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White Peace - France-Denmark Trade Conflict ends


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When will people learn that there are no victory conditions, war goals, or map resets when someone flips all the dots?  This isn't Risk, EU#, or PotBS.  The mega-zerg will die from internal strife and/or boredom.  It's a self created problem by players that will more than likely blame the devs for...

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14 minutes ago, Dharus said:

When will people learn that there are no victory conditions, war goals, or map resets when someone flips all the dots?  This isn't Risk, EU#, or PotBS.  The mega-zerg will die from internal strife and/or boredom.  It's a self created problem by players that will more than likely blame the devs for...

Some see a game without goals a chore. I'm one of them.

You are basically saying there is no point in playing, because there is no game.

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The goal is to have fun and sail the high seas.   Once I get bored of that I play something else until a new patch or the itch comes back  

I make goals for myself.  Be it raid for a week this area.  Or construct this type of ship build with this rare wood.  

I hope they bring story line type missions. For example the Admiratly wants pirate activity around region x stopped.  More flavour than this.  And at the same time the rats and say the French have a piracy and privateering mission. Over say the next 10 days.   Counted is the amount of AI ships and the amount of player kills or caps.  And a war score is determined.  

Reason for doing these missions is a certain bonus or status symbol.  Ie name a ship. 

Just my high level thoughts. 


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24 minutes ago, Skully said:

Some see a game without goals a chore. I'm one of them.

You are basically saying there is no point in playing, because there is no game.

Sandbox games suffer this way because of players who don't know what to do...  simple goals are best.  My goal might be different than yours.  You might wish to be part of the team that flips all the dots to "win".  That's fine but that isn't everyones goal nor part of the game design.

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6 hours ago, Vizzini said:

For a while I wondered if he was a British spy , sewing the seeds of trouble among the French to help keep them weak. The smallest factions / countries will always need to forge alliances.

hah, to be fair I believe Slamz and Purge have been around for far too long on the French for them to be much of anything else other than French. 

They have been fighting off large Zergs trying to crush the French since February of 2016. I think they went to PVP1 for a while to get more PVP but in general I think it is pretty clear what Purge is. 

Edited by Vllad
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48 minutes ago, Dharus said:

Sandbox games suffer this way because of players who don't know what to do...  simple goals are best.  My goal might be different than yours.  You might wish to be part of the team that flips all the dots to "win".  That's fine but that isn't everyones goal nor part of the game design.

The game suffers because we execute a goal that isn't accommodated for. Namely annihilation of Nations, which has effectively already happened to Global Spain.

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2 hours ago, Skully said:

The game suffers because we execute a goal that isn't accommodated for. Namely annihilation of Nations, which has effectively already happened to Global Spain.

How exactly was Global Spain "annihilated"?

It was basically an empty nation to start with. When we had the Global Server meeting on (IIRC) April 1st, there was only 1 player who committed to playing Spain on the Global Server. (And I don't believe that "Dave", the player who seems most active in Spain is even the one who said he would play in the Spanish nation in that meeting).



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9 minutes ago, Chijohnaok said:

How exactly was Global Spain "annihilated"?

It was an almost empty nation to start with. When we had the Global Server meeting on (IIRC) April 1st, there was only 1 player who committed to playing Spain on the Global Server. (And I don't believe that "Dave", the player who seems most active in Spain is even the one who said he would play in the Spanish nation in that meeting).



Actually that Dave left. The original Dave mentioned in Jeh letter to the king hoped to the US, saw that cluster, then went Dutch last I heard from him. There is an alt currently just sailing around in Spain under the name Jeh gave him in those videos.

Edited by Davos Seasworth
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15 minutes ago, Pitxagorri said:

The day i started on global i was in spain.

1st day: Nobody talking in nation

2nd day:Nobody talking in nation

3rd day:I change to Dutch and dave talked to me to join spain :huh:


Yeah Spain has not been much of a force since last spring 2016 if I recall. Even then I think they were on the decline. 

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CCE was planning to defend Selam, but the GB horde rolled in too fast. :lol:

El Dave left. @Iroquois Confederacy confiscated the land, but his claim to La Habanna is a bug according to admin. :D Then Dave the Imposter came in to start a civil war, only to be "usurped" by a new true Spanish player whose name I have forgotten.

