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One Durability Ships

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Been having numerous discussions with numerous people and the same topic comes up, why not make ships one dura's. I know it's been discussed before but how about making anything bigger than a Brig one durability. Kinda like ships in Eve they have one life.

This in turn will create more economy, more ships being built, more matts required in the community.

It will eliminate the problem I have seen where people don't bring their 1st rates to Regionals because they are one dura's afraid of losing them. So if everything had one dura it levels the field out and forces people to use their ships instead of buying grey Connies because they have 5 dura's and being carebears.


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I dont want to spend all my time my time looking and farming for ships. We had that pre EA. Crafting wasnt introduced at that point. So you had to sail through the hole map and visit every port to find the right ship with an good inbuild.

In my opinion a complete1 dura system is very similiar to that. Everyone will spend more time crafting gathering hiding and nobody wants to fight. Or when you want to fight just in gankfleets because you could lose the holy one dura ship.



At the moment frigs are more common than SOLs because of the dura system.

With 1 Dura everyone will sail Sols again because there is no sense to use a frig.

Edited by z4ys
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I like how duras work right now.

Reducing them will discourage PVP even more unless ships get cheaper. If they get cheaper all it leads to is more sailing from a to b, cause your ship sunk and the new one is not where you need it.

Really don't see a lot of benefits.

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If it went to one dura, I'd agree that all shallow ships be multi-dura and anything above would be 1 dura. The point being that anyone reaching that 1 dura level of ship should have econ set up by then to keep replacing them, and you should be skilled enough to not lose them all the time. I don't think PBs nor PvP would diminish any because we'd all have the same fair risk.

But then again, considering the cost in gold, resources, labor hours, time for the 1st rates, I don't know that this would change much of anything to see more of them. Who knows, but worth a test for a couple months before release.

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