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We should have a diplomacy system that allows faction members to vote on diplomatic states between factions.




Must be in faction a week

Must be a high rank to initate a vote

calling vote costs money

24h to vote 


Different States:


Non Agression:

Faction ports cannot be attacked for 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks



Factions can dock in eachothers ports and join eachothers port battles. 1 day 1 week 2 weeks



buying conquest flags are cheaper agenst this faction and you get more money for pvp agenst them 1 day 1 week 2 weeks


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There is a diplo system coming, no? As for what you said, I disagree with a lot of your suggestions, especially joining each others port battles, opens the doors to even more port battle trolling than what already exists. And for now diplo isn't so broken either, clans tend to diplo with each other which seems to work well considering we can't control every player in the game..

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