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[PvP Global] Political Situation and Port Battles


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26 minutes ago, Rhodry Heidenrich said:

Eh, Christendom isn't really wrong. See some names on the US side of that port battle, who I'm sure are perfectly upstanding citizens but at the same time are not exactly super organized when it comes to PB's. 



We had 2 brigs and a snow join. People join alll over the place.  One guy actually started sailing away from the fight at first.  Not everyone was on TS.  Zero thought was put into actually using the circles to win.  Then we tried to brawl them with people in brigs and inferior store bought ships and got slaughtered. 

Poor planning leads to poor results.  The leader of the battle holds himself accountable, but really that fight was lost when we decided to run up a port battle we were not ready to fight.  Clan leaders need to hold their members accountable for bringing the right ships and being at the right place at the right time prepared.  People didnt even show up to the meeting place with repairs.  

Basically it was the lack of organization that cost us the fight and we'll continue lose until some of the more established clans take port battles a bit more seriously 

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1 minute ago, WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot said:

US wasn't prepared for a port battle at which they raised hostility? Why raise hostility if you won't be prepared. You had 23 hours.<_<

Good question.  It'd be nice if all the clans worked together towards a common goal but we have too much of an ego turf war going on. maybe when we give the pirates enough conquest marks for a full ocean fleet and we lost most of the coast people will organize.  

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And in other news, for frustrated US players the Dutch are recruiting and training. *shrugs, just an idea* (recruitment on a national level due to political and battle matters is a political situation so yes this is relevant for all you haters)

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14 hours ago, Christendom said:

We had 2 brigs and a snow join. People join alll over the place.  One guy actually started sailing away from the fight at first.  Not everyone was on TS.  Zero thought was put into actually using the circles to win.  Then we tried to brawl them with people in brigs and inferior store bought ships and got slaughtered. 

Poor planning leads to poor results.  The leader of the battle holds himself accountable, but really that fight was lost when we decided to run up a port battle we were not ready to fight.  Clan leaders need to hold their members accountable for bringing the right ships and being at the right place at the right time prepared.  People didnt even show up to the meeting place with repairs.  

Basically it was the lack of organization that cost us the fight and we'll continue lose until some of the more established clans take port battles a bit more seriously 

Welcome to PvP2 US/GB....that how they been for ages.  GB is a bit better on the organizations. There is so much inter clan fighting over there it's silly that the two largest nations had so much problems with one pirate small clan (in terms for there size).  It's not something new, as they where doing that crap back last year this time when my clan UNKN switched from US to pirates cause we where so sick of the crap.  Which you explain to 'T' why just about every good PvPer leaves US or GB to come over to pirates back on PvP2.

While I'll admit we rushed to get organized for that port battle as most of us didn't have ships ready for such, but we got just about every one into the proper ships, told every one to not bring mortar brigs and stay together and follow orders.  We only had one player not in TS and he was very active with in game chat asking what to do.  We basically just had him stay with the main group.  Two of the three we lost where none BLACK clan members and I watched them kinda get separated from teh main group. Both are new return players so still getting back into the use of the game.

I believe the towers actually got credit for two of the US kills which means your guys got to much into there range too.  The other thing is we don't have to reach 1K points, we just have to prevent the other team from when defending.  Fastest way to do that is control the circles and SINK SINK SINK SINK ships.

I'll not admit it, but we do some times go after certain members of the other team to kill them off fast cause we know that when you do that they fall apart pretty fast.....


Oh and we where dealing with OUTLAW PIRATES of HELL clan (most are now in US nation as they where US stooges) tagging us out side before the port battle.   First Pirate vs Pirate war has happen and was over in less than 48 hours.  HELL has been disbanded and there bad seeds have switched over to US.   Ex-Members are now safe that did not agree with the bad members.   They found out that the whole pirate nation (not just BLACK) will combine together to get bad seeds out of the nation.  Sadly other nations don't have this option.  Pirate vs Pirate has it's perks after all.  Never declare KOS war on the largest clan in your nation either....lol

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On 12/06/2017 at 1:42 PM, Christendom said:

You're bitter... Why?  LV kick you out of sorry or something?  Lighten up or go spray your salt on a EU thread.  

