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Why be a Pirate after the wipe?


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 Im writing a promotional article about this game. From a gaming/fun perspective - why would someone want to play a Pirate in this game after the wipe. I'm having difficulty coming up with reasons that would appeal to new players - especially ones without a clan. Other than the ability to attack fellow Pirates (which im not sure is an advantage), there doesn't seem to be anything that stands out as a reason to be a Pirate - in fact, its quite the opposite.  Devs/Players...a little help please..... trying to bring new players in.

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i probably will be pirate despite my avatar being nelson.. the reason why is i prefere frigates and smaller ships, i will enjoy hunting player traders and harrasing lone national players, you have to remember not everybody wants to sail a floating deathstar and listen to a load of overacting people on teamspeak.


The pirate life is lawless and simple and mostly dangerous.. 


Hopefully Pagan Pete will see this, he is somebody who can probably answer you better than i can.

Edited by Captain146
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There is really no point atm. I think Devs need to introduce Raids+Rewards only for pirates. They also, need to add Reputation system that would allow Pirates to Enter+Trade in National Ports where their rep is welcomed. 

Pirates supposed to be different from all other Nations and their Conquest game style. They are supposed to be Hardcore Nation. In addition to that, New Pirate class should be added - The Outlaw. 

Outlaws would work off contracts. They are illegal assassins who can be hired to do the job. Most Nations banned them from their ports, but with some work on Reputation their access to Ports can be returned. 

Outlaws should be able to attack Pirates, but they can't attack each other. It's a brotherhood. 


Edited by Ned Low
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The most players choose pirates because they like

  1. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
  2. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
  4. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
  5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
  6. Black Sails
Edited by qw569
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There is no alliance system. It is handled by the player-diplomats. Certainly some pirate clans will forge their own friends with nations.

Inter clan warfare in pirates will be a reality.

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9 minutes ago, Otto Kohl said:

There is no point of being a pirate atm. Devs sadly did nothing to make pirate play any different from nationals. They only excluded them from alliances which basicly killed it's playerbase.

Plus they can eat each others;)

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2 hours ago, qw569 said:

The most players choose pirates because they like

  1. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
  2. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
  4. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
  5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
  6. Black Sails

Black Sails pirates are a damn sight more authentic than NA's nowadays.

Even Jack Sparrow is allowed to capture ships.

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4 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

There is no real point to be a pirate, besides total freedom, which will only suit real game vets that would like to retire from the nationals casual life. 

There is not such a people like Naval Action veterans :ph34r: Game not even finished - we got some experienced testers here:D

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Well I might become a pirate if our clan (A Dutch one) doesn't reform, why, well I don't want to be British, French, Spanish or any of the others and as a crafter I think I would be in a position to help, well I hope so.

Time will tell however. :)

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4 hours ago, Otto Kohl said:

There is no point of being a pirate atm. Devs sadly did nothing to make pirate play any different from nationals. They only excluded them from alliances which basicly killed it's playerbase.

Thank god. I was tired of being surrounded by pseudo pirates. 

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4 hours ago, The Red Duke said:

There is no alliance system. It is handled by the player-diplomats. Certainly some pirate clans will forge their own friends with nations.

Inter clan warfare in pirates will be a reality.

Which is a good thing, one thing that killed a lot of players on PvP2 was the alliance.  Either they stopped playing or they switched to pirates cause having the two largest nations not fighting each other since August of last year and yes they are still in a alliance even now that no one is playing live for the most part cause they are afraid the pirates might zerg them.  If they had broke there stupid care bear alliance and fought each other more players will be active in those nations and we would keep our stuff to OW PvP.  Hoping these new changes help with those issues.  To be honest the only one that zerg any one was the US player base and they where the largest with there GB and Dutch alliance.  (had no problem with GB and Dutch alliance, it was just all three).  If US had took a small nation in on there own and not have the large alliance there would of been some great player base balance, but you can't get it in the head of some of the folks and some of the lies they would say to keep there carebear alliance.  It's going to be so sweet to see after the Merg US and GB actually fighting each other again.  HOPEFULLY.....lol

I still think alliances can be good for small nations.  Maybe make it a cap as long as you don't have over say 5 regions you can have an alliance with another nation with 5 or less regions.  Or something like that 5-10 regions should be the sweet spot, any more than that than they are pretty much a very large nation.

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5 hours ago, Ned Low said:

There is really no point atm. I think Devs need to introduce Raids+Rewards only for pirates. They also, need to add Reputation system that would allow Pirates to Enter+Trade in National Ports where their rep is welcomed. 

Pirates supposed to be different from all other Nations and their Conquest game style. They are supposed to be Hardcore Nation. In addition to that, New Pirate class should be added - The Outlaw. 

Outlaws would work off contracts. They are illegal assassins who can be hired to do the job. Most Nations banned them from their ports, but with some work on Reputation their access to Ports can be returned. 

Outlaws should be able to attack Pirates, but they can't attack each other. It's a brotherhood. 