To me La Habbana is a silly obstacle standing in the way of our Western 2nd fleet. Urgh... :P

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8 hours ago, Skully said:

Some see a game without goals a chore. I'm one of them.

You are basically saying there is no point in playing, because there is no game.

Well that's sandbox gaming for you.

Usually even if there are goals in a sandbox game it tends to feel fairly lame and almost contrary to the gameplay. (I'm looking at you, Rimworld.)

8 hours ago, Captain Two Toes Magoo said:

I hope they bring story line type missions

I wouldn't hold your breath for that one. In my opinion, developers chasing storyline type content are digging their own grave. It's a ton of work to create content that players will blow through in a few hours. I think every fantasy MMORPG has suffered from the "not enough content" complaint despite having dozens of hours of custom content. Unless you're Blizzard I don't think it's a good goal.

7 hours ago, Skully said:

The game suffers because we execute a goal that isn't accommodated for. Namely annihilation of Nations, which has effectively already happened to Global Spain.

Which is a fair point, I think: that the sandbox allows us to create silly goals.

Really the goal should be the fun of the fight. Britain takes Haiti and Cuba not because they give a damn but because they hope it will create fun fights.

Some have the mentality of "we don't need more land so why bother" to which I say, why bother?? Why bother?! They should bother because it's Naval bloody Action and sitting at home doesn't create any action! They could also play Rimworld and sit in one hut with one dude doing only the very minimum for the whole game and complain the game isn't fun but really they'd just not be playing it in a fun way.

Should sandbox games force players into actions?

I would have thought "no" but watching NA players on average maybe it has to do more to push them. Patch 10 did add some pushing but maybe we need even more.

(Like maybe missions should always send you to enemy waters, never your own waters. Maybe everything you do should create contention or counter-contention and essentially force fights to happen. There are some things that could be done to keep the sandbox but shove players into fights more often.)

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On 7/14/2017 at 8:39 AM, Taurus454 said:

Once again, I, and I alone speak for Sweden.  The Leewards and Bovenwinds are Swedish ports and to be perfectly clear, the Danes taking of them were at the urging of Sweden.  

To France, the Leewards and Bovenwinds are Swedish ports and not of your concern so please drop the issue from this point forward.  Furthermore, the Danes are not attacking you and so long as France stays out of Gustav there will not be a war between France and Sweden unless Sweden is provoked into it again by French  players like King of Crowns attacking Swedish vessels.  So please, I humbly ask you rein King of Crowns in and send him elsewhere.  Of course, how you engage in diplomacy is up to you but take it from someone who has negotiated a bilateral treaty in real life, it helps immensely when one person is "empowered" to negotiate a deal.  Diplomacy by committee does not work, if you need a case study, look at VD, aka Dutch! 

As per the swedish warning in this thread and elsewhere, respecting your request, I need to understand why you attacked and sunk an ICS trader just now trading from Fort Royal & Christiansted?

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If sweden continues their hostility grinding against france, you will be in direct violation if this agreement.

If Sweden continues then France will come knocking on your door. Don't try our patience. 


France is commited to keeping the ceasefire with denmark.

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5 hours ago, Vizzini said:

Thanks,  somebody must have told the Swedes that the French were elsewhere trying to wreak havoc !! Nice 1 Sweden

It's no problem - I went out in a Basic Cutter and chased their L'Ocean and Bucentaure back to port.  They were hiding from me after that.  The might of the Basic Cutter is known to all. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cccp and the danes have violated the agreement by not giving france a 72 hour notice.

You have shown that you have no honor in seeking to follow the agreement. There will not be any pact between france and denmark.

Enjoy your ships being sunk to the bottom of the sea from now on.

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Hehe. No need for to much drama we all knew this was coming eventually.

Well it may not be fair to blame Chialang. Seems Fasti was behind the Pearl Harbour move.  Sure we may have attacked pirates who were allied to the Danes. But that doesn't remove the 72hr notice clause in our NAP.  Honor would have dictated simply dropping the 72hr notice and then proceeding.  The Pearl Harbour style attack just makes CCCP look bad.


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