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What are NA Rules?

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I see many topic that are pinned to this forum dealing with one subject.

Some are general topic, some are pointing their finger in just one direction but there is no bible neithers any rules books for the games. But there is a tribunal.
I think it's weird and that the team should try to make an official topic of rules like a Q/A topic that may be easy for player to read to inform them about what they can do or not. If player have question they use the Q/A topic to add the question and after the official answer, this question and his answer are put in the first thread of the topic to help people find answers. It's how Q/A work and we need it to know the game rules.

For example:

Many players are known to use alts. We have seen in others dedicated topic that alt farming in pvp is forbidden. Alt joining a PB is fobirden. But so far we don't have seen anything regarding alt eco character.
Having alt in the same nation is just a key for players to have more labor time to use and help them to be able to craft their own ship while covering more ports with their character. Plus, one caracter can be dedicated to craft with the right skill when the other one can be focus on fun game.

But my concern is theplayers using their alt in different nation in the way to break the RvR of the game.
Devs seems to think RvR has to punish players to not beeing able to defend their port. It's why the nation who loose the war loose their ability to craft ships when they will loose their eco ports with gold or silver.

I will not go further on this subject has it already get a dedicated topic on economy forum.
The point is : If devs want to make rvr and eco bound in the way to force player to defend their port to defend their eco, is not the use of alt on others nation a way to go around this specific statement and break the rules of the games by beeing able to get ressources for port you loose?

If not, if alt in other nation are OK to craft/spy, does it not mean that thoses using more than 30$ to get the game but use 30$ per character in others nation get a huge advtange on the ones having just one character? If so, should the rvr and the eco beeing bounded as a glitch (an authorise glitch in this case) has to been used to advatnage some of the players?

Is it not easier to make ecto alt in others nation something forbidden?

I would not love to spend days to take a territory with rare wood to see players that never play for our nation putting contract on this port because they are alt of players playing for others nations? People not rich enough to have many character will be really disadvtange in regard of the others players. It will make rvr a bit useless as some will be able to go through the naation of a port to get ressources in whatever happend in rvr.


So to finish, i would like devs to take care on the topic and publish a question/answer topic to improve communication between players and devs in regard of rules, and i would like to get an official statement about thoses using their money to get an advtange on thoses who don't have enough to buy more than one opy oin the game and that break the rvr purpose by using alt to get ressources they couldn't get without them.

Ty for your attention

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About alts, the only things prohibited afaik are farming them, using them to sabotage PBs, and using them to "drag other players into instances". Although the latter is a bit inconsistently applied and not very clearly defined.

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10 minutes ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

one caracter can be dedicated to craft with the right skill when the other one can be focus on fun game.

I like your thinking ;)

This has been discussed a lot. Apart from what Anolytic said, how could you make alts illegal? How would you enforce those rules against production and crafting alts? Maybe someone wants to play a national character in addition to his main rat alt?

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27 minutes ago, jodgi said:


EVE has alts en masse too, and that's the greatest sandbox ever, right?

Oh, entire sector lockdowns by alt usage. Old old news. Power gaming fussock gingamobs ;)

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If you wish to know a bit more on ALTs read my STEAM Guide. Will tell you why Games Lab will never ban ALTS.   

What Naval Action needs is a Rule Book before launch. At launch on download you need to accept or "agree" like terms and conditions.   

This should cover subjects like ALT usage, but other topics as obscene chat, and the use of modulated modifiers or CHEAT using D-DOS or similar methods   

The Rule Book in my opinion should stay away from In-game mechanic issues  



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I believe the point [Peter Goldman] is making is that they are spread out. Outdated in some areas and in all fairness needs a revamp  


Plus not all players like the Games Lab forum so will need a STEAM link. While trying not to repeat ones self... WE NEED A RULE BOOK before launch.  


I suggest starting from scratch with a new pinned thread. 

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On 5/15/2017 at 9:55 AM, jodgi said:

I like your thinking ;)

This has been discussed a lot. Apart from what Anolytic said, how could you make alts illegal? How would you enforce those rules against production and crafting alts? Maybe someone wants to play a national character in addition to his main rat alt?

