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6 minutes ago, Poryv said:

@Cap Trujis
debes entender que el recurso más importante del juego es la moral. Y al quejarse en los foros acerca de que su oponente juega mejor que usted, realmente destruye la moral de sus enemigos, disminuye la moral de los jugadores aliados y, por lo tanto, también puede ser una causa de disminución de los números.

Its only the true, i think you not been againts the russian main fleet xD

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8 minutes ago, Cap Trujis said:

Its only the true, i think you not been againts the russian main fleet xD

Tho you have not, spanish have only been fighting mainly REDS and SHOCK, only sweden has been against a combined russian A-team fleet

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7 minutes ago, Nixolai said:

Tho you have not, spanish have only been fighting mainly REDS and SHOCK, only sweden has been against a combined russian A-team fleet


soo my point is true, russian have numbers and quality, right?

honestly i dont want start a discourse about who is the guilty for the status of the game, cause people will start to writte" cryer cryer cryer " in an infinite loop.

just i try to find a solution cause a i want this game have a good status.

have a good day boyz.

Edited by Cap Trujis
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27 minutes ago, Cap Trujis said:

i think my clan leader hello kittyed you and a couple more, not all server as you said,

only me and a couple more? are you kidding me? What about disrepectful comments vs Anolytic, Jorge, Ram Dinark, Raxius, and all player that you troll when you enter in battle? All tribunal reports against your clan are only "a couple of players"? An what about the rest of spanish clans except FNI are fed up of you? I said you in forums and in private... Do you wanna a solution for your faction? Leave VOX, put trolls on quarantine, make new clan, build a good relation with the rest of spanish and build a faction. if you dont do that, you will continue in this absurd loop.

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9 minutes ago, Despe said:

solo yo y un par más? ¿Me estás tomando el pelo? ¿Qué pasa con los comentarios irrespetuosos contra Anolytic, Jorge, Ram Dinark, Raxius y todos los jugadores que trollás cuando entras en la batalla? ¿Todos los informes del tribunal contra tu clan son solo "un par de jugadores"? ¿Y qué hay del resto de clanes españoles, excepto que FNI está harto de ti? Te dije en foros y en privado ... ¿Quieres una solución para tu facción? Deja VOX, pon a los trolls en cuarentena, crea un nuevo clan, construye una buena relación con el resto de españoles y construye una facción. si no haces eso, continuarás en este bucle absurdo.

Put trolls in quarantine? Do you think that i am spanish police? XD 

@admin i can be the spanish police that Despe needs, but i need a good salary xD



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47 minutes ago, rediii said:

The thing is, Havoc is a small clan not capable to build a nation alone. Im only talking about Havoc and Havoc leaving a strong nation is not somethig bad.

Its the same with BF or REDs leaving russia to build up some other nation. The strength would maybe shift after a while but until then the server would be more balanced and all nations could compete more or less against eachother which isnt the case right now.

Havoc may be a small clan but it consists of mostly capable players who work together. On their own they cannot build a nation but they can have a great effect on a nation. I saw the difference Havoc made when they joined GB before the release I also saw the difference Llama made when they joined GB after release, but I have also seen what happens when these types of clans leave nations. After this happens a few time people in these nations stop bothering because they know the clans will move on again. This was why there was so much distrust in Llama when they came to GB, yes they helped win port battles but everyone knew that at some stage they would move on again.

Look round the map at how many ports are still owned by clans that have moved to another nation or have only recently changed because they were captured by another nation. Clans moving nation every few months creates a mess.

If BF or Reds left Russia, it may bring some server balance for a short while but in the end clans would migrate to the stronger side and we would be in the same position. BF and Reds may be strong, but you cannot tell me that there are not enough other strong clans on the server that could take them on if they worked together. Concentrate on one Russian clans ports, drive a wedge between them, do what they do to alliances against them. Biggest problem is getting clans to work together.

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3 hours ago, Archaos said:

But can you not see the problem with your statement and how it to causes issues with the game. You complain about the Russian zerg and how they control the map, but would you be happy if they all changed to a nation like Poland and again took control of the map? It would be no different and people would then be complaining about the Polish zerg and how they control the map. In Havoc you have a strong core of capable players but moving nations every few months just messes with the game. The nation a strong clan moves to becomes stronger attracting more players and eventually becomes the zerg, the strong clan then leave and start again somewhere else probably even attacking the nation they just left and so it goes on.

Personally I like that the main clans in Russia have remained Russian (I accept that some clans joined later to be on the winning side), but at least they have set themselves up to be challenged, the only problem is the rest of the server cannot get organised enough to challenge them, but would rather squabble among themselves and pick on easier targets.

We tried and we failed we had 120 players on TeamSpeak the first time we attacked Buena Vista and not even 20 ppl on the day we surrendered Russia is unbeatable not Cuse of the player base not only becouse all the elite PVPers and BP Players but becouse they have half the map between the important Crafting ports and the Frontline so stop trying to make it look nice lol...... 

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44 minutes ago, Swedish Berserker said:

We tried and we failed we had 120 players on TeamSpeak the first time we attacked Buena Vista and not even 20 ppl on the day we surrendered Russia is unbeatable not Cuse of the player base not only becouse all the elite PVPers and BP Players but becouse they have half the map between the important Crafting ports and the Frontline so stop trying to make it look nice lol...... 

And how did Russia get so strong? Its because people would not work together to stop them. I remember people laughing at poor old Prussia when Russia decided to eject them from the Gulf of Mexico. Didn't people then realize that this would give Russia complete control of the Gulf. No, everybody was too busy creating their own little empires and squabbling among each other as Russia became stronger. In fact it was only because Russia held off attacking GB ports that GB got as big as it did, if not we would have been in this position months ago.

Anyway, this is the great battles thread so I will stop my rant here.

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2 hours ago, Lukas97Austria said:

How. .... I mean come on. There is no way in losing this. Nice outcome. 

Also I guess rover is back? Shallow fleets all over again? 😅👌

No way of loosing if know the game🤣, the learning curve/skill gap is real. I remember first few times i tried combat, stuck in irons and made report because i thought it was a game bug🤣.

Edited by Emperor Ming
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So, my last actions against a screening fleet was yesterday evening, when half a dozen of pirate and Spanish players tried to intercept my traders Lynx, which was re-supplied Mimbres in repairs for the future PB.

Four times tagged, 4 times running upwind in my fully loaded Traders Lynx, pirates and Spain never using the proper ship and being unable to make a proper tag, stuck they are in their holly Snow... I'll miss this time, for sure!

Single minded ship choice is freezing something, isn't it?

Don't tell to pirates and others, but in another life (or account), I recently got player kills on Hercules and Rattlesnake, while sailing a privateer... Shhhhhh  :P 

Edited by Aquillas
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