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PvP2 - Spy List

Cpt Blackthorne

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I propose this topic as a Spy List for anyone to contribute about Spies on the PvP 2 server. Please list the player's primary and alt names and nations with some sort of proof, i.e. chat log, multiple confirmations from other players, etc. This is not to be a name-calling/targeting post, but rather a sharing of information.

I will keep this list updated from any comments made below.


Post in the following format:

IGN / Nation - Alt IGN / Nation - proof or suspicion


Known Spies - Valid proof supported




Suspected Spies - Speculative proof





Note: if you have no valid/speculative proof, your submission will not make the updated list. Also, if your name is listed, please quote your accuser and make your case.

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The only proof you can get is personal confirmation. At this point you report with right click on the name -> report and you're done.


Reported as an attempt at witch hunt and public lynch. Nothing good can come from this.

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The only proof you can get is personal confirmation. At this point you report with right click on the name -> report and you're done.


Reported as an attempt at witch hunt and public lynch. Nothing good can come from this.

This is certainly no witch hunt, however I could see it being construed as such. However, according to tribunal posts from admins, there is no rule against having alt accounts. And there are no rules against having player bounties. These two will indeed feed off one another increasing PvP.

Edited by Cpt Blackthorne
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Player "alts" admitting they are used for spying or anything in that relation to it can be reported with the report function.

It is pretty common sense that the nation chats are not safe to discuss war plans and such.;)

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Player "alts" admitting they are used for spying or anything in that relation to it can be reported with the report function.

It is pretty common sense that the nation chats are not safe to discuss war plans and such. ;)

Truth indeed, however it's come to many USA clans' attention that some in clans are spies. But if this isn't a hit in a cpl days, then it certainly can be closed.

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ok ... what if you do not know their alt account names? I can think of 2 players right off, that fit this:


 First, know a British players account .. but do not know his USA account - who monitors the USA chat


Second, know a USA player but do not know his alt account (most likely Pirate or Brit - probably the former). Who hinders PB's against Pirates.

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Introduce a popular vote by online players of the nation to banish the spying player from that nation for x-number days (then making him attackable by any player during that duration). Link the banishment to their steam account, so creating a new player wouldn't be a work-around. It would get expensive very quickly to keep having to buy additional accounts just to keep up with current information on the enemy.


Of course you still run into the age-old problem of people using votekick abuse.


Today I witnessed a dutch contraband player following a pirate player fleet into a pirate port right before those same pirates launched an attack on Dutch ports. I mean, it doesn't get more suspicious than that.

Edited by ajffighter86
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Of course you still run into the age-old problem of people using votekick abuse.


I would say ability to group up and lynch people out of the game is way over the "votekick abuse" issue. With all due respect, what you propose is purely inept.

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Today I witnessed a dutch contraband player following a pirate player fleet into a pirate port right before those same pirates launched an attack on Dutch ports. I mean, it doesn't get more suspicious than that.






Sorry for the coffee all over your desk :o but you have no grasp on "freedom of play" especially regarding Pirates. We are individuals which owe allegiance only to ourselves and those that chose to.


Would be the same as seeing a Pirate escorting a dutch trader, or simply sailing alongside it without attacking :) Yes it happened and there's no spying involved.


Or a national fleet letting a pirate just roam around without attacking him... lol... it happened.


I will share with you the appropriate track for this

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Sorry for the coffee all over your desk :o but you have no grasp on "freedom of play" especially regarding Pirates. We are individuals which owe allegiance only to ourselves and those that chose to.



Well, the Dutch were just discussing in nation chat, the phenomenon where a player with an alt-account buys a flag of an opposing nation and simply holds it until the timer expires, preventing any chance of attack on that port from happening. Why some (not all) of the pirates—the largest faction on PVP2, feels the need to have to resort to such tactics and doesn't NEED to resort to such tactics—do this is beyond my comprehension. Then you see a Dutch contraband ship nonchalantly following pirates into their port right before a conquest is launched? Call it paranoia if it makes you feel better, but it's pretty damned shady to be a coincidence.


But perhaps I'm no longer talking about spying, but speaking of someone generally just being an asshole. Spies, I don't mind so much. Loose lips sink ships, literally. But tactics like the one described above have no place in this game.

Edited by ajffighter86
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To be clear, I actually wouldn't mind spying if it were more purposefully implemented as a game feature. I don't think it should be high on the developer's priority list. There should be some degree of challenge to it, and yes, the good spies would never be caught. I can live with all that. Plus, in a ROLE playing game, a spy would be just another ROLE to play as (much like they have implemented smuggling).


But people creating alternate accounts for the purpose of preventing PVP action, what can we do about them? Because they will only affect the game in a negative way, IMO.


And I don't take much offense to anything, so just speak your mind.


OMG clan on PVP2 had a bit of an inside joke about who was the ambassador to the Brits or Americans, and what made it so funny is that people actually believed that there ever was such a person. People would actually ask us to have the 'contacts' deliver messages. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure. Maybe there was such an ambassador. Even we didn't know but we kept pinning the label on random players and then those players would suddenly be hounded to perform clandestine acts. It was harmless trolling, really. I doubt we ever did anything that broke the game like buying and 'burying' conquest flags.

Edited by ajffighter86
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A spy can win its trust in a nation, move inside clans and council. It might come really to full effect when the RvR development part is concluded.


I am pretty sure other combat / RvR MMOs have spies and do not necessarily have specific mechanics for them. Why ?


It is a social thing. No mechanics can provide you that.


Scouts and ALT commandos are not spies.

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  • 4 weeks later...

well i can say spies tend to be players who pretend to be part of that said nation....like being a high level or medium level wichever level and joining clans or doing stuff like that like a great britian spy is most liekly to happen because they are using pirates to back them because united states is taking over the world.....and the brits and pirates are salty about it.....

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