A lot better way to do this is make it Privateers not a nation.   Than have the option to go full blown Pirate (outlaws) cause really what where most pirates?  They where Privateers out of a job cause no one was at war with each other at the time.  As soon as a war started they got a pardon and was giving a letter to be a Privateer for that nation.   It could be a great way with a reputation system to allow folks to go to another nation in game.  You don't want to play Spain any more.  You become a pirate and than work on the reputation until you get privateer status for another nation and once you reputation gets high enough you get the option to join that nation.  Say British you have to earn it instead of some click of a button or just deleting your char and making a new one.

You are a pirate unless you have a Letter for a nation.  Than your a  privateer.  While a pirate can't do RvR they only have there main Pirate Haven ports, but both pirates and Privateers can use them.  I would make Kidds the capital and than have a bunch of Pirate Havens (free Towns) they can use all over the map. I would make Mort like the old Pitts a neutral port/region that all can use even other nations.    This will make that area a big trade hub or hot spot.  While a privateer you can enter the host nations battles and port battles.  You can have OP in it's ports, but you still can't craft or have buildings in those ports (your still using the pirate haven ports).  If the alliance system comes back you can't enter alieds port battles and they can attack you (actually any one can attack you while a Privateer other than the parent nation).

If you don't want the Privateer life than you can be a full blown Pirate (outlaw) and work only out of the Pirate Haven ports I think outlaws should still be able to attack each other, as a means to keep some in line and even than there could be some that don't care about any brotherhood and are the true outlaws.

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22 minutes ago, Tief N Tote said:

i will play pirate because I'm Bahamian born and raised. the British flag flew over some harbors but by damn these islands produces nothing but crooks, thieves, pirates and worse, lawyers and politicians.


Plus you have Sloth as your profile image. You are a natural born pirate if I ever saw one...

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Simple reason, really (and they answered it in one of the threads awhile back -- no I don't remember which one because I wasn't a pirate and it was only of passing interests). SoL are obtained through the Admiralty; Pirates are not a nation and therefore should not have an Admiralty. Ergo, they don't have Ships of the Line. To be fair, I don't think it was in the various lists of changes and I don't know if it was ever officially discussed as something that was going to happen or just as passing comments, but I did read it somewhere -- but I'm not about to wade through a few hundred pages of comments to find it.

The idea of Pirates as a nation and what they do and do not have have enough of threads of its own.

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On 2017. 05. 15. at 6:29 PM, Sir Texas Sir said:

I noticed ever time still when I bring up the Admirality/Pirate store thign and why we have one ship and all 7 other nations have 8 ships (aggy and all SOL) they never answer it.  Like they are avoiding the reason.

why pirate want craft ships ? u can CAPTURE all ships from nations.  (aggy and SOL too)

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On 5/15/2017 at 0:49 PM, Challenge said:

Simple reason, really (and they answered it in one of the threads awhile back -- no I don't remember which one because I wasn't a pirate and it was only of passing interests). SoL are obtained through the Admiralty; Pirates are not a nation and therefore should not have an Admiralty. Ergo, they don't have Ships of the Line. To be fair, I don't think it was in the various lists of changes and I don't know if it was ever officially discussed as something that was going to happen or just as passing comments, but I did read it somewhere -- but I'm not about to wade through a few hundred pages of comments to find it.

The idea of Pirates as a nation and what they do and do not have have enough of threads of its own.

The only time anything been mention about the Admiralty or the Pirates Den was by me when I was arguing why we should be able to capture ships even AI fleets and why we should get paid for the ships we capture in xp.   I have never seen them  mention anything other in that argument and it was me that said it.  That since I'm not a National and I don't have an Admiralty that is why I don't get paid and kill every thing.  The problem is ever time this topic comes up the Devs go silent and won't speak about it.

2 hours ago, hiclipucli said:

why pirate want craft ships ? u can CAPTURE all ships from nations.  (aggy and SOL too)

Cause your ship isn't what I want to be in.  I want to be in a ship crafted to the means I want the ship to be crafted in.  Until we have our own mechanics and aren't apart of the RvR system we need to have Aggy and SOL's too.  

And being able to capture ships isn't anything special. All 8 nations can do that (us until thing are changed pirates in game are still a nation).

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12 hours ago, hiclipucli said:

Aggy, all SOL's is crafted by national players. if u capture one, that is crafted ship. ok not  special as u like? then find another .

( why not ? other player will crafting also the best)

Your not getting the point.  WE ARE STILL PART OF RVR.  So say we have one 1st rate regions.  We can't craft the first rates easily.  Even in a 4th rate region.  The nationals can roll in with 25 1st rates or even SOL's and just take the region like candy form a kid.   They can even use the SOL's as screeners in the 4 rate battles.  So as long as we are part of the RvR system we should have the same options as any other 7 nations cause we are according to the Devs a nation too.

Again I'm fine with them taking away the SOL being crafted by us if they give us something in return.  And now one 5th rate that they can craft too is not something in return and no pirate vs pirate isn't something either.  So you keep saying just capture there ships.  Well than make it where they can't keep any captured SOL's or above as it's a pirate only thing.  That would make us some what speical. If they capture a player SOL they only get paid out for it as if it's sunk.  Though pirates an keep theirs.  Well if they can get back to a friendly port with it.

Don't want Pirates to RvR than remove us from the system and give us proper raids and give us perm ports to work out of that can't be captured.  As long as our ports can be captured we are a part of the RvR system and should be treated the same as any other nation.

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