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[Suggestion] Cannon reload selection

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During a battle when  a different type of gun load is requested (ball, chain, grape, double charge. etc) the current load is discarded and the reload process restarts. In reality this, (the current load removed),  is never done because of the possibility of disaster. I suggests that when a reload command is requested it implemented on the subsequent loads and remains selected till the next different reload command is requested.


This will really aid in the fluidity of the ammo selection during a battle.

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As much as I hate to say the game's name on this forum but World of Warships actually has a pretty decent loading system. Requesting the ammo change once should see it changed after the next broadside and a double request will empty the cannon and then have the new order loaded in. Shouldn't be too problematic to implement.


In addition I'd again like to promote my idea that we should be able to load decks individually (would really like to see my topdeck adjusted for chain at medium - long distance and load in grape in CQ (though kidna rendered useless right now with ball doing more crew damage). And carrying my wish even further - automatic swivel guns and musket fire from my marines please :)

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