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Give all ships the same open sea turning, acceleration and deceleration

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I agree that it is a bit dumb when you look at the actual numbers with the actual speed/turn rate in mind. But, if you equalised turning and acceleration you would eliminate the differences in each ship when it came to the tag game - a 3rd rate would be able to 'dogfight' with a surprise or reno on an equal footing whilst trying to jostle position for the tag.


Is the tag/counter tag dogfight on the open world particularly realistic? Probably not, but I enjoy it as a mechanic for PvP and think there is merit in keeping it around. Removing acceleration/turning of each ship would remove an important part of this system so I'd be inclined to keep the current differences. Unless a new system for OW battling is introduced.

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Is the tag/counter tag dogfight on the open world particularly realistic? Probably not, but I enjoy it as a mechanic


At last! An honest reply. I'm not sure why more of the others couldn't bring themselves to just say what you said here: that yes, the current representation is unrealistic (and silly) but it does serve a purpose of trying to make tagging more interesting [than it really would be].


It's really a question of tradeoffs. It's kind of like refilling your crew automatically after each fight. It's totally unrealistic but maybe it's better for the game.


So that's the real question here. The current modeling of ship turning in compressed time is totally unrealistic, but is it better for the game?


I think with tagging rules tightening up, it will lead to less ship diversity (and/or fewer PvP battles). If my group includes a single 3rd rate, we have to all turn at his speed or risk leaving him out of a PvP fight. So we need to either all be in 3rd rates or all be in 5th rates. There is no point in mixing the two if you have to sail at 3rd rate speed anyway.


In the old system, it was okay for the 5th rates to rush ahead and grab a tag. The 3rd rates would catch up and get in. Now they just won't get in. Hence, it will lead to lack of diversity.



So my argument is that the unrealistic modeling of open sea turning is causing more harm than good now.

Edited by Slamz
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In the old system, it was okay for the 5th rates to rush ahead and grab a tag. The 3rd rates would catch up and get in. Now they just won't get in. Hence, it will lead to lack of diversity.


You know what leads to lack of diversity? Removing it.


Right now you have good sharp chasers in surprises, you have chasers with renos, you have heavy chasers with trincos, you have fast SoLs in case of connies and you have sluggish 3rd rates. I call that diversity.


What you propose is having... well... ship. A ship. That, to me, screams lack of diversity.


Right now you have pros and cons, you have risks in going out in a sluggish strong ship solo, you have reasons to go in fast ships when chasing. Diversity. You propose removing any reason to take other ships. Just bring the same old stinky sucker all the time - nothing can catch you, you can catch nothing, gg, wp, no re, no diversity.


I don't even know how you can possibly say removing any diversity will lead to more diversity...

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You know what leads to lack of diversity? Removing it.


Right now you have good sharp chasers in surprises, you have chasers with renos, you have heavy chasers with trincos, you have fast SoLs in case of connies and you have sluggish 3rd rates. I call that diversity.


What you propose is having... well... ship. A ship. That, to me, screams lack of diversity.


Right now you have pros and cons, you have risks in going out in a sluggish strong ship solo, you have reasons to go in fast ships when chasing. Diversity. You propose removing any reason to take other ships. Just bring the same old stinky sucker all the time - nothing can catch you, you can catch nothing, gg, wp, no re, no diversity.


I don't even know how you can possibly say removing any diversity will lead to more diversity...


And again, what is being ultimately argued for here is that the attack circle be expanded - not tightened.  The present BR system along with the tight attack circle = slow ships don't get in.  As a result players only go for the faster ships.  As a result everyone plays the same ship...  You want to counter that law of unintended consequences?  You need to revisit other dynamics - which is why the extreme of that logic is that a Santis should sail as a Lynx in the OW.  The mental image of that alone should make most understand that the dynamics  imposed by the attack circle are flawed.

Edited by TaranisPrime
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Why can't the 5th Rates just turn with the 3rds?


Because that can easily be the difference between getting a tag or not (and getting a good tag or not).


Asking your tacklers to hold back means they aren't able to act as tacklers.


The easiest way to avoid this problem is going to be to just all sail in tacklers. It will be less real ship diversity, even in combat, but that's the price we will pay. Is "fake flavorful open sea turning" worth that price? I don't think so.

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