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Been a while since i played, took a healthy break. Im in the mist of the reading the Kydd series and I can`t recall reading an answer to this topic that may have been ask before.

Was there ever a plan to separate carreer, with different perk or play style, a la POTBS. Like Navy officer, privateer, and traders... Maybe with a way to move back and forth from each carreer. In the Kydd series, Kydd start a navy officer, goes into trading, back to navy, then a privateer, then get is comission back. Might be ahistorical but might be easier to balance. Just for discussion sake.

A Navy captain get is ship for free, according to his rank and merit, but not much when it comes to prizes. nad mostly get XP from doing missions, Cannot Trade and smuggle

A Privateer get a large chunk of a prize money, can trade and smuggle but get a huge penalty when in bigger ship (cost) and still need to buy is ship

A Trader can craft and trader, buy ship ang get XP for delivery missions.


of course the officer perks could be lock according to your path. You could decide to change carreer at anytime, by dropping your comission, buying it back, or buying a letter of marque or a trade license.



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