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Danmark-Norge & Sweden: Cancelling treaties


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8 minutes ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

In may, I ask if such alliance would happend pointing the danger it may put the games with a big unbalance in the forces on the field

Both Swedish and Danish treat me a lier.

If I understand correctly today, Danish is breaking the alliance that was supposed to not exist 

Who lied?

there is a difference between a mutual understanding and an alliance ... so nobody lied

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4 minutes ago, Busterbloodvessel said:

Hair splitting me thinks.


Buster (spittoon rings)

maybe ... but its only the same as the mutual understanding the French have with the Dutch .. or  are they lying and its an official alliance...

Edited by Grundgemunkey
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21 minutes ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

In may, I ask if such alliance would happend pointing the danger it may put the games with a big unbalance in the forces on the field

Both Swedish and Danish treat me a lier.

If I understand correctly today, Danish is breaking the alliance that was supposed to not exist 

Who lied?

Was no alliance, only none rvr hostility. All pvp was allowed.

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9 hours ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

You need some glasses mate. The main agressors since the begining of the wipe has been the SWEDISH.

Well mate are you want tell us to not play game or what? Or should we stay at Gustavia area so your nation can leave ports? Danes were on same level of how you call it agression. So please no more crap talk...blame us for playing game and having fun. Shocking

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17 hours ago, sveno said:

The Swedes take notice of this.

Today, we have been blackmailed by the Danish that we should give them ports without defending so that the Danes can take the lead for the week after this first week. This has been turned down by the Swedish Council because we feel that it would be miss-using a system the developers try to test currently.

An other Swedish generous offer with the same effect was not even considered and we feel back stabbed by the Danish leadership, who rather destroy our nations because the Swedes decided not to serve the Danish as port flipping host.

The talks with the Danish leadership was a very bad one and I'm personally very opposed to what they call diplomatics, this is not how friends are supposed to treat each other.

alea iacta est.

Wow, just connected this morning and saw that topic. I have not read yet beneath this astonishing post but sorry i can't help :

HaHaHa, we seems to have a winner here gentlemen. I solemnly propose this post for the golden oscar of the more amusing to death one ever, in the category "best entertainist" of this international hypocrisy festival of roseau :


- You smell that ? You smell that ?

- what ?

- Déjà vu, son. I love the smell of déjà vu in the morning...


you know, we have a saying in french : l'arroseur arrosé. Basicly, the guy who use to throw water to others got watered...


Hahaha, you've made my day Sveno, really... If you have other posts like this one, feel free to shoot and who knows, maybe this year festival of roseau will be a Grand Cru... We are taking such a direction it seems.

Edited by Vil Coyote
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53 minutes ago, rediii said:

You can read the words but you don't understand what they mean.

In a danish-swedish war there is 1 side that loses and 1 side that loses more.

Anyway, I look foward to some nice battles. :) 

Hehe, now you seems to finally take in consideration what future can bring to you and actually exist (and so, you can't denied anymore past relation to be effective too). Seems a bit late to me...

That is exactly what i spoke about, between the lines, in my first official post in the sweden France topic. You guys just called it empty threats or something like that at time.

The point is, acting as you do from the wipe, made of yourself your own ennemy. I tried to warn you more than needed but you are blind, refused to listen then.


In order to following my today's movies mood, all your newcomers brought you the ring of strenght, and we all saw what you used it for. Now its seems to me that you irritated a lot of guys. And then maybe time is come for Smirgol to turn in gollum...

And when this chapter will be closed, i can assure you this gollum thing will stick you guys a while...


And for guys recognizing in swedes good stratégies, real good ones don't take in consideration only present times, but past and even more future ones.

Edited by Vil Coyote
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22 minutes ago, rediii said:

difference is that we welcome the challenge. We actually like pvp not like you. ;) 

let's see how the situation evolves. ;) 

Hummm, seems to me you are falling shorts in arguments... Does not look like one of yours Redii, Sveno i would not say but you, really ?

Let's see that, indeed.

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2 hours ago, rediii said:

In fact, there was cooperation in RvR based on situations with deals. We screened puerto plata and successfully screened aga's away from the battle. For that they flipped bovenwinds so we get conquest marks.