No one cares about you here.

mods can we get this angry guy kicked out of the thread please.  Doesn't belong here.  

 Who are you to say who belongs here or not? Maybe you should be kicked out. Never saw more salty guy than you in this forum.

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23 minutes ago, Cabral said:

 Who are you to say who belongs here or not? Maybe you should be kicked out. Never saw more salty guy than you in this forum.

This thread is for discussing PVP global battles and political situations.  No airing your personal salt.  Go away child.  

@The Red Duke can we do something about this bad hombre disrupting our thread?

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48 minutes ago, Christendom said:

This thread is for discussing PVP global battles and political situations.  No airing your personal salt.  Go away child.  

@The Red Duke can we do something about this bad hombre disrupting our thread?

 Your thread? lol

 You are like your master, you can't accept other's opinions.

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On 6/7/2017 at 9:37 AM, Teutonic said:

*Post Reserved for Clans in Nations*
Nation A:
1. Clan 1
2. Clan 2

United States of America


[KM] Koninklijke Marine. Main Contacts are OneEyedSnake, Coates, Poon, and Pinto of [IPA] (sister clan).

[SMS] Reichsflotte. Main contacts are @Davos Seasworth, Kommizer and Bentclown. 


Great Britain
1. [AUSEZ] Australian Colonial Navy. Primary clan contacts are Zealicus and Fasti.






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41 minutes ago, Louis Garneray said:

Is it possible for France to be Neutral toward Sweden but Sweden at war with France?


I would think so. The 4 Swedes attack us when they can and the French ignore the Swedes as an minor irritation occasionally.  

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4 hours ago, Louis Garneray said:

Is it possible for France to be Neutral toward Sweden but Sweden at war with France?

So i forgot to change that but i do still hear of swedes attacking french. So maybe it's better to put OW conflict on both.

To be perfectly honest, i don't really change the political situation unless i have a player from that nation inform me of a change. When it comes to france, being in the nation, i can give the most up to date info for it. 

So in order for me not to create problems with incorrect diplomacy of other nations I won't update unless a player informs me of a change.


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Since no one is really updating this....  June 22, 1812 ish

Pirates are showing signs of life and liberating the Bahamas from British rule.

USA seem to have hit a red brick wall in the gulf and frozen as forces are deserting the ranks.

Spain is getting new life and coming back with a vengeance and a war party looking for scalps.

Dutch are starting to make waves in the SE and flex a little muscle while kicking butt with their wooden shoes.

Danes are continuing their choke hold on all trade in the Eastern Antilles as they continue to strip everyone else's  trade.

Swedes are being Swedes and riding the Danish band wagon as they try desperately to flip the Virgin Islands for a week now to give the Danes free CM for it.

France is currently having a revolution with much dissenting in the ranks.  French seem to have divided north and south with the Royalists holding the South and fighting the Dutch while the Republican Revolutionary forces in the North fight the Danes.

Britain, having sucked up all the easy free ports, is apparently sitting back having tea.

You absolutely got to love that anything can and will happen on the Global Server.?


Edited by Bach
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10 minutes ago, Bach said:

Since no one is really updating this....  June 22, 1812 ish


You absolutely got to love that anything can and will happen on the Global Server.?


So true.

And this is another reason I love global.

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On 6/7/2017 at 10:28 AM, Teutonic said:


Verenigde-Provincien : Neutral
Espana: Neutral
France: Neutral
Great Britain: Neutral
Denmark-Norge: Alliance (only BLACK/CCCP as it's a clan thing) other wise Neutral
Sverige: Neutral
United States: War only cause they are attacking us, we are only doing defense.  Though the bear might waken soon and bite back.   So this is honestly Neutral too.

We don't have any formal stance with any of the nations, but pretty much we are not at war with any one at this moment. I think we will know when we change that stance in game.  Just collecting up our buffer and building up like most of the other nations.  I'm pretty sure we want to see how the other big nations act once they run out of poor Spainish empty ports and this big clan changes from US to Brits.   


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