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Support for smaller/dead nations needed!

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I agree there should be a balance mechanic in place for the nations.  Something to attract players to smaller undermanned nations instead of joining the zerg. 


Perhaps a mission gold bonus, or xp bonus or both.  


I joined a few weeks ago - and the initial information on each nation suggested Pirates would be a very tough choice - so I went down that path as I like a challenge - yet Pirates are one of the three top nations on PvP and some of the supposed 'easy' nations are going to be incredibly tough to build up.  New players joining should have some form of incentive to join nations needing more players.

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I think that commerce should be involved. If you are the "Lord" of the port of you have taken the flag to capture it then you should also be benevolent to the people by paying for infrastructure for the town and port. If the up keep cannot be made it should revert back to "NEUTRAL" after an allotted amount of time.  This would make the Rich land owning Lords responsible to what they have taken


Also If you have taken large amounts of ports then the cost of up keep will cool your jets in the War material department and you will have to balance your combat fleet with your Port holding responsibilities 


maybe they add something were the port only is as good as the money you put into it then that way if you want to get resources, shipyards, outpost and better defenses you first have to build the port up to make it prosper that way it wouldnt feel like a gold sink and more like an investment and would make people more willing to keep up with the port versus only keeping up with the port till it no longer is close enough for an enemy to attack it then letting it go back to neutral and just keeping the "front" ports as yours for what you need

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Re-positioning of ports would be another good idea. For example where Spain is right now at La Habana is useless. Id happily do an agreement with French to use one of their ports and shift my capital over to that to be neighboring them. This is after the diplomacy patch of course where a formal alliance would have already been organised. I just find that the unwanted distance will limit alliances and restrict their ability to cooperate together.

Or simply change the capital teleport to another port  adjacent to France will allow for easier interaction and PvP with stronger combined fleets and most importantly PB's.

Edited by Juan Bautista de Anza
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Re-positioning of ports would be another good idea. For example where Spain is right now at La Habana is useless. Id happily do an agreement with French to use one of their ports and shift my capital over to that to be neighboring them. This is after the diplomacy patch of course where a formal alliance would have already been organised. I just find that the unwanted distance will limit alliances and restrict their ability to cooperate together.

Or simply change the capital teleport to another port  adjacent to France will allow for easier interaction and PvP with stronger combined fleets and most importantly PB's.


i think they need to make player voted for capitals. And if they have the "lords" voting for stuff then they should be able to pick were they want the nation capital to be

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i think they need to make player voted for capitals. And if they have the "lords" voting for stuff then they should be able to pick were they want the nation capital to be

Been there, done that. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14244-hegemony/page-2#entry269119


PS. That suggestion had the issue that people might be forced into Piracy, which we don't want to happen.

Edited by Skully
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I joined a few weeks ago - and the initial information on each nation suggested Pirates would be a very tough choice - so I went down that path as I like a challenge - yet Pirates are one of the three top nations on PvP and some of the supposed 'easy' nations are going to be incredibly tough to build up.  New players joining should have some form of incentive to join nations needing more players.

This game lies, as it should change that to read that pirates are extremely easy to play, as game mechanics allow them too much freedom, and that pirates outnumber every nation 3-1 on both servers.


i think they need to make player voted for capitals. And if they have the "lords" voting for stuff then they should be able to pick were they want the nation capital to be

I don't know about a vote, but it definitely needs to be related to player action in ports. I feel that the number of players at a port and their buildings (investments) there should influence that port into becoming a regional capital, subsequently increasing it's population and consumption/production rates. And if no one is at that port then it's just a standard port with lower consume/prod.

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Maybe some form of "upkeep" is needed to control a port. If your nation can't afford the upkeep civil unrest sets in and a port becomes neutral or a pirate base.

The further away from your home territory the higher the amount of resources you need to control the port.

To balance out the game by creating equal alliances their could be mechanisms to encourage curtain alliances it discourage others.

Keeping up an alliance could as well be something that has a cost attached to it.

I would also like game mechanics that shuffles alliances from time to time.

Are do like some other games and have a server reset once a month or something.  That way if you want to keep using those ports as your home base your clan has to retake it and keep it every month instead of just sitting on it cause the other nation isn't strong enough to take it back.  


As for the low population nations, give them an XP/Credit boost like other games do to lower populated groups. I hate the concept of giving the more populated nation a penalty cause I'm a slow player in the US PvP2 and only Master Com so that would hinder my casual slow play.


How about you guys in other nations actually listen to us when we try to help you and set up truces so you can grow.  Instead you join with alts and pirates and try to make alliance with the wrong folks.  To be honest NO ONE SHOULD BE MAKING ALLIANCES with the Pirates.  They should be the hard mode not the easy catch 22 mode.  If they are allowed alliance than make it a contract like privater for that one pirate and it's tagged that he's working under that nations flag.   


I know this is going to piss folks off, but why is there even a PvE server for the US?  I mean I only been hit twice since the game came out and both times kinda was my fault they where even able to tag me.   It's not like your getting ganked every two seconds unless you are hauling your trade goods in a very active areas.

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I can assure you that La Habana is a hell of location for a capital.


It is. However at this point in time its not...

Espana has the full support of US TOTC who will continue efforts to convince NPG, FEAR, and WATCH to support the resurgence of your nation. In return, we will need the cooperation against the British and Pirate scourge. 

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I would be happy to Join an english speaking clan for The spanish nation if there is any available.

Population control sounds at first quite a harsh meassure but after reading that some server have 3-1 pirate population to other nation IT might be advisable to at least consider some ratios.

I use to play in the deceased pve eu and i am not really having much fun in PvP eu

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Espana has the full support of US TOTC who will continue efforts to convince NPG, FEAR, and WATCH to support the resurgence of your nation. In return, we will need the cooperation against the British and Pirate scourge. 

WATCH has supported it from day 1 and was one of the first to try and get other clans to let them get out of home port

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I would be happy to Join an english speaking clan for The spanish nation if there is any available.

Population control sounds at first quite a harsh meassure but after reading that some server have 3-1 pirate population to other nation IT might be advisable to at least consider some ratios.

I use to play in the deceased pve eu and i am not really having much fun in PvP eu

Im an Aussie. More than happy to have you join.

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Don't worry. There will soon be a multi-national coalition coming down to liberate some ports for the smaller nations and to help screen when they need help.

Don't worry. There will soon be a multi-national coalition coming down to liberate some ports for the smaller nations and to help screen when they need help.

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