Also they screened our hostility generation at sant iago and we screened theirs for cap francais. (both times, second time with a large screeningforce)


I'm still interested in what you actually do because in some posts you scream for WAR, in the topic you cancel the deal that we don't do RvR against each other and in the text you say you don't attack swedish territories? 

First off none are denying that the cooperations we had related to rvr worked out great and most important there was a carrot in the end for both parties.

When it come to this post and dession was based on several actions from the swedish council. We begged the Swedes for 6 weeks to give dominiaca back to the french at was a region that bordered to their capital, but first you took it for conquest marks cause they used to lang to flip your ports and was supposed to give it back when u got sant iago. Then the excuse was that u wanted to keep it cause frenchs wasn't behaving. This is only 2 of the several excuses the council used.

As a former member of the eastern alliance the swedish council should know my resolve when it comes to agenda set in motion.

For us to even consider talking to swedish council again Swedes need to get on the page they where before wipe! not only thinking of themself and their way to win but also thinking of the server health, nations populations/communities.. Praying on the weeks and punish them if they Don't do as you say is not healthy for anyone. 

You wanted to test new victory mark you say but keep the rvr agreement and wanted the points and for the danish then to get it we need to kill of weaker nations that are not fair targets witch we wont. So let's test it.. We will NOT attack weaker nations or nations not capable to defend themself at all.



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7 minutes ago, Vil Coyote said:

Hummm, seems to me you are falling shorts in arguments... Does not look like one of yours Redii, Sveno i would not say but you, really ?

Let's see that, indeed.


Where were you 2 weeks ago? Same like the Brits crying how beaten you are ... why is it that people like you now feel strong all the sudden when they can hide behind the danes?

Btw. you really believe when the Danes beat us it will change anything the only reason we are the bad guys is because we were faster then the Danes ...


Edited by Lonar
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8 minutes ago, Lonar said:


Where were you 2 weeks ago? Same like the Brits crying how beaten you are ... why is it that people like you now feel strong all the sudden when they can hide behind the danes?

Btw. you really believe when the Danes beat us it will change anything the only reason we are the bad guys is because we were faster then the Danes ...


God, i'm sorry for that lonar, but can you actually read ?

If yes i can't do anything for you...

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29 minutes ago, North said:

First off none are denying that the cooperations we had related to rvr worked out great and most important there was a carrot in the end for both parties.

When it come to this post and dession was based on several actions from the swedish council. We begged the Swedes for 6 weeks to give dominiaca back to the french at was a region that bordered to their capital, but first you took it for conquest marks cause they used to lang to flip your ports and was supposed to give it back when u got sant iago. Then the excuse was that u wanted to keep it cause frenchs wasn't behaving. This is only 2 of the several excuses the council used.

As a former member of the eastern alliance the swedish council should know my resolve when it comes to agenda set in motion.

For us to even consider talking to swedish council again Swedes need to get on the page they where before wipe! not only thinking of themself and their way to win but also thinking of the server health, nations populations/communities.. Praying on the weeks and punish them if they Don't do as you say is not healthy for anyone. 

You wanted to test new victory mark you say but keep the rvr agreement and wanted the points and for the danish then to get it we need to kill of weaker nations that are not fair targets witch we wont. So let's test it.. We will NOT attack weaker nations or nations not capable to defend themself at all.



as i already told analytic. u guys are good and motivated fighters. but stop telling lies. its absolutely bullshit that u begged us for 6 weeks to give back dominica to the french. we discussed it once in the few last weeks. but not because of u begged us but because of we had the same thinking. council decided against it due to other reasons.


stop making a fool of urself. these "so called reasons" are just crap, there is exactly one reason why u did it:


U wanna win the week to get the victory marks and now, VLTRA is in ur Nation u feel strong enough to attack us.


we are totally fine with that and its a good reason but stop making others think ur so honorable and the heroes of the weak....

