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A Suggestion for Crew Recovery and Suppression in Battle:

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Here is my suggestion over the idea that suddenly all your crew become magically invincible once you are brought down to 10% crew:


When crew on your ship are hit in battle, there would be a 1/3 chance that each crew member that was hit is killed.  If the crew member is not killed, then the crew member should be suppressed, and will be unable to do anything for 2 minutes.  After 2 minutes he will go back to being regular crew again, but if his hit box is hit a second time then there is a 2/3 chance that he will be killed.  If the crew member is ever so lucky to survive (not be killed from that hit) then if his hit box is hit a 3 time there is a 100% chance the crew member is killed.


Also, a heal crew option should be available 1 time use, all suppressed crew are recovered on use, and over the next 2-3 minutes 10% of crew that were killed are recovered,  AKA, not all killed crew are really dead, just need to be attended to by a doctor to get them back in the fight.


If crew are suppressed during boarding then they dont count towards your actions in boarding for 2 minutes and lowers your moral just as if the crew was killed but recover your moral once they are unsuppressed.  

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On 14/11/2016 at 9:17 PM, elite92 said:

this is my proposal: instead of a brace button and a percentage of the crew mechanich i would prefer the introduction of the injured sailors and a way to reuse them after they have been cured.

historically the number of wounded was far superior to that of the dead and in the game this can be visualized in this way: 

You take a stern raking and instead of having 100 deaths receive 100 men disabled: 40 deaths and 60 wounded and u can not effectively use 100 of ur crew for X minutes.

after x minutes or after using some doctor ability u can reuse some or all of ur wounded crew.

this seems more realistic and historically accurate of a brace button...

this was my idea :) in "Forthcoming changes in the next content patch 9.97" topic

Edited by elite92
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3 hours ago, elite92 said:

this was my idea :) in "Forthcoming changes in the next content patch 9.97" topic

I must have missed it.  I usually go through the forums regularly.  Anyway, better chance that the developers will see it then.

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