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12 hours ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

They miss Havelock.


3 days ago they missed rediii so i guess i solved that problem LUL

Sweden lost 2 main commanders recently which hurts :(

But on the positive, it triggered new incentives to improve ourselves which is always a good thing! And as long as my members keep an generally healthy attidue even when losing im fine with losing ports <3

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22 minutes ago, Trashlock said:


3 days ago they missed rediii so i guess i solved that problem LUL

Sweden lost 2 main commanders recently which hurts :(

But on the positive, it triggered new incentives to improve ourselves which is always a good thing! And as long as my members keep an generally healthy attidue even when losing im fine with losing ports <3

Losing a port is just losing a daily bill anyway..

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I had a funny short battle yesterday:

i was waiting for my friends to come too me while i spoted 2 enemys far away also idling so i report them on TS and i observe them then they start too move towards me but i stay put and just observed them when they came too me they started to sail around me and suddenly they taged me.Funny thing was i was in green zone so when battle started we become boxed in by 4 1st rates that came after i pressed F8. Saddly they were abe to escape

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10 hours ago, Aster said:

Port battle for San Aug. USA vs France. Good fights everyone that showed, not sure why they had first rates grinding hostility during the battle.CE59CE010FE68A5FBF031504D766CA2B5451931C

Cause we told them they need to defend there port if the owner can't even show up to defend his own ports.   I'll be honest it's kinda helping us getting old dead clans out of control of ports.  Though I think them getting sunk in the port battle effected our hostility cause we should of had that flppped but suddenly it all went down.  Not to mention people still don't know how to tag fleets in as they should of had a good chunk of your fleet taggted in before the battle.  That fleet you fought in there was just who was free to jump in as there was no organization at all for that battle.  We where planning to give your a goo match up tonight if we flipped the port for a battle, but hay if you don't want the port battles than fine with us, figured some one wanting content so bad would just let it flip to get the PB any way.

Oh and sorry about the surrender last night, was home sick and feeling like crap after my third mission and just said hello kitty it cause ya'll had me trapped any way.  Got the other guys home safe any way.  Just helped me clean out older ships to be replaced by something more newer.

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7 hours ago, Lovec1990 said:

I had a funny short battle yesterday:

i was waiting for my friends to come too me while i spoted 2 enemys far away also idling so i report them on TS and i observe them then they start too move towards me but i stay put and just observed them when they came too me they started to sail around me and suddenly they taged me.Funny thing was i was in green zone so when battle started we become boxed in by 4 1st rates that came after i pressed F8. Saddly they were abe to escape

They probably thought the new reinforcement rules had been introduced already and were wanting to see what sort of AI reinforcements you get. Expect a lot more attacks like this once the new reinforcement rules are introduced.

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Pirates dropped Port Howe and revenge flipped Arthurs yesterday using 4th-2nd rates (really?) to do it.  Our screener caught many of the port battle fleet and we fought the other half in the port battle.  Arthur's Town stays in British hands.


Edited by Atreides
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7 hours ago, Bloody Hound said:

Main battle, 2 battles happened before where both sides lost ships.


Emkay blew up near me with the fastest fireship explosion i've ever seen.


This battle was a pb without circles and without Mortar brig direct in the Bay off nuevitas. Not easy

Edited by Christoph
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19 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

Any reason why your fleet didn't fight us 5v6 of 5v12 or whatever the ship count was?

Simply because most of the boats were damaged and had no repairs after several battles in a row. But if you really wanted to battle, why did not you wait in Cayo Romano while we repair? You went around very fast ... You really did not want a battle, you wanted to take advantage of our damaged boats, like scavengers that you are ...

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6 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

The 5-6 ships waiting outside were fully repaired and not in a fight with KOTO. It would be a good 5v6. Call us "scavengers" but it's your fully healthy fleet leaving one Santisima to death as sacrificial goat. 

We turned around "fast" because knowing you, you were calling for more players to come and fight us. 5v12 is enough odds for us, we didn't wait for it to become 5v20 and be chained to death and kited like always.

Ahhhh, I know what happened, you were in  another purple Santísima and didn't want to lose it like the last time ....
As for the Santi  you engage into battle ... He was going AFK, since our mission was to protect our comrades who were going to get out of the battle ...

It's very funny that you talk about kiting and shoot chain, because when you do it, it's a hello kittying tactic, but if others do it, it's crap, go and give lessons to others ...

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9 minutes ago, RKY said:

how different are you guys when you are only willing to fight with 2 times the numbers and BR of your opponent?

the irony seriously...Twisting arguments however it suits you doesn't makes you right.

bla bla bla (second battle you had more br and ships)

In the second battle I could not fight anymore because I only had 30 hull repairs

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3 hours ago, Atreides said:


Pirates dropped Port Howe and revenge flipped Arthurs yesterday using 4th-2nd rates (really?) to do it.  Our screener caught many of the port battle fleet and we fought the other half in the port battle.  Arthur's Town stays in British hands.


Port howe was flipped so Kot0 could pick it up. Armed grab hostility before it went neutral. You bastards.

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7 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

It's not a tactic, it's garbage that I am forced to use when enemy does the same or I'm outnumbered. Guy didn't go AFK, so stop lying. They sat with dropped sails in front us and then started to charge at us, so we attacked. You want to tell me that guy turning in OW and charging at us is afk? Maybe you have bots commanding your ships.

I don't mind losing purple ships, your bait I rate 2/10. I mind getting ganked and zerged and chained to death.

I'm telling you what happened, is your trouble if you believe or not.

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Let me see if I get this right, we go in shallow ships to flip a port.  The pirates bring 2nd through 4th rates to flip Arthurs and drop Port Howe.  We rally a full PB fleet as well as screeners and defend Arthurs.  Instead of a simple thank you, we earn derision for our efforts.  Arthurs defended, your welcome Greg.

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