Edited by troody
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1 minute ago, troody said:

as i already told analytic. u guys are good and motivated fighters. but stop telling lies. its absolutely bullshit what u begged us for 6 weeks to give back dominica to the french. we discussed it once in the few last weeks. but not because of u begged us than because of we had the same thinking. but council decided against it due to other reasons.


stop making a fool of urself. these "so called reasons" are just crap, there is exactly one reason why u did it:


U wanna win the week to get the victory marks and now, VLTRA is in ur Nation u feel strong enough to attack us.


that totally ok and a good reason but stop making others think ur so honorable and the heroes of the weak....

Let's put it like this. At the end of the week we will see if we are honorable or full of BS as u say. We do not lie, but if sveno did not pass our concern to the council can't be blamed on us. 

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16 hours ago, troody said:

Dunno why, but sorry Analytic that is completely not true.....bring names of ur strange resource in the swedish council instead of telling BS to everyone.

16 hours ago, Twig said:

please tell us who told you about the "planed" backstabb of our nation against yours. Im a council member and I did not hear about it at any point.

We came to the Swedish 2 days ago to hear back about the discussion we had about cooperation on victory marks. We talked to redii and Havelock as representatives of the Council, since Sveno wasn't there.

What we were told, and I'm paraphrasing here:

"The Swedish Council does not want to cooperate/share/trade the Victory Marks" Meaning: Sweden wants all the Victory Marks.

"The Swedish Council has decided to go for the Map win the first week." 

"The Swedish Council wants an arms race with Danmark-Norge, chewing us through Spanish, British and Pirate ports." But what happens when we both run out of regions to take from other nations?

"War between Sweden and Danmark-Norge is inevitable." I don't think this needs any further explanation.

Sweden was preparing for a war between us, but did not want it right now, and rather when they had had time to prepare by monopolising all the victory marks at the expense of the other nations.

16 hours ago, Twig said:

You were able to set up the document extremely fast. Dont tell me or anyone that you could wrote it within 30 minutes after you called for our diplomate. That was planed for at least one day. 

I write fast, thanks. But we knew after the meeting with the council representatives that this was the overwhelmingly most likely outcome. We waited till the next day, to give sveno a chance to convince us that what we had been told in the previous meeting was completely wrong. When he did not, we were prepared.

16 hours ago, Twig said:

You also had to talk with your nation about this matter and discuss everything. I know that you are not single ruled! This is a direct backstab and nothing else!

Danmark-Norge is not burdened by a talkative and slowly operating council. We can make decisions quickly when it is needed.

16 hours ago, Twig said:

So swedes fought no war with pirates? We helped you against them cause you needed it.

And we paid you handsomely for your help, and for risking your screening ships.

16 hours ago, Twig said:

If you would be as honorable as you say you are, you could have told us earlier about your problems with our campaign.

The council was well informed about our principles and how we disapproved of stomping on weak or disorganised nations and our disapproval from the start with Dominica.


16 hours ago, qw569 said:

I suppose @Anolyticwanna say that DN want Victory Mark.

Actually, no. We're not that hurried with getting Victory Marks. Unlike many others we converted all of our conquest marks into permits before the patch.

16 hours ago, troody said:

after VLTRA joined ur nation it was just a matter of time that u will jump on us.

The fact that HYDRA is now in Danmark-Norge had no effect on this outcome. We would have been compelled by our principles to make this decision wether we had had 5 or 50 players.

We did not want the conflict. Including HYDRA. 

Sweden chose the conflict. We only took away from you the choice of timing.


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14 hours ago, Aphilas said:

Simply put, pirates have noticed swedish movements before Little River and we knew they are coming for our shallows. Once we saw Swedes raising hostility for US we knew we'll be facing 2 fronts (not counting MT side, since it's been decided over a week ago to abandon deep ports arount MT). Hence we decided to intervene in the north to delay Swedish progression as much as possible, which was a mistake - we estimated Swedish preparation poorly and did not expect 50+ swedes with shallow ships are already ready since we mostly saw 4th rates and up while spotting very few movements of shallow ships at that point.

Generally speaking, swedes prepared and played very well on tactical level. And no, even if some of you claim it was coinsidences, I'm not buying it. Timings of events were to damn good to be accidental. Division of Swe forces was also close to perfect - just enough that combined with US forces could defeat Rubli/Podw/std and just enough at morgans that with Rubli/podw/std busy up north remaining pirates could not bring serious resistance.

