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perks get changed significantly.

Overview about new perks:



Lightship Master, Frigate Master, Lineship Master got removed. Fleet Control perks got added.

You can have up to 10 points again.

Perk reset costs 50 PVE marks currently (probably get changed, but its not free anymore).

That means now you have to choose the best perks for your general playstyle instead of the immediate upcoming situation. Thats good.


Some things however are not balanced in my opinion (just by looking at it):

  • Fleet Control 1 seems to be mandatory for everyone (need it for capturing ships, transporting goods with multiple ships, having fleet to protect you). This shouldnt be a perk imo and instead be available for everyone.
  • Hold optimization kinda sucks. You already chose to "waste" a point which dont help in combat but on top of that it also makes you weaker.
  • There are maybe too many perks for crafters
  • If you want to be somewhat competitive in combat basically these perks will be mandatory: Double shot, Double charge, Emergency Master, Rigging Specialist.
  • Especially Trimming Expert and Carronade master seem to be pretty bad and shouldnt be choosen by pretty much anyone (even if you use carronades most of the time)

This means for combat there are not many different choices, which makes it kinda boring and a bit pointless.


What do you think?

Edited by Jon Snow lets go
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Just now, monk33y said:

Fleet control makes sense. If your moving large sums of goods there should be negatives.

Jeah but you need this perk for everything man, not just for trading.

Which player doesnt capture ships from time to time or uses a fleet trader ship? None.

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I don't know how many PvE marks you get per PvE battle now, but unless the price for a reset is significantly reduced, I think we should have economy and battle perks separately, so we can have 5 of each simultaneously. Or those who have economy/crafting alts are going to be at a huge advantage.

19 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

Fleet Control 1 seems to be mandatory for everyone (need it for capturing ships, transporting goods with multiple ships, having fleet to protect you). This shouldnt be a perk imo and instead be available for everyone.


But yeah. Now that we can no longer teleport our prizes home, having ONE default free fleet slot makes sense. 

Edited by Anolytic
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I like how pirates can have +01 ship for capping but other traders / nationals who plant to move large volume of goods must use more skill points.

What I hope this will introduce is player (group) optimisation of perks. Meaning players taking on roles. Cappers, tanks, sail killers etc

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2 minutes ago, monk33y said:

I like how pirates can have +01 ship for capping but other traders / nationals who plant to move large volume of goods must use more skill points.

What I hope this will introduce is player (group) optimization of perks. Meaning players taking on roles. Cappers, tanks, sail killers etc

that would be nice to have niche specializations but there has to be a role for the all rounder or just have more officers which u can switch out in ports with a certain time cooldown

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At least some perks could be more expensive.

For example Double Charge could easily be worth 2 points.  There are other perks that are also too cheap.

We have 5 slots and perks are pretty cheap.  You can basically just select what you want and never think about it.



Even if double charged would be 3 or 4 points, people would probably take it.  Yes, mast meta is strong in here.

Even if double charge would be 6 points I would probably take it to be honest.  Yes, mast meta is horrible shite.

Edited by Cmdr RideZ
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Sadly I think that, as I pointed out when perks were first released, the infinite perk resets without any cooldowns or costs means that the lack of point balancing has made the point distribution whack now that perks are semi-permanent again. It's nearly impossible to actually max out the point usage unless opting for a combination of expert carpenter and others, so there's no judgment calls to be made other than the 5-perk cap, and it feels rather weird to have a bunch of extra points lying around.

Actually really like the role separation that we now get, if people are primarily focused on a particular part of the game, be it hauling, crafting or combat, they will now be able to get an edge by specializing accordingly. Sick and tired of everyone being the jack-of-all-trades at no cost that we have been up until now.

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24 minutes ago, Powderhorn said:

Right now, I think either the perks are too cheap, or there are not enough compelling perks to take, or both.  I know I filled up my 5 perk slots, and still had points left over, and that sounds like a common theme.

Yes, why have limits for points and slots?

Like others I do think some perks (like fleet control 1) should be automatic.

Some of the crafting ones are particularly poor now. Shipyard Connections is irrelevant and Gifted will soon become so, we're told. Hold Optimisation definitely isn't worth the point (I'd far rather spend three points on fleet 2 than one on hold optimisation), and quite honestly who will spend two points on Fisher when it is so expensive to respec?

I would half-like to see separate combat and crafting perks limits, but this would basically give non-crafters Admiralty Connections for free, which cannot be right, so perhaps move it into the Battle category (where it really belongs). What then is there left to choose in Crafting?Everyone will surely take Foreman, almost everyone will take Royal Shipbuilder and then you have to choose between either the type of ship you want to craft (surely Light Ship Shipmaster is worth a lot less than the other two, so perhaps the three Shipmasters should be 1, 2 and 3 points each) or whether you want to be able to miss a days' play without losing hours (Overseer), but Overseer is poor use of two points with only 25% labour cap. It should be at least 50% for that price, and probably 100%.

