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I'm sure I'll be flamed for this, but I'm just stating what I feel from the perspective of a newb player in the game. The graphics look pretty cool and I understand the GUI is temporary. This looked like a game I could really get into, but it isn't very user friendly. Sure, if I had read every forum post and scanned YouTube for tutorials before getting into it, I might have known what I was experiencing in the game and wouldn't have felt so overwhelmed.


My situation was, I logged in and found these ships I could redeem. So I got the Bucentaure. It looked like I needed some crew and cannons so I maxed it out. Problem was, I guess my level was too low to actually use it properly because I could only crew 60 men. Nowhere does it tell you that this is hardly sufficient to operate the ship fully. I had no problem sailing around in open waters so I didn't think about it. After finally spotting something to attack, I discovered that I had entered battle and could not do a single thing. I couldn't shoot and I couldn't even move an inch. So I had to sit there like a rock and be pounded by two ships 50 feet away. To be honest, this wasn't much fun.


Sure, I'm a newb, but I think there should be more warnings about trying to use ships you aren't qualified to sail. It should not even be possible, in my opinion, if your level is so low that you can't do anything. It warns you if you try to sail without a repair kit, why not tell you that you need a lot more than 60 crew? The home screen only mentions that you need a minimum of 10 crew. For what? To swab the decks?


I think you may find a lot of people beginning and leaving the game if the learning curve remains this steep. I can live with no position of my ship on the map, no leading indicators for firing, etc., but some information of the basic ability to man a ship should be more obvious.


Thank you.

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Thanks, but I still believe there should be more safeguards/information about such things. For example, if I play World of Warships (because it's a ship game), and don't know jack, I could be level 1 and still get a hold of a tier 6 premium ship. Now, I would probably not have the game experience (not to be confused with XP) to perform really well in that ship, but at least it would move and I could shoot. Naval Action is not giving any indication that you need 800 crew to take that ship into combat. In fact, right in the info, it says "Minimum Crew: 10".


I have played many sims and I do not see NA as a sim. Sims are far more complex. This is more of a ship MMO/Action game.

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You were able to redeem bucentaure as a present from devs to compensate for a day of server outage.

Just forget about it. Go through the regular progression and learn the basics from playing the game.

The learning curve is steep.

The community generals answers all your questionable in chat.

We've all made it despite the difficulties. If you stick to it, ask experienced players whatever you need to know, the game will reward you for your endurance :-)

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I tend to agree here that a Midshipman should not be able to take anything big out of harbor.

When you start from scratch at the "empty" port screen it is easy to just take out a redeemable with completely ignorant of consequences.

(Regardless of how the redeemable was obtained.)

If possible, then a ship level limit on Midshipman would prevent such ... ehr ... ignorance. :)

It doesn't need to go higher than that. You should know the very basics at Ensign.

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When you click on a ship to "get into it" you should see the crewed amount. If the ship has a limit of 840 crew and you have 60, things aren't going to work out so well as you had noticed.


Look on the bright side: the good thing about a steep learning curve is that you get to learn a lot quickly.

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it might also be wise to have a warning about crew being undercrewed like the cannons one.....


also if you are going to do that admin can you make the cannon warning not come up on ships that cant equip them?



"Undercrewed" can be an subjective term, since different players have a different definition for sufficient crew for any particular ship.  So what would be the threshold for the warning? (debatable)  However, you actually do get a warning when you look at your crew numbers in the ship; if you have less than 100% crew it is in red.


For your second point, I must agree that is one annoying little popup when you can't even equip a ship with cannons and you still have to respond to that warning. :rolleyes:



(Edited "objective" to "subjective", which is what I meant)

Edited by Jean Ribault
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"Undercrewed" can be an objective term, since different players have a different definition for sufficient crew for any particular ship.  So what would be the threshold for the warning? (debatable)  However, you actually do get a warning when you look at your crew numbers in the ship; if you have less than 100% crew it is in red.


For your second point, I must agree that is one annoying little popup when you can't even equip a ship with cannons and you still have to respond to that warning. :rolleyes:

66% would be a reasonable threshold i think,  and just put a tick box in the options to disable the warning and to set it to a percentage.  It's client side checking so no big deal.

seems a bit silly to not do this kind of thing and just have a toggle for on off.

Edited by Fastidius
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I'm new as well, and also had the Buc as a redeemable. However, all it takes is two seconds to scan the crew tab and notice "Wow, this thing requires 800 crew, I only have 40! Better take the cutter instead."



Also, some common sense from players is needed.




I've found the basic learning to curve to not be steep at all. Just sail and shoot things. You'll get into the economy and crafting and whatnot as you play.

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I have seen 2 or 3 midshipman sailing the Bucket out of Charleston . Personally I would never do it , I took it out a couple times as Commodore with extra

hammocks , I am 1 of the weirdos who likes the Pavel better , lost a live in the bucket with no leaks , sank in under 2 minutes with survival mode , it was the 

strangest battle I have had in 800 hours  :huh: I will only use the Bucket for 135 & 152 fleets now .

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