Well played. But you gained a long term enemy.

I was under the impression pirates were already a long-term enemy. Anyway, as I said it is a moot point. The new conquest mechanics have pretty much neutered the US from ever becoming an offensive force, and there's no need or practical benefit for us to work with Swedes or any other nation to try to flip ports anymore. We'll be lucky to craft enough first rates to hold the few regions we have before someone takes them. I certainly don't blame pirates for behaving like pirates, hell, the USA might be forced into a bit of pirate-like tactics ourselves if port battles are no longer feasible.

Still, I've seen no effort from the USA to do any hostility raising in the Bahamas for nearly a month now. You speak as if we were screening for the Swedish and so that's why you lost the ports--which is nonsense. It's more likely when you left Ays and took the fleet out to sea to hit Little River, you left the back-door wide open. Nothing is more true in this game regarding the risk of spreading your forces too thinly. Even the most populated factions will take a beating when they are stretched to the limit.

I'm certain the Swedes have more than enough players to do it all themselves without the help of a dozen US players. Or, at least until war broke out with the Dane. It has certainly made the situation more interesting, and now it is perhaps the Swedish who have spread themselves too thin. Time will tell.

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6 hours ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

In may, I ask if such alliance would happend pointing the danger it may put the games with a big unbalance in the forces on the field

Both Swedish and Danish treat me a lier.

If I understand correctly today, Danish is breaking the alliance that was supposed to not exist 

Who lied?

There haven't been an alliance - there was a non RvR agreement, which I already pointed out in the diplo thread. That you don't read doesn't make me a liar and I'd expect a bit more diligence on your behalf before you go about accusing someone for lying in the future.

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1 hour ago, Anolytic said:

"The Swedish Council does not want to cooperate/share/trade the Victory Marks" Meaning: Sweden wants all the Victory Marks.

"The Swedish Council has decided to go for the Map win the first week." 

"The Swedish Council wants an arms race with Danmark-Norge, chewing us through Spanish, British and Pirate ports." But what happens when we both run out of regions to take from other nations?

"War between Sweden and Danmark-Norge is inevitable." I don't think this needs any further explanation.


Hey Anolytic.

Both me and rediii are not diplomats and prefer open talk. When I said those things, i meant them like this. I think your interpretation is not on point (which happens, English is a language barrier). So what we wanted to say:

"We dont want to trade Victory Marks." Not more, not less. Its also my personal opinion that trading marks every round (between the two nations most succesful in RvR atm) is not a good solution.

"We aim for the first map win." Thats what we will do, we worked hard for it. A shallow port win is not worth less than a Lineship win just because the ships are smaller. Were proud (maybe too proud? We will see :D) of what we achieved with Sweden after wipe. Im 100% against winning the second round too and hope other council members see it the same.

I think your third sentence is already influenced by your interpretation. The actual meaning was "Youre free to try to go for the mapwin. Theres enough ports owned by nations who have more than they need or deserve. We will not attack danish ports for the mapwin. You have to decide yourself."

"War between Sweden and Denmark is inevitable." It is. But not because we feel strong and dislike you or smth, but because us two are the most succesful nations atm. Not fighting each other would hurt other nations (see previous statement). We both know that the starting positions of such a war could be devastating. How can we prevent it from getting dirty? Lets work something out and go for fun fights! And let this time be a chance for small nations to recover while were learning from each others battle tactics =)


Cheers, Havelock

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I find it funny the Danish players say they want to "cease hostilities against the already broken pirate faction" However, they wage a port battle against us at the exact same time that the Swedes attack 2 other Pirate ports. The timing was too perfect to not be organized... 3 port battles in 1.5 hours. Why do you call out the Swedes on something that you are a part of? hypocrite much?

I can tell you that the majority of the pirates could care less about RvR and I (personally) do not care if we lose every port we have. It is the devs fault for making the pirates a RvR nation to begin with. Until this is fixed, I will sit back and laugh at everyone who seems to "care" about us, because no matter what, we will continue to steal your ships >:D

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