Even though I been running three Pirates on Testbed and it might be what I do when patch goes live, but I play on live with 2 Pirates (one shallow and one deep water) and a Dane cause we had had a long running standing alliance with them and wanted to play in some of there US prime time Port battles with the small nations (most Danes on PvP2 are SEA players).   This way my Dane wasn't in conflict cause we Pirates and the small alliance fought against the Mega US/GB/DUTCH alliance.

On 5/15/2017 at 1:48 PM, PIerrick de Badas said:

Limit the number of contract per level to be sure people have at least level up his alt before usng it to destroy a nation eco.

Level 1 1 contract

Level max, max contract

All three of my chars are crafting level 50 so your saying I don't play my chars equally?  Both pirates are Curse and my Dane is now Flag Captian.   That is three chars almost maxed out.  Than again I have over 4K hours in game on my main so I play a lot.  If any one pays 40 bucks to just destroy a nation eco than that must be a pretty crappy nation to let one guy destroy it and number two one guy isn't going to make a dent in an econ of a large nation or even small one, it's just one guy.

What is the difference than me playing three chars or a 3 guys playing one char.  Either way it's still three chars. Even the three friends can pick different nations and work together in trading to get the goods they want.

I think some of you guys are a bit delusional to think an alt can destroy econ of a nation.  There is prob 1 alt for every 100 or more players out there.  So the number of solo players way out number the number of guys with alts.   So if those players are active than the guy with the alt would never put a dent into anything that the other 99 players aren't all ready effecting.


Again as along as the player using alts aren't breaking any rules than there is nothing wrong with how they play the games and the copy they bought.  Now if they are breaking any rules throw the book at them.

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This link above is to my ALT Guide to Naval Action. Deja Vu with Norfolk nWay. Have a read through it should explain why Games Labs will NEVER ban ALT usage and why.  


The point it makes in summary is the key and the Dev's need to follow the strategy outlined.   


Norfolk nChance.  



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lol, Norfolk.

Your guide was very entertaining, but I don't know what to do with it. Should I applaud the pragmatic approach or should I avert my eyes in shame and disgust?

I knew nothing about sandboxes before I came here and I can't tell if I'm enlightened or violated.

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You came away from reading my Guide and can't tell if you were left enlightened or violated?  I'm still trying to work out if that was a complement or not lol.   


The reason for the guide came about from quite literally reading rubbish from player posts regarding ALTs in this forum. I believe most players know in a loose term what an ALT is but are not really clear on the issues surrounding them or how diverse they are in usage. And I might add not willing to look listen and learn.   

Without spoiling the Guides "Why GamesLab will NEVER ban ALTs.."     

The conclusion once again is my call for an ALT rule book on usage. At launch you need to check the box like terms and conditions and when updated we will all need to agree. This one simply task will mitigate an awful lot of issues.  

From a good few years of playing EvE Online and seeing the game expand and grow in depth. I witness the growing deeper mechanics evolve, we in NA would call it the "Expanding Grind" now. This is the core to EvE's longevity and will give NA staying power. The down side to all this as explained is how much of your leisure time you want to devote to it. This is a key component for the attraction. 



For now the Dev's and the player community need to come up with a short list of rules. If someone suggests you are only allowed ONE alt he obviously hasn't read or understood the guide.  The boundaries need to be set and this is where understanding is needed. Not just about ALTs jumping into a PB, but how they morph into different tools. The "BOT" for me is a major concern. EvE was starting to see sophisticated algos and data scrapping ALTs.   


I wanted to write a very balanced view. Not sure if I achieved it but I wasn't trying to sell anything. The Guide is just making sure you understand the basic elements involved.   


If I violated, you have my most humbly apologies, if I've enlightened you the Guide as done its job....   


Norfolk nChance    

(A Wolf in Carebear clothing)         




Edited by Norfolk nChance
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Your guide was fine.

2 hours ago, Norfolk nChance said:

I wanted to write a very balanced view. Not sure if I achieved it but I wasn't trying to sell anything. The Guide is just making sure you understand the basic elements involved.

Job well done.

My jokes are directed at the subject matter itself, not your analysis.

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