Sorry, I'm rambling, as I often do. The crafting perks need some changes. Change them and I'll provide feedback.

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6 hours ago, Ahoy H.R. Matey said:

Why are Carronade Master and Trimming Expert bad?

I feel like the other options are much more valueable in comparison.

Double charge: can penetrate ships in much smaller angles or from further away, also good for demasting

Double shot: great dmg increase for close range

Emergency Master: Gets you out of sticky situations, especially when someone sternrakes you. Without it you will get decrewed and be put in a bad spot more often

Rigging Specialist: less sail dmg + more sail repair; very good for hunting, escaping and general movement in a battle

Those perks all give you increased damage or survivability.


Carronade master: You need to aim longer. If you plan ahead in a fight thats no problem.

Trimming expert: maybe good for trinco yeah, but still I think the other perks are better.

These perks give you comfort. If you play good you can play to the same effectiveness without it.


Thats just my opinion ofc.

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17 hours ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

What? So they can capture a ship and bring it home without having this perk?

NO WE DO NOT GET SPECIAL FREE PERKS.   This crap is how rumors get spread that we have special stuff.

As for perks worth it or not, it's really play style.  I used up all my points on most my chars, but i got one with 3 points not used cause I set it up wrong.   I didn't have the PvE points to reset it. I'm not going to burn 100 or even 50 now to reset that. 

And I don't like we have to basicly have a dedicated crafter alt if we want to be a crafter/ship builder cause it cost to much to switch from combat to crafting mode like we do all ready.  Crafting perks should be tied to your crafting level not your Rank.

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4 hours ago, monk33y said:

What I ment is if you want to use large fleets there should be restrictions to your other skills. 


You do get a restrictions, lack of those skills so you won't have the Double Charge, Double Shot and other things.  While your floating with your fleet it's getting shreaded by the players with combat skills.

I also ways loved it when we got called hackers cause we where doing so much damage but taking so little.  We came in combat ships with combat skills (double charge and ball does wonders).   While those other guys showed up in store bought ships with fleets all soft and ripe for the sinking.  Unless some one just out number, players are going to beat those AI fleets any day.

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On 19/04/2017 at 11:27 AM, Jon Snow lets go said:

Jeah but you need this perk for everything man, not just for trading.

Which player doesnt capture ships from time to time or uses a fleet trader ship? None.

Currently your comment is correct but what this new system opens up is roles with gameplay. 

Example: fast tagging ships. (large stash of sail repairs)  keeps sail damage up on target ship.

Your tank (ship with high, strong sides/hp) used to de-crew target. (hull repairs)

Single capping ship (Max crew and fleet numbers)  let's the others do the work but gets the prize.

Hopefully this will mean a greater diversity of ships used when roaming for pvp. Instead of 1 tagger and max brawlers.  I welcome any changes to pvp (as long as it's not pve dressed up in a pvp frock)


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Tex, I think it's about time we had to pick our roles. It's stupid in a game like this where you can be everything at same time.

If your a hauler now you'll need an escort while moving goods (pvp opportunity). If your a crafter, you need to move your ship to sell it, you need an escort (pvp opportunity)

With these pending changes it balances the big and small nations. Small nation gets less access to pall resources but ports are easily defended. Big nation has all the resources but will struggle to defend them all. If you want a resource you have to work at it. Easy mode is ending.

To those who complain about having to move your own resource, play black desert online to see hope other games do this, before the it won't work comments are used.

I look back at 2yr old videos of naval action and I'm like "I want to play that game, why does my game not feel like that game!!" 



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In my opinion every single Fleet Perk should be tied to player rank. The higher the rank, the higher number of ships in your fleet you can command. Seems much more realistic. With the rank of Admiral, let's say you could command up to 6 ships (just an example number) 1 of your own and five in your fleet. Keep in mind that you'll still be limited by the amount of crew you can have. Now it's 1100 souls, if I remember correctly.

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Well, my solution has got one more plus. Solo trading. With the new update, when cargo is affecting ship speed traders needs escort. That means you need friends or a clan. There are also those who prefer to be a Lone Wolf. To be honest AI fleets are only useful for distraction. If you wish to fight with other player, they will often get in your line of fire, hit you or generally speaking they will lower your efficiency.

I'm not the Lone Wolf player myself, so it's not much of an issue for me.
At least the First fleet perk should be unlocked by default (removed).
It makes no sense that you need a perk to capture one ship.

Edited by Count Maurice Benyovszky
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