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Hotfix 3 for patch 9.96


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The way I see it, every major patch runs a chance of driving off one or two hundred players. So why not keep the full player base engaged on the normal servers, and have them volunteer some time on a test server. If a system is flawed on the test server, we can easily go back without damaging the main servers. And the main servers can still contribute testing with regards to combat mechanics or general bug hunting.

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One idea is invite testers to a closed environment with fast drastic changes to speed up without the fear of forum nuclear fallouts if some of those changes are unpopular.

At the same time update the main server only when needed

Before ya'll went EA didn't ya'll like have wipes every few weeks?   Hell I would be more than willing to turn PvP2 into the test server.   Hell I like to break things any way it's why I have joined so many Alpha's and Beta testing.

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Sooner or later all your resources will get wiped too. You gain nothing by saving them. Build a ship now. Have fun with it. Sink. And build another one. What's up with everyone holding on to their precious pixels right now?

I built 5 L'Oceans today. Most of them were 2/4.

My best Santi is a 2/4. It has been with me since the battle for Aves. I've tried sinking it every which way to get a new one, but it always keeps afloat. I finally gave up and built a new one - 3/5 - and it sank first battle, at Bermuda.


Well its called efficient use of resources and not everyone has huge stockpiles.


The date for release seems to keep getting pushed back so it is only logical that some people do not want to waste resources unnecessarily building ships unless they need to that are going to get wiped shortly, after the graft it took to accumulate the resources to support their crafting. That's probably particularly so now fine logs are a lottery in forest harvest and in capitals are for sale at stupidly high prices!


So if you have ships stored and there's no urgency to build only makes sense to hold off and build like crazy after the wipe. On the other hand, for me personally, if I run out of Connies or whatever, yes I will just build one so i can play the game as I have plenty of resources & mats stored. Not everyone is in my position resources/mats wise though so was just posing the question generally, not about myself.


Personally i'm not stressing about the ship wipe as we will all be in the same situation; so be it, we are testers and in alpha we should expect occasional wipes if that's what the devs need to do to advance the game development.

Edited by PaladinFX
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One idea is invite testers to a closed environment with fast drastic changes to speed up without the fear of forum nuclear fallouts if some of those changes are unpopular.

At the same time update the main server only when needed



Sounds like an awesome idea :)

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few weeks? 8 weeks maybe

but the reality is that we might just stop updating main servers and move all active willing testers to a separate environment with constant wipes and game mechanics testing. The main servers will only be wiped before release. 

i think we have just overestimated the players desire to participate in open development. 


you faced wipes before and survived.

tbh i can adapt to wipes done it sence i started sea trials nd ill do it now ill still miss jumping in to some of my ships tho but hey i can rebuilds em so thats fine by me one ship i did miss(because my dumbass solds it to npcs) was a all carro vic once ya guys removed that option

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Nice changes, however there are 2 things still outstanding that are LOOOOONG overdue now!


1. Cargo management for ships in your fleet.

2. For petes sake.... Get rid of the ugly blue UI PLEAAAAASE!!!

Why don't we wait for release and be surprised by the UI they put i the game that they are saving for than?

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One idea is invite testers to a closed environment with fast drastic changes to speed up without the fear of forum nuclear fallouts if some of those changes are unpopular.

At the same time update the main server only when needed

Like others I am up for this.


My experience with other games is that this approach - a 'production' server and a 'test' server for players - seems to be effective both before and after general release. Before general release of the game we can use the production server knowing it is a (relatively) stable platform; albeit knowing too that it WILL have changes and wipes at some point. We can use the test server to really test changes for playability, balance and bugs without risking screwing up everything and everyone's perception of the game.


Just my 2p worth.

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EDIT: Please allow the Agamemnon BP and the other special ship's blueprints to be available to all players in game, I understand the desirability of rare ships, so instead of event ship BPs, only capturable, etc. how about this: Agamemnon, L'Ocean, Heavy Rattlesnake, Endymion, Indefatigable, and Santa Cecilia blueprints only drop when a crafter reaches level fifty. They could also take more labor hours (in terms of carriages, fittings, furnishings, notes, etc.) to craft. Just a thought.


This! (I added the emphasis of a couple of the sentences to highlight what seems like a very good idea to me).

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I'm finding with this latest patch that I'm putting in slightly less hours and doing much much less in terms of game play.


Open world Player V Player--enemies hang out at entrance to port, if they have an advantage they will chase you down, if they are disadvantaged, they just pop into port.  Alternate to this...they sit in front of port in a fast, but small ship, once the battle starts, they escape, and when you exit the battle, you get swarmed by their buddies who were sitting in port and came out during the battle.  Otherwise my open world P v P experience now is one of being chased by overwhelming force, or chasing enemy ships, but no actual open world battles.  I've given up on P v P in this game. 


Port Battles--due to where I live and my work/life/sleep schedule, port battles, with one exception, when there has even been a port battle, it happened when I'm asleep.  Also, port battles are very rare now.  It takes a day or more of several people working together to raise hostility, but FORTY-SIX hours have to go by before the port battle opens up, and then you have to be in the battle as soon as it starts (40 minute window of opportunity versus the 46 hour wait).  Basically, port battles are a thing of the past for me with this set up. 


Ship crafting--I've only crafted 1 ship, an ingermanland, since this patch went into effect.  I've struggled a bit to figure out the changes in resources, and where you get regional bonuses, etc.  I've figured it out, but now all I'm doing is moving goods to get them where needed to get a regional bonus.  ONCE I get set up, I should be able to craft ships on a regular basis (but not nearly as quickly as before).  Overall, I think the crafting situation is actually better than it was before, but I can't say yet for sure.


Bottom line, given my work schedule, once everything is wiped, including bp's:  not able to do port battles as a) very few port battles happen now, they still happen too late in the day, and limited time to get into the battle after waiting 46 hours doesnt look like I'll be doing many port battles, PvP isn't working for me (guess I can exit the game after the battle and come back in 1/2 hour to hour, but given the amount of time I have available for game play...just not worth getting into PVP), the amount of effort to get set up to build ships, and the slow rate I'll be able to make ships makes me believe I'll be limited in the ship types I can build and limited in acquiring blue prints...so, what else is left? 


Tournaments and staged events on weekends?


So, guess I'll keep on and see what the next patch brings, where the game is now, it's not really working for me at the moment.

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You mean the ones that are only on  PvP1?  When was the last time something has been done for the other two servers?  You know the PvP2 server and the PvE?  Maybe that is why they are dead cause there is no support.  Hell I went almost 9 months before I ever saw a dev or Mod speak in chat.


Must be nice to play on pvp1 with tournaments, and fun stuff.. Can't find one on pvp2..rattle heavy is gone too.. they don't play anymore.


The tournament was a player created content. It took us a LOT of time to organize and make this tournament happen, trust me (have a look at our spreadsheets).

The organizer then decided to support this. In general, the Devs tend to give free and/or special ships to people that help them by in many ways : making tutorial videos, organizing events, finding new and brilliant ideas etc. It's a way for them to say "thank you" to theses peoples :)

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