to rule them all.


Don't you mean Cerberus and Surprise?   I was trying to explain to some one why this combo was actually good for wolf pack hunting.....they still think the Cerberus is a trash ships. I might be sliding a little money the Rover's way to hunt said player down and prove to him how much they aren't trash in that combo.  Right @Willis PVP2 you think they are trash ships?

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Cerb is a damn fine lady. One of my favourites since its introduction in ST.

( we came across Willis yesterday on his Endymion, but we wouldn't go out of our way as we always have our plan to go by, not that he didn't turn tail *taunt* )

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4 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

Cerb is a damn fine lady. One of my favourites since its introduction in ST.

( we came across Willis yesterday on his Endymion, but we wouldn't go out of our way, not that he didn't turn tail *taunt* )


Interesting Fact is it almost died out on my server its ages that i saw someone sail a cerb even if it is consense that it is a great turner with all benefits that come with that. Could be because you need a lot Crew Managment.

Edited by Lonar
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10 hours ago, Captain Lust said:

"Throughout her career, Endymion was praised for her remarkable sailing qualities. She therefore was a highly desirable command for frigate captains. Even in the 1830s, long after her war service, she was regarded as the benchmark for Royal Navy frigates. She was still capable of outsailing much newer ships with which she sailed in company" ... MFW i see her actual in-game sailing profile...

Bear in mind that her highest recorded speeds were achieved when armed with 18 lb longs on the gundeck.

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10 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

Don't you mean Cerberus and Surprise?   I was trying to explain to some one why this combo was actually good for wolf pack hunting.....they still think the Cerberus is a trash ships. I might be sliding a little money the Rover's way to hunt said player down and prove to him how much they aren't trash in that combo.  Right @Willis PVP2 you think they are trash ships?

Yes, Cerberus by itself is trash because it lacks chasers and with the 15 knot cap will not be able to keep a 15 knot ship with stern chasers tagged (should he choose to run from said Cerberus). It is a decent support ship (due to turn rate, speed, sailing profile, and low cost), but honestly the Surprise has a very similar sailing profile, almost the same turn rate, more HP and a bigger broadside. Not to mention the stern chasers and bow chasers. As always, Surprise remains my second favorite OW PvP ship (right behind Bellona), but I refuse to bother grinding the slots on it till demasting is made viable in similar-class ships again. 

10 hours ago, The Red Duke said:

( we came across Willis yesterday on his Endymion, but we wouldn't go out of our way as we always have our plan to go by, not that he didn't turn tail *taunt* )

Yeah I was out hunting a US Renommee that was reported in those waters. I saw the two of you (Renommee and Cerberus) and remembered that I am a very much paper-thin Endy and decided I *really* didn't want to have a Cerb and Renom stern raking me to death, so I used my one-trick-speed-pony to advance toward future victory ;).  Cedar/Cedar 18lb Endymion with all the speed mods may not be too good at exchanging broadsides, but it is VERY good at running away or chasing something down :ph34r:.

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I too don't know why there are so many Endymions around. They are expensive to build, expensive to arm and have a piss poor sailing profile. I've never lost a 1 vs 1 against an Endymion in my regular frigate. So easy to stern camp it. And before the patch, my frigate did 15 knots too so no getting away lol. Now they might be able to get away since they have so high base speed compared to the frigate, but surprise is still frigate meat assuming I don't screw up the tag :)

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