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Carronades / Long guns aiming bug


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I used to like sailing a ship of the line with carronades and long guns, I disabled carros for long range shots to use the long guns aiming system, but since the last patch if you disable the carronades it keeps the carronades aiming system instead of switching to the long guns, so you have to shoot long guns as if you were firing carronades, you will notice this with the aiming path white lines, when you disabled carros they used to change to the thiner long white aiming lines of the lower deck long guns, but now it sticks to the broader and shorter lines of the carronades even if you disable them

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I used to like sailing a ship of the line with carronades and long guns, I disabled carros for long range shots to use the long guns aiming system, but since the last patch if you disable the carronades it keeps the carronades aiming system instead of switching to the long guns, so you have to shoot long guns as if you were firing carronades, you will notice this with the aiming path white lines, when you disabled carros they used to change to the thiner long white aiming lines of the lower deck long guns, but now it sticks to the broader and shorter lines of the carronades even if you disable them

Noticed that too in my Essex. The guns on the upper weather deck are all placed in the rear part of the Essex, and even if I disable them, the main gundeck start to aim in the middle of the ship. Pretty annoying I must say.

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I noticed this from a few patches before, they did fix it then after 1 of the patches it came back, it did seemed to shoot fine with both decks active but it seemed to have the issue after disabling 1 deck to fire, been a few weeks now since i last tried having carronades on top deck.

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Yep had the same thing on my Pavel, longs only had the same range as the carronades on the top deck, i dont run anything on the 4th deck, also the aiming for the longs was now like shooting carronades,, very annoying,, and makes it hard to play since AI ships now have uber accuracy and damage and penetration, 

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I had mixed carros with long since surprise , yesterday with my first SoL I was totally embarrased with my longs, to the point of going directly into carro range to be able of some aiming..


Good to read it is not (or not only) that I suck shooting .  

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There is another small issue. The results of the shooting are displayed to fast. I know it before the ball hit the ship that it will be.

Another thing, but just maybe only my feeling. I have to aim completly different since the Patch.

My longs 12pd are slower and flying different.

Maybe the unlocked Focus is not unlocked. The Longs have not a proper range.

Edited by Luc
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I've decided to take my Pavel out for the first time today, that's when I noticed something was odd.

Gun and Middledeck featured long cannons, upper deck and top deck 24pd carronades.


First, I had to aim really, really high to score hull hits even on ships that are somewhat close (ie still on the minicompass on default).

I attributed that to the Pavel, which I haven't sailed before.


Then we got a Victory in a battle and captured it. For this, I loaded chain to make it a bit less agile. I could not, at any distance, put chain shot from the cannons even through the lower sails. Only the carronades flew high enough to hit the sails, the cannons went straight into the hull.
I was not too close to shoot the sails,  on the minimap the ship was easily half way away from me. I've put mast shots at that distance with my Bellona before.


I was like "Pavel suxx  dude".


Then I bought an Essex, fit it  for brawling. Put 18pd mediums and 32pd carronades on it. And here I notice it again. Long range shots required significantly higher aiming than I was used to. Since the Essex is very similar to ships I've saild a lot, I was now pretty sure that this was not a case of the ship being weird, but the cannon setup having an issue. So I actually went into testing. I stopped the ship and fired a shot at max elevation from the carronades, F1'ed the deck out and fired another max elevation shot from the cannons. They both landed in the same place.


I then fired a complete broadside and observed the shots. This is what I noticed:




the carronades travelled at a significantly higher arc than the mediums.


Even if I disabled the Carronade deck, I could not make the medium cannons shoot further, because they wouldn't aim higher.


This causes two issues: First, you can't shoot chain into enemy sails anymore with your cannons because they can't elevate high enough, because they're limited by the carronades.

Second: you can't engage enemies at long range anymore with your long guns, even if the carronade deck is disabled.
Thank god I found that out before taking my mixed-gun pavel into a PB...

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Hello I experienced the same issue.  I don't have evidence of it.  I will attempt to get evidence of this.

In the mean time I have switched to all the same guns on my ships.

Edited by TsaVolrae
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